News - Top 5 Best Warzone Mobile Guns


It's an Rval here back with another article, and in today's article, obviously from the title, you can see that today is a meta article. Well, I'm going to be teaching you what the War Zone Mobile Meta is and what guns are best for both ground loot and loadout weapons. Now do note that if you're a War Zone mobile player, then first off, you must know somewhat about the meta.

And you must know that there is a certain meta-PC and mobile follow. But onto my next point: the PC meta is very different from the mobile meta, mainly because we're about to update and there are some Nerfs and Buffs that haven't come to mobile, so some of the guns are better on mobile whereas they are less better on PC.

And so I'll give you a walk-through of which guns are best. Now, there has been a bunch of misinformation online on YouTube and other forms of content, where CC's have been saying try this gun; it's the best gun on War Zone Mobile and all, and I'm just trying to clear up the confusion. Those articles are completely wrong.


This article will show you the proper meta and where you can find the proper meta because there are actually websites that do the research and are showing you what the proper meta is, so let's hop right into it. Now, number one on the list definitely has to be the bruan. The Bruin is undoubtedly the number one LMG out in the game right now, and why I say that is mainly due to its absolutely peak long-range capabilities.

As you can see from my clips, I am knocking people out of the sky, left and right, even on the ground. They can't do much because, well, it has a fast TTK too. Despite being a long-range, medium-range weapon so long range medium range it will shred enemies and end them in a matter of seconds, so you don't need to worry about people just popping up left and right because you'll be finishing them in under 5 seconds.

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Also, note that this is a low-recoil weapon, so it'll be easier to aim. Now the attachments and loadouts I use are up on the screen; this is the one I made with Coro, and all do note that there are other loadouts, which I'll show in a bit. If you want and aren't interested in mine, you can use them, but do stick to the end because I'll show you where I get all these loadouts.

top 5

From weapon number two, we have the retti. The retti with the Jack conversion kit is basically an SMG, and not just any SMG not just any SMG it is the best one, because this bad boy has one of the best times to kill in the entire game on mobile. It has unfortunately been nerfed on PC, which means mobile will also see a Nerf coming soon, maybe in the next update or the update after that.

This gun shreds people at close range, although I don't prefer it at mid-range. You'll see why in a moment, but definitely use this gun as your main SMG if you want. I'm not a big fan of it; I'd rather use another gun, which I'll show, so here's my loadout. In case you're not fond of my loadout, I'll post a few others too, so you can use And so we're on to weapon number three.

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Now we're on to weapon number three, and weapon number three is none other than the HRM. This SMG, specifically, is probably the Holy Grail of all weapons. It can kill close range; it can kill mid-range; it has no issues at all; it has extremely fast ttk, although I believe the retti It beats it in ttk.


The reason why I do not prefer it is because it is not viable on mid-range, while instead you can use the HRM, which is viable close and mid-range too, which is a majority of your gunfights, so you don't need to worry about it. Here's the loadout I use. I actually use two loadouts, one paired with my Bruin and one paired with my S SOA subverter.

Both are good. Try them and test them for yourself. This gun has no issues; it has no downfall. It has a good low recoil, and although I prefer or will put the retti above it, it's mainly because the retti is still used and has very fast ttk compared to the HRM, but that is only for close range, which is why I prefer the HRM more.

I use this gun daily in scrim tournaments; it is the best Holy Grail, absolutely, and with that, we're on to weapon number four. well, welcome to weapon number four, and it is none other than the S SOA subverter. The S SOA subverter stands currently as the best AR in the whole game; it has officially dethroned the Ram 7, which was previously the best AR.

warzone mobile

Now the S SOE subverter is very good at long range and extremely good at mid-range; it can beam someone from one tower to the other on downtown; it is absolutely great, but there is. There is a downside to this, and that downside is the fact that this gun isn't really viable at close range, so obviously, you only use it mid-range and long range, but in situations where, obviously, you're just with your one gun, it is not viable.

You need to have your SMG on standby. It has a very long drawback, and so it'll take very long to draw the weapon, so just stick to your SMG for those situations. Overall, this is still a great gun, but there are downsides to it. So here's my loadout. There are other very great loadouts too. This is the one I use, but do note that with the other loadouts, there is the Jack Blast Lless Optic.

Please use another optic for now because currently the Jack Blast is absolutely horrendous; there is no reticle on it, and so it's literally just sticking to its name: glassless completely; nothing there in the reticle, no reticle. Yeah, so now we're on to our last weapon. Here we go. Now, finally, we're on to our last weapon, which is the number five.

Ram Seven has now, previously before Nerf, been exceptionally great. The best gun, no doubt, was the king of everything. You know all the ranges. Too Close Range mid-range, long-range It had very good ttk for all three ranges, but unfortunately, now I would only suggest it for close and mid-range, long range, mainly because the damage multipliers have decreased, and so it'll take a lot more bullets to kill someone from a long range, and you must have very good aim for that.

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And so well, speaking of aim, it does have very low recoil, so you won't have any issue really aiming with it, but still. It has a downside, but no doubt it still has a very good close range and medium range. Probably one of the fastest for an AR on close range, and so that's the only reason people still stick with it, although obviously close maker.

You'd rather just use, you know, SMGs, so still. For certain situations, this is still the key. And so here's my loadout. Do try it; here are a few other loadouts. And yeah, that's it for the article. But I will give you a few more guns for ground loot too. Which are good? Here we go. the MCW The MCW is a great replacement for the SOA subverter, mainly because obviously the S SOA isn't as ground-level.

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