News - Warzone Has A Few Big Problems

The horrible shadow ban system in warzone season 1

The horrible shadow ban system in warzone season 1

Never, never should have the sort of question of are they cheating or are they going to get banned or anything like that, just casual players. I've seen people get shadowbanned. That should not be the case. This is one that I feel right now is way worse than any other time we've seen this before, and I've talked about it before.

I'll reiterate that I still think that this is the dumbest system imaginable for a self-reporting system. A self-reporting system can make sense and work the way that we have it done right now in War Zone, and the last couple of titles just make no sense. Every single self-report has the same sort of weight to it, whether trolling or done in a legitimate way.

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That is a cheater. Someone could either be like, I'm reporting you, or someone downright could think they're cheating. The weight doesn't matter if you hit submit; it's the exact same weight on them, and while there's no explicit details ever r described,it sure seems like there's a threshold that a player needs to hit in order for them to be air quote shadowbanned, to which at that point they'll be put into separate lobbies while the system reevaluates the reports to deem either the player legit or if they were actually cheating or exploiting but again in that time you cannot matchmake properly you're put into Shadow band lobbies with legitimate cheaters and stretching connection way more thin all because someone maybe rage reported you like I don't know if you realize this but a few months back there was a lot of documented cases where it was so busted that in ranked play if a team of four decided to coordinate a report on a player, they could all Spam report a player at that same moment and the player would be instantly booted from the game giving the team obviously an unfair Advantage being 4 V3, and you could keep doing that until the entire team was entirely disconnected.

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Like That's how little it took for this system to boot and un fairly shadowban someone not even a couple of months ago now granted I believe there may be some sort of trust level metric that it's easier to do against some accounts that have a less favorable standing like if they were legitimately, temporarily banned in the past maybe they have a lower threshold until a certain amount of time passes but godamn how stupid is that no matter what that a guy who plays two hours a week can be tossed in the same lobbies with aim Bots and people using unlocked tools to get a ray gun in multiplayer, all because somebody just Spam reported them how stupid is that I don't know if this makes much more sense I don't know if it would ever happen but honestly I still really wish we could have Cod adapt to like a csgo.

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OverWatch model: I've mentioned it before, and I'll mention it again. OverWatch, for those unaware, is a feature or was a feature in CSG. Players like you or I had the ability to review the footage and playback of a reported player to verify suspicion of cheating and thus elevate it to the level of an enforcement team or to deny suspicion as either a, let's say, uninformed report, just to encompass all potential outcomes, either a rage report or somebody that just genuinely did not know better.

This was previously deemed by reaching. I think there is a certain rank in CSO. General awareness of in-game situations. That you'd be able to differentiate from somebody playing with walls, an aimbot, or some other exploit, and just simply being a decent player playing at those high levels legitimately allows you to recognize the difference with all the information readily available.

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I feel like if you had something like that in COD, it would make the system work way better, and honestly, it's one of those things that absolutely could work out in your favor, as well as bring more attention to this kind of stuff because, if you guys ever watched any CSG content. OverWatch spectating articles were huge people love to see is this guy cheating is he not and it was something that content creators would make content on that I think that Cod really could benefit from doing something like that have reports to a then tiered waiting system in-game raise the threshold level so that it doesn't take as little reports to spam report someone and have it abused minimize secondary reports to almost no weights you can't report somebody six times over allow for that middle ground like an OverWatch or escalation, style system to be in place where people can either escalate it to an enforcement team or deescalate, it to back to nothing and they're not immediately shadowbanned.

modern warfare 3 season 1

Allow for trust and rating systems false reports AKA rage reporting, lowers your trust level successful reports raise it allowing you to maybe have more effective push in your reports in the future or maybe allows you to have access to that sort of OverWatch style system but those lower trust level reports then don't have as much weight so even if they do spam report it doesn't affect the potentially innocent player or at least that's how the way that I all see it again why should a serial rage reporter be able to send players to Shadow band lobbies, just for whatever reason, like I just think the entire system is flawed it needs an overhaul and that's just where I'm at on it I don't know maybe I'm getting a hand on myself but like it's just it's been wild to see how many people that again I know, don't play a lot they're not cheating, and they're not skilled even to the point where they should be considered cheating.

There are people that I know personally who are like that and are getting into these shadow band lobbies, so, like, it's just wild how it's been rampant the last couple of weeks, but anyways, with the audio and a bunch of other stuff. I don't want to go too far into tangent. That's why I think some of the big stuff that I want to touch on needs some work on this kind of stuff.

modern warfare 3 season 1 update

I think that War Zone is in a very good potential place, but there just needs to be, again, those things that are ruining the situation. Adjusted and looked at, of course, is obviously one thing that we didn't talk about, but I can only beat the dead horse in skill-based matchmaking. The matchmaking system we have right now is very sweaty lobbies in ukhan, so I get it.

I'm playing Pros every other game; that's just something we've talked about before, so I didn't want to take too much time and reiterate that kind of stuff, but anyways, that's where I'm at here.

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