News - Warzone Has A Few Big Problems


I think that it's fair to say that the last year's war zone, as we have it right now after the Modern Warfare 3 integration, is the closest we've had to the OG war zone. Maybe for some, that's really good news, and maybe for others, it's not, but with so many reverse so many fundamental differences to the core mechanics and such, it's certainly a different feel than this past year in Alaza.

I'd say a solid middle ground, perhaps between the experiences of the last few years all put together. Frankly, I've been having fun with it, and perhaps my feelings will change with time. Perhaps this is currently the honeymoon phase, but I've been enjoying playing again after marathoning.

The big audio problems in warzone season 1

The big audio problems in warzone season 1

The usual suspects still after years have come forward include ladder audio being muffled, air strike notifications, and VO for enemies dropping in being non-existent. But the more annoying and game altering ones are a few new ones, first one that I've encountered with so much of my play time already and I genuinely thought I was going crazy when I first experienced it until I saw a few others mention it I'm not on additional social media all that much any more as I used to be so I'm not hearing much about others game experiences to the degree that I was before but even jumping on and seeing just a bit of the discussion, the issues that I had were indeed present with other players that was muffled audio mixes, this persisting, anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes at a time but it sounds like if it's your character's underwater almost like you'd be listening to a conversation.

cod modern warfare 3

But then you'd lay your head down on a pillow or something, and you could still hear the conversation, what's going on, and the things around you in the game, but it just isn't quite the same; it's like you just have something wrapped around your ears again, as if you were underwater. Perhaps this appears to be, and I say again, appears to be something that may be reflective of a state of taking fall damage or perhaps even jumping into water where the effect just continues longer than it should.

I haven't been able to nail this down and take a look at where exactly this persisted in gameplay recordings and replicate anything to give that a 100% factual stamp of that's how that happens, but it seems like that may be one of the ways to do it or what causes that another one is a big problem at the moment with a lack of footstep audio, which if you looked at anyone scrolling that wall of tweets that I put up a few seconds ago in the article, that's about the sentiment that I think everybody's having that footsteps seem non-existent, and honestly.


That is the more important of the two bugs that I've seen personally because obviously you can play where you have the feeling of a massive amount of ear wax built up blocking your ear canal. It's annoying, but you can play with it, but when audio is genuinely non-existent, for footstep audio, that's where things become really problematic, and you can't just get a proper gunfight going.

This. I think, boils down to a bug that I didn't realize was a thing until someone else gave an explanation that I saw, but then it perfectly matched up with what I experienced and what I even explained to my friends when I was playing. I remember that in some of our first games, I mentioned Immortal and Lazy.

Also read:

I was like, guys, my screen's bugged, where you know that Zoom effect you get on your screen when you turn on dead silence. Yeah that's stuck on my screen for some reason I don't have dead silence but it's there, and I didn't think much of this until I saw an explanation where people were saying this was tied to the Resolute perk the new perk that quote when taking damage from gunfire grants a short bonus to movement speed that this was then bugged in question, now normally this doesn't seem to make too much sense and frankly it still doesn't but with the effect on screen that you get during both this and well dead silence you start to see the picture that maybe there's some unintended, overlap here with this so the thought was that Resolute as a perk is extending the effects of dead silence to players at the time and then extending the durations outward where that ends up negating the sound of the footstep audio because it thinks it's supposed to do that but what's weirder still is that I haven't encountered a ton of players using the Resolute perk but the issue still persisted it seems and I think that I had a similar effect in animation.

The problem with weapon balancing in warzone season 1

The problem with weapon balancing in warzone season 1

modern warfare 3

But again wasn't using Resolute I've used bird's eye the entire time since launch and the integration, haven't deviated so that seems like one effect that may be relative to the game overall I don't know but it's certainly a weird one but there's absolutely issues with audio that do need to be ironed out again Raven has brought up that they are looking into it so fingers crossed we do get a fix sooner rather than later but I don't want to stay too long one topic here with this because there are other things that we do definitely need to bring up obviously weapon balancing is another one that is a huge topic of discussion right now because, yeah there's a decent number of weapons you can do well with in The Meta for Modern Warfare 3's war zone experience but I mean we're going to have another article later on in the week to break down loadouts that are even better and more powerful compared to the last couple that we talked about last week but weapon balance is all over the place right now with a few weapons that are just head and shoulders the fastest ttk, imaginable.

On one hand, it's kind of a given to see this kind of stuff expected given the last two integrations with Cold War and Vanguard for war zone; none of those went according to plan; all the weapons were busted and the balancing was all over the place, but I mean.

The netcode & server issues with warzone season 1

It's kind of crazy that we have almost DMR Zone 2.0, at this point we have weapons that can kill you in three shots weapons that have such variable ttk that it's almost like a half second differential, depending on where you hit your shots, so it's definitely one that we need to get ironed out and fingers crossed there's some weapon balancing adjustments made here again sooner rather than later the net code and servers that's one that obviously we've talked about for years now at this point hitreg is just poor at best it's still incredible to me that every single year the billions in Revenue that the game produces, we can't upgrade the servers regularly and update them to be better than what we have now I mean that's just crazy to me but the other thing that has just been really bothering me not even for like me because I don't think I've been hit by this but it's so bad to the point right now that I've seen people that.

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