News - Warzone 3 Controller Guide - Get Max Aim Assist & Controller Overclock (settings To Get Better)

The next set I want to talk to you guys about is stick sensitivity. Everybody has a misconception. Within Call of Duty or War Zone, you must play with a high sense of sensitivity to be good at the game. If you play with a high sense of sensitivity, it means you're cracked and you're a demon. That is simply not true, guys; actually, most of the top players play with a lower sense of sensitivity.

And that is for one reason, and that is to abuse and assist. Now, everybody knows in Call of Duty how broken an assist is. It's why most of the community player-based players play on controllers, and it's why at the top level you only see controller players minus one or two who are on mous and keyboard, but yeah, to abuse and assist more, guys.

You want to play on a lower sensitivity; it's as simple as that you get more assistance the lower you are. You don't want to be too low, though, because if you play too low, someone's going to slide past you, and you can't keep up, so for me, I would say either play on five or six. That is absolutely fine, but it is simply a fact, guys, that you get more aim assist with the lower sensitivity that you are on.

For me, I play 55. 0.95, ads, sensitivity multiplier Now what the Eds sensitivity multiplier does is, when you are EDS longer ranges or even close ranges, but mostly for long ranges, it slows it down a little bit. Basically, what I'm saying is that if I go into the fire and, Range, this is 55, you can see my assist actually slowing down as I spin around.

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Look how op that is now ads The sensitivity multiplier is when I'm ad-like, so it's just a little bit slower; it makes it a bit more. Snappy and allows me to stay on the target much easier, so that is why I slightly lower it from one you can play on one. There's an argument that you get more aim assistance when you're on 1.0, but there's no evidence to back that up.

Everybody that I've seen at the top level seems to lower this down to 0.90, 095, or even 085, but it is completely up to you guys. For me personally, I play 55. So the next set I want to cover with you guys is the aim-response curve type. Now most top players will have either dynamic or standard, but again, it is personal PR for you guys.

Whatever feels most comfortable to you is the one to use. It is all about you guys. Honestly, everybody is different, but at the top level, most players have dynamic settings, which is what I am running now. Basically, what dynamic does it have? Is it reversed? What standard is now standard? Your speed, when you're moving your right stick, gradually speeds up.

The further you go out right, but on Dynamic, you're much snappier in the center. It basically reverses what standard does, so standard, Gradually, it begins slowly and then speeds up. The further out you get on the sticks, Dynamic starts very snappy and then slows down on the outside. So it just makes you able to snap onto targets a lot more a lot more, easier.

It is something you have to get used to, of course. Again, it is a personal preference, but Dynamic seems to be the most popular one used in War Zone, and then Pro plays at the top level, whether that's in tournaments or the CDL. Dynamic seems to be the best one, guys. So again, personal preference; use whatever you guys want.

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Like, now the next one is more to do with movement than aim, but basically you want to make sure you have automatic tactical sprint enabled guys, and then also make sure you have tap to slide now on previous war zone 2. I had on tap to dive because dolphin diving was very good and the slide was very delayed and very clunky, but they have since resolved this, and the slide, which was on 3 or Zstan MW3, is much more responsive and is a lot better than diving, so make sure you change this to tap the slide.

I was initially using tap to dive, and once I changed to this guy, it was so much easier to maneuver around in fights; it made me a lot more; it just made me better, to be honest, so basically, what that is going to do, guys. I'll show you in the fighting. Range, automatic tack Sprint: When you move your left stick forward, you're in an attack.

Sprint straight away; you don't have to double-click; your movement is much more fluid and free. Tap to slide; it just lets you slide, so you don't have to hold it down; it's just one simple tap, the slide button, and you're sliding about, everywhere. This is the best setting for the movement, guys.

Play the automatic tactical sprint and tap the slide. So guys, I've pretty much covered all of the most important controller settings in this article. What I'm going to do is I'm going to scroll through all my settings now very slowly. You guys can go through them at your own pace if you want to. Speed the article up or slow it down, and you can copy all of my settings, and here we go.

That is the end of the controller setting article guide, guys. If we can get 7750 likes on this article, I am going to release a war zone. 3 movement tips and tricks Movement guide, guys; you're going to be moving like the top pros. You're going to know every little secret and every advantage that you guys can apply to your game.

I am going to share with you if we get 750 likes, guys. We just hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. I am not slowing down anytime soon; this is just the beginning, and I'm glad you guys enjoy the content. I love you all so much.

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Warzone 3 Controller Guide - Get MAX Aim Assist Controller Overclock Settings to Get Better.
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