News - Update" Finally Hear Footsteps. Best Warzone And Warzone 2 Audio Settings (best Audio Mix & Sound)


There's been another audio update across War Zone and mod Warfare 3, which dropped with the season 3v loaded update. My initial impressions are that this has improved War Zone, particularly on Rebirth Island, in certain situations, but that's as long as you've got the right settings on, which is why in this article I'm sharing with you the best audio settings in War Zone right now to take advantage of it now.

If you did see my last article on the best audio settings, listen up because there is quite a bit of change. First, let's look at what Call of Duty has changed with the updates on Rebirth Island. They say they have made changes to the audio occlusion on the map, which should make a significant difference because this refers to how sound travels through objects, so in a war zone, this may be footsteps through floors and doors.

So the better the audio occlusion gets, the better we can understand our environment, the people around us, and where people are coming from. On top of this, they've made adjustments to the audio for ascenders and parachutes as well, making it much clearer if someone is zipping up to you or flying down on you, and this is in addition to specific adjustments to enemy footsteps.


Now Call of Duty hasn't said what they've changed about them, but it's likely they've adjusted how they sound relative to other audio tracks like guns firing and kill streaks and things like that. Then they note two further adjustments to audio again on ascenders and for interrogation, and they revive sounds.

So all of this together, I think, has made some great improvements, specifically to footsteps and hearing enemy players. Now, the best settings to actually take advantage of these audio updates start with getting the audio mix right, and now that those updates have been integrated. I've actually gone back to headphone base boost.

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Previously, I was recommending people go with Soundbar. The reason headphone base boost is really good right now is that, as it says on the right-hand side, it has a tighter dynamic range and equalization. With enhanced low-end frequencies, that tighter dynamic range means that the loudest noises and the quietest noises are closer together, so those quiet footsteps should be a little bit louder, especially because this setting enhances low-end frequencies, which is where footsteps are.

best audio mix

As well, obviously, because it is a tighter dynamic range. Although quieter sounds are a little bit louder, they are going to have to compete with all of the other noises as well, which is where going into the master game volume and the individual tracks that we have access to are actually really useful for master game volume.

I recommend going between 60 and 90. I find that going up to 100 causes the top-end volumes to just distort a little bit, and obviously, if you want it louder, you can just turn your monitor up or your headset up or whatever, then for gameplay, music volume. Put this down to zero; it doesn't have any strategic advantage or anything.

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If you do have it on, it can stop you from hearing important things in the dialog. I've gone with 50. Occasionally, you do hear some important things shouted out by operators; this could be that enemies have been spotted or that they're flying back down on the map. Don't have this too loud, though, because again, it can override some of those more important sounds for effect volume.

best audio settings

Put this on 100. These are all of those important sounds that are going to give enemies away, so that could be footsteps, reloading, or anything like that for cinematics. Music Volume I recommend going very low or turning this off all together. I actually really like the cinematic sounds, and in certain situations they can be a lot of fun and just add to the tension, but if you do want a purely strategic advantage with your audio, just turn it down, and then war tracks aren't too important.

I like to put mine on when I'm playing with friends, but that one's completely up to you. Now the next important setting is proximity chat. This is a really fun one to have turned on, but if you're not going to be having fun using it, I would recommend just switching it off. A lot of the time, it can just give your position away, especially if you just openly chat on the message, don't notice, or something like that.

best audio settings modern warfare 3

That being said, if you are playing with your friends in a party or on Discord or whatever, it may be worth switching this on so you get the heads up if someone else gives their position away for mono audio. Switch this off; this ensures that stereo and audio are enabled. So we have directional audio coming through the left and right ears, so if someone shoots to the right, we hear it actually coming from the right.

If we have footsteps to the left, we actually hear them coming from the left. Reduce the tenderness to sound and switch this on then for hit marker sound effects. I recommend putting this on. In my experience, it just ends up being another audio track to compete with all of the other audio tracks and noise going on, and when you throw into the mix any other competing noise, there's always a chance that the game will prioritize that over another important noise, or it will just dampen other noises, so you can imagine if you're posted up in a building and you're lasering people and you're getting those loud hit marker sound effects.

best sound settings

There's a chance you're not going to hear the footsteps of someone coming up behind you now; they're all important audio settings to take advantage of the new updates. Or if you feel like you want to perfect your settings on War Zone even more, join me over in this article for the best graphics settings for season 2

These are the best audio settings in Warzone and mw3! They're also the best ps4, ps5, xbox and PC Warzone 3 audio settings out there right now, so enjoy by hearing footsteps easy, even on rebirth island! These warzone sound settings are the best after the recent call of duty update across warzone and modern warfare 3. The video covers the best call of duty Warzone audio and sound settings, covering the best audio mix and best sound settings.
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