News - Warzone 2's Platinum Trophy Was A Painful Grind

modern warfare platinum trophy

I highly suggest not taking the contracts that are near the city but the ones that are in the outskirts, there is one specific contract at the top of the map near the subbase, this is the one that I used and I would get at least 3, 000 kills a game doing this if you just stand in the spot where I'm stood in the article and you have a pack-a-punch weapon you can basically just stand there for a whole 50 to 55 minutes depending on where the storm spawns now don't get me wrong this is extremely boring but is by far the quickest method to get this stupid trophy done all in all you looking at anywhere from about 15 to 25 hours of grinding depending on the locations you get when you spawn into your games, as you can imagine it's took me watching a lot of YouTube articles in order to get to the point where I eventually got the trophy just be prepared for an extremely stupid grind because if you don't then you're looking at 60 hours for the.

Trophy, finally my I got, it, finally, my and I died as well all right so for my next trophy I need to use this perk here Tombstone, go into a game die come back another game pick myself up and I get the trophy so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take that lmg and then I'll just craft this tool and then I'll die and then get the trophy all right so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to quickly drink this they're going to kill me I'm going to die, give up I'm going to go into another game come back to this exact same spot and then pick up my Tombstone for a,, trophy, well here we are, we've made it to step two, which is the campaign.

modern warfare trophies

Now it's no secret everybody knows that this campaign is about 3 hours long that's right you heard me 3 hours long on average Cod campaigns will go to the 8 to 10 hours range depending on your skill level and that's on veteran difficulty this campaign took me about 3 and 1 half to 4 hours on veteran difficulty which honestly is an embarrassment to the series, but on the bright side, you still get trophies for playing the campaign, so why don't I get one now for killing 12 enemies in the panopticon while I'm repelling?

down, hey trophy. The Death Roll kills 12 enemies while descending in Ptic Operation 627. Prisoner 627 in this universe is no one other than Macarrov. This is probably one of the only things that I liked about this campaign, and it was the fact that prisoner 627 in this game is actually Makarov and not Captain Price, so I was coming in with the expectation that we were going to rescue somebody who's actually good and that we're playing as good guys, but in fact we're playing as the macarov squad.

modern warfare trophy guide

It's honestly probably the only twist and only thing in this game that wasn't actually predictable. In a move that I've never seen in a Cod game before you SL down a hill and jump into a body of water to escape we're now playing as and we're introduced to op combat missions these are different from the traditional style of campaign missions, this is a very small map and it's open as you can imagine in an open combat Mission and you can basically go wherever you want whenever you want but you do have an objective that you still need to complete in these missions there are a bunch of Collectibles and weapons and items that you need to pick up for a few trophies later on in order to get the next miscellaneous trophy you need to ascend this crane and then parachute over to the opposite building to get another Trophy this one's really easy as.

mw3 platinum

Tower, while trying to get the trophy for getting five kills with a sentry gun on a vehicle, I actually get a different trophy for using five different ornaments when I place down the sentry. Hey, on the next mission reactor, I get a trophy for destroying all three of the objective helicopters in three different ways.

Assuming you're using a collectible guide, you'll have no issue getting this trophy. Opportunity, jeez no, don't die, hey there we go, try turning it on and off, wait, no off and on, use shot sck. On the next story mission, I get the miscellaneous Str. You're getting five collaterals with the EVR for the best route.

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I highly suggest taking the left perimeter and moving. Inwards, hey there we go two for using the br14 kill two enemies one bullet five times in payload without sounding the alarm moving on to the next mission I get another miscellaneous trophy for this one I would highly suggest watching the power pick guide because trying to figure this out yourself is going to be a nightmare Get Wrecked boy, taret eliminated, hey back in the field Qui the major key gotard in Deep Cover the 9 seconds of not being.

mw3 platinum trophy

Me well damn we need to update you on the breaking news of a Russian passenger jet that crashed in the. What you just saw there was this game's version of Mission No. Russian from the original Modern Warfare 2. Yep, you heard that right—the original version of Modern Warfare 2 in Modern Warfare 3, 2023.

There were some Parts with that I couldn't show because if I did the article would most likely get age restricted and then it wouldn't reach as many people as I would like it to but I assure you just take my word for it when I say that this was extremely underwhelming compared to the original it feels like the game just threw you in a situation where it's like haha you're a terrorist macro's going to get away again and there's nothing that you can do about it like yeah something horrible still did happen at the end of that mission but the impact just wasn't the same it wasn't even half the impact that the original had and even after that it's not even the most disappointing part about this game in the story something else happens later on which is even more disappointing.

mw3 trophies

Man, it's been quite a while since I've had a trophy, so why don't I get another one here? Enjoy, pick the one who shot blocked first, try shooting the gun out of the air, and a flash point for a terrorist catches it. Yeah, after capturing our new friend mov, I tried to create a time paradox like MW2, but unfortunately, it doesn't work.

mw3 trophy guide

Well, that doesn't. At work mro manages to escape again, so I take a trip to his girlfriend's island and destroy a collection of. Cars, a freaking car museum in the garage see as we can't get the miscellaneous trophy in this mission called highrise yet I'm going to use this as an opportunity to explain why I'm not really mentioning the story of this game and to put it quite plain and simple it's simply because it's trash there's genuinely nothing to talk about and nothing that stands out that I would want to talk about hence why I'm just showing the missions a little bit and then showing the miscellaneous trophies relating to the missions, it is really unfortunate cuz I do wish had something more to speak on but what is the point of dragging out a article just to say a whole bunch of nothing I feel like every Cod has a mission where you're underwater with some ice and then C4 on top of it and you detonate to do an, ambush, personel grouping near multiple locations below you all right well.

Hello, today is the platinum trophy for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. The Call Of Duty games have had their fair share of controversy but this game had huge controversy in the trophy community due to the game being a DLC pack on the PS5 version yet still being on the storefront for the full 70 price tag. Thankfully the PS4 version does have a platinum trophy which is what I will be showing in this video today. The controversy does not stop there though as the campaign falls extremely short at about three to four longs on veteran difficulty and around two hours on lower difficulty level, this was just a huge slap in the face for a lot of people.
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