News - I Got All Of The Warzone 2 Achievements And It Broke Me


I've been playing Call of Duty for 19 years now and achievement hunting for 18. I completed 13 Call of Duty games over the years and almost 700 games in total, but nothing prepared me for the agony I would face while completing this year's game. I haven't played a game with this many broken achievements in years.

Welcome to the hell that was In Modern Warfare 3, we start off by looking for prisoner 627. As we fight through the prison, we get the opportunity for the first missable achievement of killing 12 enemies in this area. Mission 1, Inact, brings us into the first open combat mission of the game and is exactly where all of my achievement issues began.

As I was going through the area collecting everything. I was able to grab the Ascender and the parachute, which made it possible for me to grab the next missible achievement for parachuting from the crane to the roof of the Harbor Master. Building, so I continued on and was able to get another missable achievement, but this is where the game first broke on me.

achievement hunter

I spent over an hour replaying this area trying to get my last kill to register with no luck, so finally I said forget it and just carried on and finished it. Mission Forget about it. Forget about it. The next mission was packed with missible achievements you can grab, so I figured I'd start off with grabbing the one for gliding 150 M, but in usual fashion, it didn't unlock, so I kept trying for over half an hour, so I figured another achievement was broken, and I was already frustrated.

I really lost it when I realized it wasn't broken. I was just an idiot. You needed to base jump off the crane in the center of the map, and then, of course,. Then I got the achievement of hitting and blowing somebody up with an explosive canister, but I don't think it actually worked the way it was supposed to, but hey, it was unlocked.

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Next, I destroyed a sentry gun with a shock. Stick after that. I destroyed the three helicopters with different armaments, and halfway through. I was able to destroy the attack helicopter with a mortar strike for another achievement, and then I grabbed my last. Scope: In this next mission, I had to get five two-for-one kills with the EBR.

achievement hunting

The achievement never actually popped up, so I may or may not have redone this area a handful of times before I looked and noticed that it was already done, so I carried on and closed The Silo tried to stop the missile from firing, but unfortunately we were the only group that was successful, which played into the next mission where we got to play as lwell, and we had to speedrun this area to grab the officer's key card in 45 seconds.

Yanke, not you carrying on, we did the new no Russian mission where Marov framed one of Far's people to look like a terrorist that had hijacked the plane about who you are, Samar. This next mission is my favorite one in the game; it's a flashback. On mission set in Verdansk, there was an attack on the stadium, and as we mooved through, I was able to grab another missible achievement for shooting the gun out of the air during this.


Ambush fast forward to the current day. General Shephard gave us a fresh lead on Macar of, and while following up on it, I was able to grab another missible achievement for destroying all the cars in this. Mission: We were able to get Marro's finance here to give us another lead on his whereabouts.

We just needed to find the right way to get her to talk as good as dead without my money. I need my money. We need Mao; where is he? Snipers, at the start of the next mission. I got the achievement for using my loadout and all of the open combat missions, and immediately after. I got another missable achievement for diffusing the bomb in the back of the truck while it was.

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Rocket, this led us to the final mission. We were able to find out that Marov had hacked the train system and rigged it with a massive bomb that we had to diffuse now. I'm not going to spoil the ending for anybody who hasn't played it yet because it did not play out the way I was expecting it to, so these next couple of achievements were the ones that really made me want to quit the sentry gun kills.

cod mw3

Not tracking different things in the open combat missions would bug out, and I would collect them, which were new things on each playthrough. My veteran playthrough achievement didn't pop, and I ended up beating it twice on veteran. Thankfully, I found a glitch that you can play it on recruit and still get the veteran achievement, so between that and multiple playthroughs and save file deletions, they all unlocked, so here's a quick Montage of those unlocking, and my will to live slowly coming back with each.

So after the crazy headache of getting all the achievements in the campaign, we're finally moving on to zombies, and zombies is about a 50 or 60 hour grind in itself if you're extremely efficient, and yeah, well. I'm not, so after I dropped into my first zombie game, it immediately went south. I was playing solo and just exploring and wasn't really paying attention while I ended up cornering myself in some random building and went down.

modern warfare 3

Thankfully, a random player revived me a couple minutes later, and I was able to continue unlocking the first achievement, which was hectic. Yes, my next game I unlocked the achievement for reviving a player on a different squad by complete accident while I was trying to. Xill After that, I decided I was going to start working on the miscellaneous achievements, and the first one that I got was Perkaholic.

For having nine perks at once, I got 500 kills with insurance. Warlord, I got 100 vehicle kills in one game, and I completed 20 contracts. Thankfully, I finally had a glitch work for me. I went down trying to complete five Zone 3 contracts, but it counted my teammates contracts when they were in Zone 1.

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Achievement: This next achievement was the bane of my existence; it was to pet a hellhound. It's completely RNG if you can pet them or not, and a bunch of people I know got it pretty quick, but it took me 23 tries, and I tried everything, killing all the zombies anywhere near me in specific locations, different zones, different numbers of meat chunks, and nothing was working, and then at the end of this very same game, it finally happened.


55, so there are two achievements that I didn't show me unlocking; while I was recording them, my computer crashed and I lost it all. It was for beating the Act 3 boss and beating him with six people in your squad and zombies. I just picked it up; it is what it is. I didn't want to do that, but.

I mean, I could very well still be trying to get it right now. And then there's one last achievement that's not shown here. As you can see, at 1970 out of 2000, I'm missing one achievement, and that's the one for 50, 000 kills. That's not in here because I decided it's going to have its own separate article instead of just me getting 50, 000 kills.

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