News - Warzone 2i's Campaign Is Terrible

mw3 campaign playthrough

Just to urge you, don't; it's clear as day. That some of these missions were fleshed out and designed well and they definitely spent their time there, while other missions they did the open combat so they didn't have to work on AI programming for teammates they left you in there by yourself the big problem that I had with the open combat missions is why couldn't you just have given us Co-op if you're going to make all of these concessions and sacrifices because you need to rush you don't want to give us AI teammates why not let us play the campaign in Co-op I think it's about [ __ ] time that Call of Duty gives us full Co-op campaigns there is absolutely, no reason, why you cannot do this you have all of the networking infrastructure for your multiplayer, you have raids you have all of this stuff you're a multiplayer Centric Studio or set of Studios the open combat missions would have been way easier to digest, if I could jump in there with a teammate and actually attack these objectives from different ways one person could use a sniper while they're covering the other person on the ground you could have done something with it instead of dropping us into an open area that is essentially.

mw3 campaign review

War Zone is a single-player game, and I'll say this just so you guys can know how bad this year's campaign was. IGN gave it a four out of 10 for the same IGN, which, for years, would just refuse to give Call of Duty anything less than a seven or an eight, even though they're saying the campaign was trash.

The number I gave at the end of my stream yesterday was 4 out of 10. I never would have thought that IGN and I would be on the same page for a Call of Duty title. That's how bad this [__] game is. Imagine taking the beloved. Modern Warfare is a franchise. And driving it into the [__] ground the way that you have, I equated 2019s.

mw3 campaign walkthrough

Modern Warfare rebooted Call of Duty 4 in terms of injecting hype into this community. Again, we were getting to the end of Black Ops 4, and dudes were just tired of playing the same [__] ass Call of Duty every single year. Modern Warfare 2019 came out, and it was like, wow, this is a quality title for the first time in years, and you can see that it was built with passion.

And now we're getting to a point, and we're here a lot sooner than last time, where the passion and the quality standard of the campaigns are clearly stumbling away from focusing on the microtransactions. And the multiplayer, the war zone, and all of that stuff. Here's where I'm at. I put a tweet out yesterday.

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We're going to get into just a little bit of a discussion on where I'm at with Call of Duty. I like buying Call of Duty because it's $70 a year, and I can at least get you 100, 150, or 200 hours out of the multiplayer, the war zone, and all of that stuff, and I'm okay with spending $70. To get the entire package.

mw3 review

I do know there are a lot of people sitting here saying that the campaign was trash, and I can't believe they had the audacity to charge $70. For it, if you're one of those people who are just buying Call of Duty for the campaigns, yeah, you're probably going to get [__] this year, but if you take it for what they offer with the multiplayer, the maps, the gameplay changes, and all of that stuff.

I'm still excited for it, and I do think that my purchase is going to be warranted when we do get into the multiplayer starting next week. I'm not one of those people who are going to excuse away [__] because, because I'm excited for another portion of the game, this package should be of the same quality or higher than modern warfare 2019.

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Modern Warfare 2 in terms of the storyline it was I thought it was a little bit weaker, but the game was still polished in a way that if you played it, you could at least get some enjoyment out of it. There is zero enjoyment out of the campaign for Modern Warfare 3, and my thing is, I don't even know if I should blame the developer or if I should blame the publisher.


I don't care; all I know is The Game's campaign. Is [__] trash, and I'm not going to lie, even Infinity Ward is kind of on my [__] list. I don't really know what the next Call of Duty title is going to look like, and I'll be honest if the multiplayer isn't hitting the way that it was in the beta if they change the tick rates of the servers or they do some [__] in between now and launch.

I don't know what's going to happen, but all I'm going to say is that I think that we're hitting a point now where the yearly Cod cycle just isn't working anymore, Modern Warfare 2019. In my opinion, this was the reboot that this franchise needed, and every single game that came after was a step down.

Here's the thing with Modern Warfare 3 so far with the campaign: It feels like it's not a step down but like we took a [__] escalator to the bottom I love giving credit where credit god well this is this is turning into a [ __ ] ramble I love giving credit where credit is due. Well, this is turning the execution of releasing a [__] every single year the amount of effort and structure.

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