News - Warzone 2i's Campaign Is Terrible


I debated writing a script for this article, but I went back and forth with the idea that I'd be putting more effort into a YouTube discussion article than Sledgehammer Games put into their campaign. Let's get into it. This article is going to have spoilers, but honestly, trust me, it doesn't matter because the story line here was so terrible that there's just no semblance of a cohesive storyline to spoil for you, even for the over-the-top nature of these campaigns.

This is one of the worst writing displays that I've seen in a Call of Duty title. I think every time the game opens up and you're playing as Shadow Company, breaking Marov out of prison, he then gets his hands on some chemicals enough to destroy an entire country price and 141. And then you left.

It felt like playing DMZ, but with a story so detached from anything decent, I just wanted it to be over. The main problem with this execution is the fact that the AI are some of the dumbest I've seen in a Cod title. Sometimes the enemies will just sit next to you on cover nearby and look at you like this guy.

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Is that a juggernaut that happened? what are you doing over here, and other times you're getting spotted from 150 meters away while you're in tall grass in the middle of the [ __ ]. It was so great, and watching the AI interact with the environment running around everywhere while you're trying to shoot guards while not shooting at AI was awesome, and I was like.


Okay, well, it took. There were five missions to get here, and they were all [ __ ]. Maybe we have a chance, and then we get to the terrorist attack plane sequence. There's no Russian hype that they set up for this game, and it was nowhere to be found. You're on an airplane, and some guy points to you and says, Hey, I know your whole family.

They go to take over the plane, and it's weird. You fight off the guy, grab his gun, shoot a couple of guys, and then that's it. They grab you, strap a bomb to you, and that's that mission, like it was so low effort. I'm going to say this: You can feel it on every level, even the ones I enjoyed.

Where they rushed this title, this game was supposed to be a year 2 DLC for Modern Warfare 2, but hear me out, I don't think they were planning to release the campaign this year. I think what the plan was that they were going to do 16 remastered maps, the Cutthroat game mode, and all of the multiplayer stuff.

early access

Here's the thing I actually do enjoy: based on what I played in the beta. I'm still excited for the multiplayer portion of this game, but what I think happened internally was that they discussed the idea of making this a full-blown title, and at the time, whoever made the call decided instead of giving Sledgehammer or whoever 3 years to work on this campaign.

They decided to say hey it needs to be done now, because some missions are so fleshed out there's one where you're fighting with price on a rooftop against a bunch of like Shadow company and this other faction named Cony, that like terrible name but the mission was so cool cuz you're jumping in and out of buildings it's this huge construction area you're fighting on rooftops you're trying to capture makarov's like right-hand man get him away on this [ __ ] balloon, and I thought that mission was really well done and then it jumped to the Arctic or wherever the [ __ ] we are in the middle of the winter I don't know what's going on in the story the story is so, detached and segmented and trash I have no idea what's going on General Shephard.

modern warfare 3

Is just in this Convoy of vehicles that we blow up from under the water and the thing is the whole campaign they're setting up General Shepard to be this [ __ ] bad guy right even last time he's an [ __ ] price wants him dead in the first 30 seconds of them inter interacting face to face they hand him a pistol and then now he's part of our team, it made no [ __ ] sense but now we have to escort this old [ __ ] to the extract, and I will say the mission itself was a pretty fleshed out Call of Duty style Mission a lot of cinematic moments there were snipers shooting at you had to shoot them they were wearing like thermal ghillie suits so you couldn't see them with the thermal scopes I thought that was cool out of this entire campaign, you might have four missions that are decent SLG good and the rest were absolute barebones.


Trash the ending, which, if you played the original games, you knew was coming, was soapy, but the way they handled it was so terrible. We're diffusing this bomb. Soap manages to get up from being shot at by Marov, who then puts the final bullet in him all while his guys are just behind him, just jerking off.

Like, how did that even happen? Everything about this game was so low-effort, Hollywood. Bev, normally I'm not one to judge Call of Duty on hyper-realistic stories; we all know it's Hollywood [__] but this is like the worst Fast and Furious movie. Just 4 hours worth of stupid rushed content, and the one thing that I really noticed about this game compared to Modern Warfare 2019 and Modern Warfare 2 was the way that the characters move around this environment who are on your team when you're playing Cleanhouse or when you're playing Wolf Den from Modern Warfare 2019.

mw3 campaign

You can see the soldiers are moving around; it's very tough to see, like animation clipping, and it's hard. They pulled me into those games with how immersive they were. It was, whereas in this one I look around. I see AI teammates are pathing in very clear, like game ways animations glitching between them, turning like you can tell the Polish here is just at a way lower level than Infinity Ward when it comes to this campaign, and I've been hearing rumors that Infinity Ward helped with this campaign by making the campaign look like the [__] credits were as long as the goddamn game itself and whoever made this game rushed, or they were lazy; they cut corners; they sold you a product that is so subpar to the former campaigns, and I'm honestly just so sick and tired of Modern Warfare 3's beta for the multiplayer, which has me interested.

I think that game plays, the best Call of Duty that we have played in a long time, and I'm still very excited for that multiplayer release, but I do know that there's a lot of people in this community that enjoy jumping into the Call of Duty campaigns because they're there, their story is modern, and you know you don't really get a really high Hollywood cinematic style if you're buying this game for the campaign, [ __ ].

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