News - Warzone 2i Beta Review. The Good, The Bad & The Concerning

The bad.

The bad.

I'm just hoping that this is a beta issue, so those are all the things so far that I could think of that are good about the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 beta. Now we have the bad tab, and this is where it gets a little bit annoying, and things that, you know, I guess I could say consistently, aggravated me as I played this game more and more.

The spawns, like most Call of Duty games in the modern era, are absolutely atrocious. Now I don't have a clip here to show you guys, so you're just going to have to take my word for it. I wasn't recording it this time, but I was playing a match yesterday on favella, and I spawned. Four times in a row to be shot instantly within a second can of spawning every single time now, mind you, this has only happened to me a handful of times in my 2030 games I have on the beta, but it happening once is already bad enough, and I've seen it happen a few more times I've had it.

activision sucks

I think I've had it happen, you know, two or three times to me, so seeing these things happen really does not make me excited for the spawn system in this game. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's something with their algorithm. Maybe their spawn system is better in the full release, but as it stands right now, the spawn system is absolutely atrocious in the Modern Warfare 3 beta.

We also have another overly complicated gunsmith system. You know, we needed that again, and this thing that they had in Modern Warfare 2019 and Modern Warfare 2 was the gunsmith. Modern Warfare 2019 may not be as much, but Modern Warfare 2 is Gunsmith, where you have to level up this gun. To level up this gun, you had to use a knife to unlock a site on an AR.


You know, like you had to use a knife to unlock a magazine on an AR. It's stupid, and for the people that didn't like that system where you have to level up other weapons to get attachments for certain weapons that you're using, well. I hate to break it to you guys, but it appears As though that system is back in beta, it appears that most of the attachments are unlocked through using various different weapons, so here comes another year of having to use other trash weapons in order to level up the one we actually want to level up, so it seems like we have another overly complicated gunsmith system in this iteration of Call of Duty.

For me personally, I would just like to see a PCK 10 system, but maybe I'm in the minority. Another thing I think is very bad about this game, and a lot of people are going to be like. Well, you were praising this, saying it was a good thing even a few weeks ago, is the time to kill, and this isn't the fact that it's 150.

cod news

HP I have no problem with that; I have no issue having to hit more bullets to kill someone because I think that rewards a more skilled player, but where the issue you know kind of comes into play with me is the fact that the ttk is way too damn inconsistent. In this game, you will sit there and shoot someone three times, and they'll drop, and then other times you'll see a guy, and you'll put about nine bullets into him, and he'll kill you in four with a striker across the map.

Now the striker is an SMG, and I'm using something like the MC W or another AR in the game, and I'm shooting you from a far range. I hit you seven, eight times, and you hit me four with an SMG, which doesn't really make any sense. Maybe this is also another thing that they can fix, you know? I don't know, but I don't think it's something that's easily fixable.

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Maybe it is, maybe it's not. I don't know; maybe it's something to do with net code, but all I know is that I have a huge issue with that. Another thing I don't like about it is that the skill-based matchmaking is cranked up to 11. When I tell you, I had to sweat every single game I've played on this beta so far.

cod rant

I'm not lying; it's like I'm in a Call of Duty League championship. And the fact that I have a mousy keyboard with a shitty input delay really doesn't make the experience any better, and I've been losing my mind all weekend. Another negative, obviously, is the price, given that it's a $70 game and it looks almost identical to Modern Warfare 2.

When I say guys, this is the game that we wanted for Modern Warfare 2. They made all of the changes that we wanted in Modern Warfare 2 and put them in Modern Warfare 3. It is exactly that you're paying $70 to get a patched, fixed version of Modern Warfare 2, so personally, I don't think it's worth $7.

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If I had to put a price tag on this, I would probably say it is probably worth more like $30 or $40, but that's just me.

The concerning.

The concerning.

We know Activision's never going to do that, so that sums up all the bad things about Call of Duty. In Modern Warfare 3's beta, now we're going to be moving on to the concerning tab. These are things that worry me but could be fixed fairly easily, so to start off, I have battle rage on here now.

This is something that's concerning because it's extremely It used to be a field upgrade in Modern Warfare 2. I believe, and it was basically something you just huffed in, and it ended up making you run faster. You had a limited attack sprint and faster health regeneration. Well, this is back, but it's in the tactical slot.

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Prestigious, Key actually covered this yesterday, and I completely agree with what he's saying. We should just take the battle rage and take it out of the tactical slot and put it back into the field upgrade slot where it belongs, in my opinion, and replace that with a stem fairly easily to fix, and I think the majority of the community would agree with this fix.


Also, another thing that's concerning is the visibility. When I say visibility in this game, the visibility is the worst I've ever seen in the Call of Duty franchise. I'm really hoping they fix this in the beta, because if they actually make the visibility better, this has the possibility of being one of the better Call of Duty games that we've gotten in recent years.



Before I close out this article. Well, it appears that Modern Warfare 3 is following the same path as Vanguard, because they're just fixing all the things that everybody hated about Modern Warfare 2 and putting them into Modern Warfare 3 and charging us $70.

But this time, they're going with even less effort. I guess you could say that because they're not even changing the time period; they're just literally putting it in the exact same time period. The game looks almost identical to Modern Warfare 2. They're changing a few things around adding the OG maps and calling something new, and I wouldn't be surprised if this community hated this game 3 months after it was released, but that's just my opinion.

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