News - Warzone 2i Beta Review. The Good, The Bad & The Concerning

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It's your boy, Dev, AKA Theable, here. I'm back at you with another commentary, and it's been a while, guys. I'd like to apologize for taking about a week off from making long-form content. I know you all missed me, but I needed to take a little bit of time to soak up the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 beta that was released on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 this past weekend.

I myself got early access to this beta through a code that I purchased on eBay, so before all the bootlickers come here and they're like. You pre-ordered the game to play it, how did you get gameplay? It's called going on eBay and spending $5, approximately, to get a beta code to access the beta for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

You thought you had a gotu moment, but no bootlickers I did not purchase a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, but with that out of the way. First Impressions review. I guess you could say, and this is going to be covering the good things I like about the game and the bad things I absolutely despise about the game, and then the third and final point of this article is going to be a concerning tab, which is stuff that I'm concerned about but could be fairly easily rectified by the developers over at Sledgehammer Games. So without further ado, let's get straight into my first impressions article for the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Early Access beta.

The good.

The good.

All right, so we're going to start off with the good, but before I get into that, I would just like to ask if you guys are noticing a slight bit of a quality difference.

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It's simply because I'm recording this off the PS5 and not my PC, so unfortunately. I'm limited to 1920; by 1080, the quality will be going up in future B when it does come to PC, and if you're noticing that I'm whiffing a few shots in the gameplay here, it's simply because I'm trying to use mouse and keyboard on a PlayStation 5, and anybody who's a PC player that goes from PC to PlayStation 5 and tries to use mouse and keyboard will completely understand my pain, but either way.

I digress. Let's get straight into the good portion of the article. So the good stuff I like about Modern Warfare 3 Well, so far, I have maps. I know a lot of us were kind of expecting the maps to be good because these are just straight port-overs from Modern Warfare 2:20, and nobody really had any major concerns regarding the maps.

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The only concern that I myself had originally, and even a month ago, was the fact that there were rumors that there were going to be doors on the map and stuff like that. Well, I can't confirm through my time playing the game that there aren't doors in every single doorway on the map; they're kind of randomly spread out and placed in kind of weird locations.

It doesn't really affect the game play at all; it doesn't really affect the flow of the map whatsoever, so I'll be the bigger man. I have no issue saying that I was wrong in my prediction that they're going to add doors to every single map in Modern Warfare 3. Now this is yet to be seen because we've only seen three multiplayer maps; we got to see Estate, FLLA, and Invasion for 6v6.

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So when it comes to those three Maps when it comes to those three Maps I guess I should say it doesn't really have an effect on them, and the doors don't really seem to be doing much of anything, so the maps are really good. Like I said, I'd prefer to see a little bit of originality, but the simple fact that they're doing this just makes the game already more enjoyable.

I know the map's right from the get-go; it's old-school Call of Duty map M. A lot of these maps play really well, minus estate. I never really liked Estate in Modern Warfare 2 2009, and I don't like it today, but anyway, the maps are fairly solid. Another thing we could put in the Pro column is the perk system.

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Gone are the days of stupid charging perks like we had in Modern Warfare 2; now they just gave us, you know, boot gloves and vest options. You know stuff like that, so let's picture your perks one, two, and three. You have perk slots for each one of those, so your glove slot You would have different types of gloves; you know, slight hand Etc.

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boot slot, you'd have stalker boots. You have boots that eliminate footsteps. Etc., you know you're kind of getting the gist of how this is working, and you get your perk straight from the beginning of the match, so, like I said, this perk system I have no issue with. I still have a major fear of the fact that they're going to monetize the absolute hell out of this perk system, but that's just purely speculation, and I have no real proof to say that that's going to happen 100%, but my fear is still there regarding the perk system.

The gunplay in this game is absolutely phenomenal. I love the gunplay in this game now. I don't think the gunplay in this game is perfect by any means. I don't think this is like Modern Warfare 3 OG. Lev Gunplay is amazing, but it's a hell of a lot better than Modern Warfare 2, and after a year of terrible visual recoil that bounces all over the place for no specific rhyme or reason, it's a nice change to see guns that actually sort of shoot straight, and there's going to be people here complaining about how it's not realistic.

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And guns actually move in real life, and it's like, okay, yeah. I get that, but we're playing Cod here; it's an arcade shooter, and really, the gun play in this game is more akin to an old-school Call of Duty game. The movement is also 20 times better in this game; it's kind of a mixture between Modern Warfare 2 and mod Warfare 2019.

If that makes any sense, it's not quite as quick as Modern Warfare 2019, in my experience. I didn't feel like I could jump around and move around as fast as possible, they have a slide cancel but the slide cancel has a weird ass delay on it so it's kind of like you could slide cancel a slide and you can kind of get your gun up but it's like you feel like you're stuck in mud for just a split second so if they could remove something like a delay like that would just make the movement that much better but I know there's people that don't like you know slide cancelling and like super cracked movement so maybe this is a negative to some people but to me it's a positive, and also the animations, when it comes to running you know stuff like that it all looks very like watered down compared to Infinity Wards animations.

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And this is saying something because I don't like Infinity W. I think they're a terrible, terrible Call of Duty developer, but if they could do anything right, it's their animations. But anyway, like the running animation and the reload animations, everything just kind of looks a little bit janky now.

This could be because it's a beta build; now they claim it's a beta build, but we're a month out from the game, so I'm pretty sure this is pretty much what we're going to be getting on release, but either way. I don't know animations and they don't look very good.

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