News - Warzone 2. 0: Weapon Tuning For Meta Loadouts Fully Explained. Warzone 2 Attachment Tuning Guide


Ladies and gentlemen, hey. First things first, the Christmas tree is officially up. We are focusing on weapon tuning because this is a brand new feature that I have seen a lot of questions about. To unlock weapon tuning, you have to have a weapon. Max leveled, and once you do that, you can see that there are various different attachments on a gun that you can actually go through and adjust or tune depending.

On what the weapon is, there are various, different stats on it for that specific attachment obviously, so, for instance, on barrels, you can tune for a faster attack or a faster damage. Ranger has more recoil steadiness, which will help with sway and whatnot for a better strafe speed when you're walking and aiming at the same time, and there are ways that you can actually make a setup slightly more advantageous and beneficial to your game style, but also at the same time it's important to note that tuning is not going to make a great weapon if you tune it incorrectly, and it's not going to make a terrible weapon incredible.

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If you tune it correctly, tuning in this game is as multiple other creators have suggested. Asin has apparently done a lot of testing, and he's said multiple times in his articles that tuning is not going to make a drastic impact; it's going to make very small differences here and there, and for the most part, it's more gimmicky than anything. And from what I've tested and from what several other creators have also looked at, it is something that can make some small changes here and there; we're talking like differences of 0.5 meters, for extra range, or very minimal velocity increases; it's not going to be drastic, but you can increase certain things here and there, so there's a few things you want to focus on when tuning.

Warning about weapon tuning in warzone 2.0

Warning about weapon tuning in warzone 2.0

Hey, how are you doing yet again? I suppose I do reiterate this a couple times throughout the article with various categories, but I want to make it very clear at the start of the article here that tuning in this game is not going to do a ton for your setups, and it's also an area right now that we're still learning a decent amount with because it's not precise and it's not exact when you look at the various graphs here as we're going through and talking about which areas you want to focus on tuning the sliders themselves and their correlation to the actual chart don't necessarily visualize what exactly is happening in game.

It's also going to differ between attachment categories. The same deal goes for going all the way down to the right or all the way in any given direction.

Most impactful attachment tuning feature in warzone 2

Most impactful attachment tuning feature in warzone 2

Tuning is very awkward, and as of now, one of the most impactful, if not the most impactful, things you can tune is your optics, especially when it comes to Flinch resistance versus ads. That's not really a huge thing if you are using a sniper. You might want to go for Flinch resistance if you're constantly using it in situations where you're getting shot back at.

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If you're really aggressive, though, you might want to tune it for ads. Speed right, like this is more your style of play at the base I think most players will probably go for ads speed here, but it's not going to make a huge difference. What will make a huge difference is your eye position, which you can see at the bottom.

You can tune this optic to appear further away from your eye or closer to your eye, so if we go into the firing range, this is what the schlager 3.4 times looks like at the furthest eye position. Just keep note of where this is positioned on the screen now if we were to go back out and tune this again for the closest eye position.

Notice that if we go back into the firing range for an hour to add it, it has a much bigger scope now, and this in turn is going to affect your visual recoil. The further something is away from you, the less visual recoil it's going to have. So in my opinion, I would always go through and tune every single optic you're using to have the furthest eye position.

This is going to be the most convenient for any situation, really. Now, it is obviously going to make that optic slightly smaller, but in my opinion, the benefits of having an easier recoil. The situation here with that visual kick is going to be more beneficial than anything else when it comes to close, medium, or long-range fights.

Warzone 2 ammo tuning explained

Warzone 2 ammo tuning explained

Another thing that is basically free stats, and again, it's not going to do drastic things to your gun, is your ammunition upgrades, as we've already talked about with some of the best attachments in Warzone here. High-velocity rounds in particular are a cheat code for getting some free stats.

There's not much range or much added velocity, but it's something and better than nothing, right? So high-velocity rounds in particular are the ones that we're focusing on most because the other ammo upgrade options aren't going to be super advantageous. I think when it comes down to the stats depending on the gun, it's going to change because certain weapons have, you know, more severe damage drop-offs, but it can be anywhere between half a meter and like two meters for a damage range.

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It's not much, but again, it's something for free, and you might as well increase that velocity as well while you're at it. High-velocity rounds are already doing that, and velocity in a war zone is an extremely important stat because it's going to help out with bullet lead and bullet drop and the ability to have a consistent hit rig over long range.

right So that is another attachment that is super important to tune in to, by the way, as we are breaking this down. If you guys are new to the channel, every single day I have you covered with news updates, class setups, and tips to help you guys improve at the game. We are so close to hitting that milestone, and it would be insane if we could hit it before the end of the month because around 60 of the viewers watching are not already subscribers, so if that's you, we'd love to have you join the family.

It would be seriously appreciated. Let's try to get 3000 likes on this one, so admittedly.

Barrel tuning explained in warzone 2

Barrel tuning explained in warzone 2

I feel like ammunition and optics are the main two things you want to focus on when tuning outside, and of that tuning. I don't feel like it is going to have drastic impacts. On your overall class that have been on the overall feel of your weapon now in most cases you're going to have weapons that probably have a damage range, velocity, and control increasing barrel like, for instance, we have that here on the rpk where I basically just try and take advantage even more with those various stats, so we tune it for the maximum range in the maximum recoil.

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