News - Warzone 2. 0: The Top 10. Fastest Killing Loadouts Of Season 2 (warzone 2. 0 Best Ttk Weapons)

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So happy Friday! I hope you have a killer weekend coming up, but today we're taking a look at some more loadouts that you can give a shot here over the weekend and hopefully do well with. So today we're talking sheer statistics: the weapons had the fastest time-to-kill values, securing your kills and moving and grooving throughout Al-Mazra, or Chica, Island.

Drop your thoughts down. For now, let's jump into it.

Data sourcing & parameters of measure / ranking

Data sourcing & parameters of measure / ranking

So let's get right into the thick of it here. The information today is pulled from {166}, a site that pulls data directly from the game file, so what does the game present in terms of values? That's what we have here, and while we'll touch on the top 10, we're also going to show a little bit more and have a sort of cutoff here because of practicality.

It comes into effect when, when we talk about these weapons, some have those statistical values that end up putting them in that top ten, but in reality, you might not want to use them, so it will showcase firstly the best ttk weapons and then shift that list around for some practicality and go into some bills, so the information presented is in the form of the fastest achievable time to kill with shots to the chest.

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I'd wager that's probably the most reliable metric.

The top 15+ fastest ttk weapons in warzone 2.0

cod mw2

It starts out with the rail mg as the fastest ttk weapon at 432 milliseconds all the way out to 41 meters, then we have the f-tac recon coming in at 480 milliseconds to 42 meters. The Lochman 762 at 488 milliseconds to 37 meters, the attack M at 520 milliseconds all the way out to 53 meters the Rampage at 525 milliseconds to 33 meters the Chimera at 525 milliseconds to 23 meters, the Lochman sub at 525 milliseconds to 8 meters, and finally, the last weapon at 525 milliseconds is the TAC V all the way out to 45 meters, and our final two weapons in the top 10 here are the 556.

Icarus at 539 milliseconds all the way out to 24 meters and the LMS of 540 milliseconds to 48 meters Now of course we do have other ones that follow very closely; the second mg38 has a ttk of 552 milliseconds outwards, of 35 meters; the cast-off 74u has a 552 millisecond time to kill but only outwards, of 21 meters; and well, here's the rest as well that you can end up seeing with very close ttk values but with those ranges shifting drastically but, okay, so which one of those then shifts on over into the Practical list?

What is our top 10 that we can realistically see because some of those aren't very favorable weapons, so how do we rearrange these to give ourselves a fighting chance in gunfights? This is where the subjective nature comes into play, but here are the 10 that I would choose: I would take the Rao, the TAC, and the rap of H the Chimera. the saken, the f-tac recon, the lockman 762, the pdsw, the lochman sub, and the cast of 74u, with, of course, a backlog of quite a few weapons that can do well and hold their own, but that's where I draw that top 10 and practicality, so that said, let's move on over into the builds.

The fastest ttk raal mg loadout in warzone 2.0

The fastest ttk raal mg loadout in warzone 2.0

The Rao, of course, is this one that we've talked about plenty of times.

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We can breeze past this one that comes along with the 21-inch ex-Rhino barrel and the F-TAC reaper muzzle. The XRK Dune grips the Step 40 and the SZ SR07, Or the amount of V4 optic honestly; I'm trending more so towards the AMO as of late, but it's entirely up to you then.

The fastest ttk taq-m loadout in warzone 2.0

Then we have the attack yam, which is, yes, a semi-auto weapon, which we haven't really talked about too much here on the channel, but for that build.

I'd recommend the second shred 40 or something like the Polar Fire S or the ZL-R Talon 5. In that regard. I put the edge 47 grip on the 15- or 20-round mag depending on if you want a slightly faster grip versus not using the FSS combat grip, and then an object of some kind since you kind of want to be using this at a distance, you can use things like the amount of V4, but of course if you want to take it for a more long-range weapon.

I'd recommend something like the forge-tack Delta Optica at 5.5 times magnification. And, yes i know that gives away your position a little bit more at that scope.

The fastest ttk rapp h loadout in warzone 2.0

The fastest ttk rapp h loadout in warzone 2.0

I'd recommend the rampage; this one is very similar to the second and the route in terms of builds that we've touched on before, but you can build it normally, and this one's actually pretty viable in most engagements. With those sorts of medium- to long-range weapons for this. I built it with the second or sock and Shred 40.

Edge 47, grip the Lochman TC G10, the mirror recoil, 56 factory stock, and then the amount of V4 optic this one no barrel is needed. I'll take some of that focus and put it on the control aspect of the build with other attachments instead, so definitely recommend that one in terms of a nice build for.

The fastest ttk chimera loadouts in warzone 2.0

The wrap-around is that the chimera is the next weapon we'll talk about in that sheer and practical TTK. One really depends on how you want to build it for close quarters or medium range play. We've talked about this before; I want to say it was the season 2 builds for Ashika, Island, but the same builds apply here or there where we have a medium range and close range build.

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For the medium-range build, I'd recommend the 10 inch SA Phoenix Barrel, the lockshot KT 85, the edged 47 grip, the 45-round mag, and an optic of your choice if it's a Monashika. Island I'm taking the corona mini pro I'll Mazda I'll probably take the amount of V4, but if you're playing Close Quarters, it's something that's like a pocket SMG, but for an AR build.

I take the 6.5-inch extended barrel and lockshot KT 85. The Edge 47 grip, the 45-round magazine, and the Bruin flash grip—the biggest difference between these is, of course, that you're choosing faster ads to sprint to fire times in that close-range build as opposed to the medium-range build, so it's up to you on how you want to end up working that.

The fastest ttk sakin mg38 loadout in warzone 2.0

The fastest ttk sakin mg38 loadout in warzone 2.0

Next, the sakin mg38. We just talked about this build, and the same applies here with this being the 20-inch Bruin Silver Series barrel, the zlr Talon 5, the Bruin Warrior lmg under barrel, the Bruin Q900 grip, and the AMOPS V4. While you can breeze past that one, I still think it's one that's going to take the place of the rpk in terms of a practical LMG meta here.

With this, the rail is absolutely up there, but in terms of overall usability, I think the stock. May edged out ever so slightly just because it's a bit more mobile, but it was very comparable then.

The fastest ttk ftac recon loadout in warzone 2.0

The FTACR is a little different. I've personally never used the FTACRecon before investigating the TT case here, so it was one that took a little bit of getting used to.

Today we're continuing our weekly Warzone 2. 0 loadout series and we're taking a look at some more loadouts you can give a shot over the weekend here and hopefully do well with and today we're talking sheer statistics, TTK, the weapons with the fastest Time to Kill values, securing your kills and moving and grooving through Al Mazrah or Ashika Island.
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