News - Warzone 2 Zombies - You Need To Use This Gun. Easy Tier 3 & Tier 5 Solo

Beautiful, and we got the kill quick and easy with a Flawless Crystal off that very nice and Deadshot daer. We'll take the crystal, of course, and definitely going to grab that all right, so normally I wouldn't advise killing that Mega. I just do it to really demonstrate how well the guns perform that we test here.

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For these articles, but yeah, basically, once you get to the Elder Dark Eternity, I'd recommend rushing over to this building right here. And this is where you find the Ether extractor contract, so just make your way to the roof, kind of like I did if you took that route; it is the quickest, And there we go.

Just pick up the contract and jump down to this side of the building so you can kind of avoid the mega-bombination and any other Elite zombies that might be back there, and just run over to this wall, and you'll find a zip that's going to bring us to the first extractor. There's going to be a bunch of zombies here, as you can also see one or two Elites, so just throw a Casmir that's going to take care of all the zombies; it's also going to damage the Elites, and you can just disable the extractor.

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Quick and easy; once you get that one, just run along. Here, and once you cross this wooden bridge over here, you can throw another Casmir right at that wall that's going to bounce off and land right at the extractor, as you can see, and that's going to kill any zombies that might be up here, and it's going to let us just disable the extractor.

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Very easy, then we'll just equip some extra Casmir. Climb up this ladder here, get on this wall, throw another Casmir right at the extractor that's going to bounce off, and get rid of all the zombies on this side. Once again, we can just disable the extractor, as you can see; it even kills the special zombies for you, so yeah, definitely a very easy contract.

Let's see what we get. An extra self-revive. The Ether blade case and the dog bone recipe also have two perks: Definitely some good loot so far, so yeah, once you complete that contract, just get on this wall here and parachute over to these stairs from here and just jump down. And right over at this green bus, here you'll find the Outlast contract, so just accept that.

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Run down the street here, make your way over to this wall, and take the zip line up. Go through this door right here and take a left, and here you have the P&D device, so just get this activated. And of course, for the Outlast contract, all you want to do is stay in this room. There's really not much to it if you have Casmir; use those.

A field upgrade that I have as well definitely helps out for this contract, as that's going to get a bunch of kills for you. But yeah, overall, not much to it; just stay alive, keep running in circles, and yeah, probably the easiest contract here in the tier five. Zone, and there we go, contract complete.

That's going to kill most of the zombies for you. You'll still have a couple left alive, as you can see. We also have a mangler and a disciple—two disciples, actually—so let's just quickly come back here. I think I'll quickly use a Casmir. Just make this a bit quicker, dang. Okay, I think it glitched out.

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Maybe no okay, it's still going to do its thing. Nice, all right. Let's keep hitting those shots on these guys here. Get the reload. Let's get rid of this disciple. There we go. One disciple's dead. Man, there's three disciples in total. Let's throw that blade. There we go. We'll have to run through here.

mw3 zombies solo

Get a bit of distance from those disciples. Man, I swear, I hate disciples. They're the most annoying elites. Let's get that reloaded. There we go. At least both of the disciples are almost dead. That's one disciple dead, and there we go. The second disciple is dead. Let's quickly kill these two zombies here, and there we go.

See, we have some golden plates. We'll actually take those golden plate plans. The Epic ether tool definitely had a good run in the Elder Dark ether today. We got that Flawless Crystal, which is great, so the next game, when we load in, we'll have that Pack 3 Crystal, which is amazing. Of course, I use Tombstone, so I'm not going to take the xfill.

I'm just going to unequip myself, revive myself, and the next game, when I load in. I'll have all of this stuff here in my Tombstone, so that's how I do it, so yeah, overall. I'll have to rate this thing a solid 9.5 out of 10. It definitely performed really well here in the tier five zone; it did great in the tier three zone as well.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether

Overall, a great lmg. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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