News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Use This To Farm Rare Schematics. Easy Solo Tier 5 Strategy

That's going to be a nice little source of ammo. There we go. Let's get a bit closer to the disciple, and the nice disciple is dead. Let's get a bit of distance from the mega; hopefully he hits us with a laser attack soon. Let's come back. There should be some extra ammo on the ground here somewhere too.

There we go. There's this free, critical hit. We wanted a nice There's some ammo; there should be some back here. There we go. Nice now we can keep focusing on it, Mega. A beautiful base is glowing. Let's get those critical. A nice man is so close to dying. There we go. Come on, just one more laser attack, man.

mw3 zombies easy schematics

That's all I'm asking, and there we are. And there we go. Nice got the mega; it didn't take too long. We got a cry of relief. I'll throw that on real quick; it looks like there's a disciple somewhere nearby too. Let's take this out, Mangler. I mean, yeah, just look at the damage output on this thing.

That's insane and nice, so it's good against groups, it's good against Bounty targets, and it's great in the Tier 5 Zone. It's definitely a solid 9 out of 10 for me. It's not the best AR that we've reviewed, but it definitely gets the job done, so to get to this contract here, we just missed the jump, but I like to just climb onto that wall, jump into the window, climb up this ladder here, and once we pick up the contract.

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I like to jump off onto the side of the building, just so we can avoid the mega Abomination and any other Elite zombies that might be back there, and the first extractor is going to be right up here, so we take this ZIP. There's going to be a bunch of zombies here, as well as one or two Elites, but that's not going to be an issue because we have that Casmir, so we throw that, and we can just disable the first, the Extractor.

Once you get that one disabled, just keep running. I think we didn't buy more; no, we forgot to go to the buy station. It's all good though, so we only have two Casmirs, so this one you just throw at the wall up there that's going to bounce off and land right at the extractor, clear out any zombies that might be up here, and that's going to let us just disable the extractor, quick and easy.

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Once you get that one, just run over to this ladder, and normally I would throw Casmir from here right over to the extractor. Since we don't have that, we're just going to use our ether blade to take out these zombies here. We also have that disciple that we have to take out, but that's going to be quick and easy, so there we go.

mw3 zombies rare schematics

Disciple, and now we can just disable this there we go, pretty easy contract, the one we'll do after this is even easier, so we got some golden plate plans, an extra self-revive, and two epic tools along with the dog bone schematic, so once you complete that, just parachute over to these stairs, and from here you can parachute down to this green bus, and that's where you find the Outlast contract.

Once you pick that up, just cross the street, make your way over to the zip, get up to this part here, go through these doors, and take a left, and now we can just activate it. P&, and for this contract, all you do is stay in this room and keep running in circles; there's really not much to it. If you have extra Casmir, you can use those; they're going to make this contract really easy.

mw3 zombies solo

You have the field upgrade, which I have definitely use that as well it's going to get you a bunch of kills here. And yeah, just keep running in circles; there's really not much to it. Complete, and there we go, contract complete. We've got a few zombies left alive, so we'll just quickly take these guys out as you can see what's in here in the tier five Zone definitely not having any issues using this thing, got stuck in a corner there all good though let's take these last few zombies out then we got that disciple to take out as well, it's going to be really quick there we go disciple's about halfway dead, and that's that killed the disciple, quick and easy let's see what's in here a dog bone ethereum Crystal and the plate plans.

Okay, nothing too fancy today, but yeah, overall, I'd have to rate this thing a solid N9 on 10; it definitely performed really well. The damage output is great, so you're not going to have any issues against Elite zombies or Bounty contracts, and it's definitely going to perform well against groups of zombies.

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Overall, all in all, a great weapon. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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