News - Warzone 2 Zombies - This Makes Unlocking Rare Schematics Easy. Easy Solo Dark Aether

Set those critical shots on the Mega, and there we go. Take advantage of that. Let's come back here. We have a bunch of zombies behind us to take care of, so let's go ahead and do that before they cause any issues. Yeah, just look at that man who ripped through that group of zombies. There we go.

Let's get those free critical hits on the Mega while his face is glowing. Nice, beautiful there we go. Let's get that reloaded. We can go to our cheese spot in a second. There we go. A few more shots come on. Nice quick and easy; he's almost halfway dead. I think yeah, just about halfway, let's get the reload.

mw3 zombies easy schematics

Also, remember to pick up some, ammo there we go nice get to the other side almost went down. There's a mimic too, and a mangler. Let's back up a bit. Take out the mimic first. I think there we go. We might go down here. Nope, we're good. We're good the Golden Plate saved us. There we go. Slow down the mimic a bit, get that reload again, and yeah, man, just look at that mimic.

He's dead let's take out that group of zombies. There we go. Mega's hitting us with a laser attack; it will reload. Now we take advantage of that to get those free critical hits. Mangler is going to be an issue here, so let's reload and go kill that guy. So yeah, this thing is definitely performing really well in the Tier 5 Zone, so we go back up a bit.

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Mega is almost dead; he's got about a quarter of his health bar left. We'll have to get to the other side here, where Mega was catching up. There we go. Mega's next to us now, so let's come over here, and there we go. Now we take advantage of that laser attack to get the reload. This spot right here just works for cheesing the mega; he won't be able to hit you, and it kind of gets him to use a laser attack more frequently, so it definitely works.

mw3 zombies guns

Let's throw that there. Nice All right, let's quickly go look for some more ammo. I'm sure we'll find some here on the ground. There's some right here. Actually, there we go. Mega's hitting us with a laser attack, so let's hit those shots. Beautiful, let's come back here. There should be some ammo back here somewhere, right?

No, M, we only have 92 bullets left. All right, let's light him up. There we go throw our blade as. Well, yeah, if we wait for him to use a laser attack, we'll be able to get the kill with these few shots. Pretty sure let's come back here. Yeah, also no ammo here, dang. Okay, all right, let's wait for him.

mw3 zombies rare schematics

There we go. That's the laser attack we wanted. Nice there we go. We got the kill. Beautiful got a sentry gun and extra Casmir. We got more than enough, though we also have a PhD Flopper. All right, so as you guys saw, the damage output on this thing is insane. Mobility is fine; it's not as good as an SMG, of course, but it definitely works fine for the Tier 3 Zone and for the Tier 5 Zone, so as you can see, there's that Mega right there, so I like to just climb the wall, jump into the window, break the glass, get up this ladder, and pick up the ether extractor contract right here, jump off the roof, and with this route here, you can kind of avoid the Mega and all those zombies back there.

Now that you make your way over to this ZIP, there's going to be a bunch of zombies up here, as well as a few elites, usually one or two, so we can just throw our Casmir, and that's going to take care of the elites, and let us just deactivate the extractor. There we go, quick and easy. Once you got that one, just run along here, and once you cross this bridge, you can throw a Casmir at that wall, just going to bounce off and land right over at the extractor, and take care of any zombies that are up there, and that's going to allow you to just deactivate this extractor.

mw3 zombies solo

Nice and easy one once again. Once you get that one deactivated, climb up this ladder, get on this wall, and throw your Casmir at that extractor that's going to bounce off and take care of all the zombies back here, and once again, you can just disable the extractor. We kind of messed up with that throw, but as you can see, we still survived.

We're good see what we refine. Crystal, an extra self-revive I'll actually take the golden armor plates, and yeah, we already have the recipe, so we're not going to take that once you complete that contract. Just get on this wall, parachute over to these stairs, and from here, you can parachute right down to this green bus, and that's where you'll find the Outlast and Contract, and once you pick that up, you just cross the road and make your way over to this wall.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether

You'll find a zip right here. get into this building, and from here you just take a left and activate the p&, and for this contract, all you do is stay in this room. There's really not much to it. That's going to kill most of the zombies. You might still have a couple left alive and an elite, usually maybe even two elites, so we got that disciple.

Let's just take out some of these zombies here, and then we can see what we got in that reward Rift. There we go, letting set those shots. Nice, just run over here, and an extra golden plate and an extra Elder sigil, which I'll take; we don't need the perk, and of course the schematic we already have, so we're not going to pick that up.

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And yeah, let's take out this mangler real quick; let's get up these stairs. Nice, yeah, so down-damage output is definitely great on this thing. Just look at that. There we go. Take out all these zombies and get that disciple there too. Let's quickly take that guy out. We have to get the reload there our blade.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether farming

There we go. Yeah, once you get those critical shots on the disciple's health bar, it drops. Nice, there we go. The disciple's almost dead. Let's get the reload. All right, this is the one we were focusing on earlier. There we go; one disciple's dead, and let's get the second disciple. There we go, got them both, no issues, so yeah, man, I'll have to rate this thing a solid nine out of 10, not going to give it a 9.5 or a 10.

The damage output is great. Mobility is okay in terms of mobility. I'd have to give this gun a s out of 10; it's a battle rifle, so of course you know you're not going to expect to be very mobile, but it's definitely good reload speed's all right too, so it works well for the tier three zone and for the tier five zone, but yeah, it's definitely not as good as a mini back or the amr9 with the conversion kit or anything, but you know, definitely a good gun.

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I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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