News - Warzone 2 Zombies - The Ray Gun Is Now Insane. Ray Gun Huge Buff After Update

You'll have a disciple up here, and sometimes you get a mangler as well, but it's usually going to end up killing them, or at least it's going to do enough damage so that you can just disable the extractor. Now, once you get that one, just run over here, cross this little wooden bridge, and at this point, you can throw a Casmir right at that wall, which's going to bounce off and land at the extractor, which's going to pull in all the zombies up there.

And we can just make our way to the extractor and disable it. Quick and easy sailing so far. Once you get that one, make your way over to this ladder. Now if you have an extra Casmir just down on this wall and throw it at the extractor, that's going to pull in all the zombies. If you don't have one, then just use the traditional method of killing them all.

mw3 zombies tier 3

We have the ray gun, so of course it's going to be no issue. Let's take all these guys out there. We go, beautiful. We can actually use the energy mine field upgrade as well. That thing definitely comes in handy. We'll have to take out some more zombies first; we only have a minute and 30. Okay, let's focus up here.

There we go. Let's take these guys out. Yeah, tier five definitely got a buff, man, 100%. You never had this many zombies coming in for the final. Extractor. There we go let's back up throw that blade again we'll have to take that disciple out there we go, thow the blade one more time. Focus on the disciple.

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We need to get this killed as soon as possible. It's about halfway, with just a quarter of his health bar left. We're getting some lag right now. No way; let's get that reload and throw that blade again. No, Yo, we might DC here, boys. This is not good timing. There we go, throwing that beautiful sword, killing the disciple with that energy mine as well as our blade.

mw3 zombies tier 3 solo

And let's get this extractor disabled. We might go down here, and we survived nice; it's back up so we don't take explosive damage, and there we go, contract complete. That blade sees what we get. The Ether blade case and an extra self-revive also include the dog bone schematic, which we'll leave in there since we already have one on us, so once you complete the contract, just jump to this side here, and from here, you can jump right down to this green bus.

And right here you'll find the Outlast contract, so once you pick that up, just run down the street here and make your way over to this corner where you'll find a zip. Make your way up here and go through this door. And take a left right here, and you'll find the P&D device. Just get this bad boy activated and stay in this room; there's really not much to it for this contract.

mw3 zombies tier 4

Casmir, help out, of course. If you have the energy mine field upgrade, use that as well. From time to time, just clear out some of the zombies. In general, all you want to do is keep running in circles and keep sampling to the other side, so if you have zombies coming this way and this way, you can just jump over here, make your way to this side, get them to follow you, and jump down again.

You'll have to clear the way sometimes. Yeah, definitely a very straightforward contract, not too hard to do, definitely easier than the Ether extractor contract, in my opinion. And there we go, contract complete. As you can see, that's going to kill most of the zombies. You might still have a couple left alive and an elite, but we got kind of lucky here with an Epic tool dog bone and the Elder sigil.

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I'll take the Elder sigil for sure, as well as the golden plate schematics, which we'll leave in there since we already have them. The Epic tool I can leave there as well since we have the legendary, so yeah, definitely some good loot in the tier five zone today, and the tier three zone was pretty good, I can't lie.

mw3 zombies tier 4 solo

But yeah, man, the ray gun definitely got a huge buff. I'm very happy about that; it definitely performs, as I would want it to. It should have been performing this way on release, to be honest, but you know, I'm glad it got the buff that it deserves. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye

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