News - Warzone 2 Zombies - The Best Smg Melts Bosses. Easy Schematics Farming

I'm loving this, Gun; it's a lot better than the ISO 45, which we reviewed, and it's better than the AM-9 as well. This might just be the best SMG, I can't lie. It's just, I don't know, man, that reload speed as well. It's just everything about this gun; it's just so good. Let's keep linting up, Mega.

mw3 zombies easy schematics

Just look at Mega's health bar, man, and like, I've seen a lot of guns, but I mean, just look at this man. Let's get back to Mega. Just look at his health bar. It's been a while since I've used a gun that rips through the Mega that fast. This thing's just insane. Let's take out this horde of zombies we had behind us.

It's also going to be good because that'll drop some ammo for us, which you know will pick that up there. We go got a mimic coming our way as, well, all right, throw our blade, get a bit of distance again, see if we can take out that, mimic, and there we go got the mimic, no swiping, very nice. Mega's going to hit us with that laser attack.

We're probably not going to kill him. We need to back up in no way, all right? We probably should have paid more attention there. all good, though I got more than enough self-revivals. Let's take out this disciple. There we go. Our blade disciple is dead. Yeah, is he? No, he's not. He's still back there, all right.

mw3 zombies guns

Let's try to kill him from here, and there we go. We got the disciple, who was very nice. Let's get a bit of distance here. We got a mangler on us too. Let's focus on the mangler until the mega hits us with a laser attack, and he's H his. Come on, no, we were not prepared for that. All right, back to doing some damage to the mega.

We kind of missed out on that laser attack. It's all good. Let's keep hitting those shots back up a bit, and we'll probably kill him at any moment. Now, come on, we just need his face to start glowing for a second. We might not even need any critical hits; just normal damage is already pretty good with the mini.

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Let's back up a bit. There we go. Mega is dead. He dropped a Mort strike, the replay's best large bag. We already have the large bag, so we're good. We're good All right, I'll make my way over to the Ether Extractor, Contract. Man, I'm not even using my fist to run around. I swear, the mobility on this SMG is just crazy.

Yeah, this is the best route to get to the contract. You just kind of do a bit of parkour. Pick up the contract. Jump down to this side. Oh, the mega is not supposed to be there; he's usually back there, but yeah, that's odd. All right, so when you get to this part here, you can just ascend on this ZIP.

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Throw it down to Casmir. That's going to take care of all the zombies back here. We should also deal with the special zombies. No, all right. There we go; we should be able to disable it now. And there we go. Nice quick and easy, Once you disable that, you just run along here, and you can kind of jump on this wall.

Run along the wall so you avoid damage from the zombies on the left and right. When you're at this point, you can throw your Casmir at the wall that's going to bounce off and land right by the extractor. That's going to let you just run up here and get this one disabled too. I'm having a bit of a lag right now.

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Servers are being a bit weird today. You climb up this ladder, then equip your extra Casmir and get on this wall. Throw your Casmir at the extractor that's going to bounce off, and clear out all the zombies. And once again, you can just disable the extractor. There we go. Nice and easy; the contract is complete.

mw3 zombies solo

See what we get here, dog bone recipe: An extra way to revive a normal dog's bone I'll assume that we already have the schematic on hand, which I'll give away here soon. So I'm not going to fill up my tombstone. But yeah, once you complete this contract, you just jump on this wall here. Parachute over to this side; from here, you can just jump right down to this green bus, and here you have the Outlast contract.

Once you accept that, run back here across the street. Get over this. ZIP, and you just run into this building, take a left, and activate the PN. There we are. Go, and this contract is super easy, man. All you do is stay in this room, running in circles. If you have extra Casmir, don't throw them in the middle of this room because they can bug out.

I'd recommend throwing them in a corner, like there's something on the stairs that's going to bounce off and land right here, and it definitely always works this way. If you have the field upgrade I have, of course you can use that as well. Just get a bunch of zombies on you and use it, and you'll get a bunch of kills.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether

If you don't have Casmir and you don't have the field upgrade, then just kind of run, jump down, come to the other side, jump down, go to the other side, kind of run around, make like an imaginary eight if that makes sense, yeah, that's kind of the strategy if you don't have any more Casmir and your field upgrades on cool down, and there we go, contract complete quick and easy.

We got a couple zombies. Left alive here, we also have that disciple and a mangler further back, so let's take out the disciple real quick. There we go. Just look at the damage output on this thing, man. That's, Crazy, there we go, focus on the disciple again, got to back up a bit, don't want to go down, and there we go, got the disciple back up.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether farming

Take out the mangler. Yeah, man, just look at that. This thing's insane. See what we get in here, Golden Plates? We also have the plans, but we already have them all right. Let's take this mangler out. Here, yeah, man, just look at that. I love this SMG. I'm not going to lie; I'm going to have to rate this gun a solid 10 out of 10.

It's definitely the best SMG that we've tested here on the channel. We had a lot of fun using this thing. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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