News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Solo Players Need This Gun. Easy Rare Schematics

Deadshot Dair is not working right now. Hold on, let me test that out. No, okay, we're good. We're good all right, let's keep firing those shots. Hit those critical shots on the Mega as well. There we go. Another laser attack. We're prepared for this one, though. Let's get that reload very nice.

All right, let's take out this disciple here, or rather, there we go, mimics almost dead, there we go, we got the mimic. Now all is right, so we went down again. We're out of self-revive, so we'll have to play a bit more carefully, but you know we'll be fine. We'll be fine. Let's get a reload again.

mw3 zombies easy schematics

There we go, starting to light up this, Mega. Nice I have a normal zombie here, so I should try to look for some ammo. We go nice. Back up a bit there we go get those free CR critical hits in so we're out of ammo now that's not the best thing but you know all right so we're completely out of ammo and there's no zombies spawning so I think we'll have to make our way over to the ether extractor contract not much of an option, and instead of taking our normal route I'll actually come here just so we can hit that ammo de.

And then you can just jump up here, climb the ladder, pick up the contract, and there we go. Now we'll drop down to this side as usual. We got that Mega from earlier right there; he's actually going to hit us with the laser attack, but we're going to run up here, and we can just take this ZIP. It's going to take us right up to the extractor.

mw3 zombies guns

We're going to throw a Casmir. It's going to take care of all the zombies and also the disciples, and that's going to let us just deactivate the extractor. Quick and easy. We'll go ahead and equip the extra Casmir. Now, and we're going to run along this wall, kill that guy real quick from this point here, you can just throw a Casmir at that wall that's going to bounce off and land right up at the extractor, and clear out any of the zombies that might be up here, and that's going to let us disable this extractor as well, there we go once you get that one, you just climb up this ladder, get on the wall, right here, and throw your Casmir right at the extractor, that's going, normally it doesn't bug out like it did here, but you know, usually it clears out any zombies that are up here, and there we go got that one disabled as well.

mw3 zombies rare schematics

See what we get from this? Contract, golden plate an extra, and self-revive some perks dog bone recipe we already have, so I'll leave that in there. Yeah, once you finish this contract, just climb up here, parachute over to these stairs, and from here, you can just parachute right over to this green bus, and this is where you find the Outlast contract.

Once you pick that up, just cross the street. Make your way over to this wall. You'll have a zip. Get up here, go right into this room, take a left, and activate the P&A. Now, this contract is probably the easiest to do here in the Elder Dark Eternity. The only thing you have to do is stay in this room and keep running in circles.

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If you have Casmir, you can use those as well. Just don't throw them right in the middle because they can bug out. I usually throw them in a corner like that so that they bounce off and land there. It usually works that way. If you have the field upgrade that I do, of course you can use that as well; it's going to kill a bunch of zombies for you, so definitely comes in handy, but yeah, really not much to it.

mw3 zombies solo

Complete, and there we go.Contract complete. There are still going to be a few zombies alive, but that's definitely not going to be an issue, so let's just quickly take those guys out. I think there's a few more right here—quite a few more—and there we go. I took out the deciple as well to see what we get from this one and an extra Elder sigil that's always good for extra Golden Plates, which will take, and yeah, it's pretty much it, so yeah.

I'd give the amr9 with the conversion kit a solid 9.5 out of 10; the damage output on this thing is insane. Mobility is really good; it definitely performs well against groups of zombies, against normal Elite zombies, and against Bounty targets. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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