News - Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded Easter Egg Full Solo Guide: Unlock New Dark Aether & Schematics

easter egg

Now sometimes it is a mercenary camp for me; it wasn't fortunately, but you might need to clear that out first, but here you're going to see if you have death perception, you'll see these pink footsteps, but you don't need death perception to do this just so you know, so there's another one there; they'll disappear as you're walking, and if you go to the right of this fancy bed, you get the last one, and you look underneath and investigate under the bed, and it'll cue another entity dialogue moment where they talk and kind of progress the story line a little more, just go ahead and wait it.

Out, and there you go—your reward. Rift, and your last epic. The item is the imaginary FR drawing, so that leaves us with the gold giraffe toy and the laptop with stickers. The science journal, the imaginary FR, is dry now; we just have to make it gold, and we can open up season 3. I reloaded the new dark ether permanently, so let me show you how to do that now.

modern warfare 3

Fly back over to Tier 3, particularly on the west side next to the new portal from the mission. When you fly over there, you're going to use the science journal for this one, and you're going to notice on the ground just below where my green dot is that there's going to be a purple. Triangle, that's telling you this is where you want to be to get an item of gold.

Now there's going to be three different icons around you that are always in the same spots. There's the first, shoot it; the second, shoot it; and, of course, shoot the third up here. Now that's going to cause these big purple lines to spawn. They won't look like anything here, but if you get to the right angle, they're going to form a triangle.

mw3 zombies

A triangle i can't do it with my hands. I suck at triangles, so head on over to this balcony. Here, and you're going to see it's going to line up into a triangle. Wait for it. Boom, now perform the summoning, so you go and perform that. It does take a long time. Also, if you're doing this with a party, if you're the only one that has the items and they kill the zombies, it doesn't actually count towards it.

Make sure you're the one killing the zombies, not your teammates that aren't doing the quest or a random that comes in, because it will jack it up, and this is a bit glitchy. I had to redo this multiple times and multiple rounds to get it to work properly, but that's eventually going to spawn this named opponent, and then as you keep killing, you're going to find a named dog.


Once you kill that dog, that will actually bring the portal in, and that's going to spawn up there, so you can use your scorcher or just walk around if you need to. If you don't have a scorch, but you should have one, let's be honest, so head up there to go claim your reward. And that is going to now give you the golden science journal, so two down, two to go, next going to turn the imaginary Fring drine gold, you're going to be right in that location next to the broken down palace, there's the purple right there on the ground, you can see it just to the right, and then look for the three different points to shoot; there's your first, there's your second, and the third is just down the hallway here.

Right there, the location is actually very close. I had to look around for a while to find it, but if you land right about here, don't overshoot it. Hop up just over this jump, and there you go. There's your triangle, and again, you're going to Summit, and that's going to take your imaginary friend drinking.

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Away, boom, ignore what's in my inventory because I had to redo this so many times because it kept glitching. You're then going to have to fight all of these zombies, collect the souls, etc., which will eventually spawn this big brute. I don't know how to say his name, but because he's a big mangler, we just call him Braa, because it's kind of like Braa, or we'll call him Bronnie.

mwz easter egg

You know, like the Quilted Quicker Picker Upper, but he takes a ton of shots. He's not hard. You just have to shoot him forever. I got lazy playing with my golden armor and my dog and got knocked, so I kind of deserve to drop here, so I just killed them while down, because why not let the dog do the hard work?

mwz season 3

work, then guess what? After you kill him, boom, a reward spawns, and it is the imaginary friend drawing attention. Relic three out of four completed on to the last now the last conversion for our gold item is going to be our laptop with stickers and it's just around the corner here at this alleyway okay next to that Palace that we were just at there is your purple triangle so you're going to find three icons there's one there's two and there's, three, and you're going to jump up to this building again very close by and I kind of had to crouch to get it to work you got to get it to line up just right once you hit it now again mine was glitching I did this a bunch of times; it took me a bunch of rounds; it didn't actually spawn it in like it's supposed to, but I eventually got it to work, and surprise, you got to fight a bunch of zombies on this roof and collect all of their souls until you eventually got a reward.

Rift, reward Rift pops up, and that is your last one. You now have all four items. Let's actually go open the new dark Ether Portal for season 3. Reloaded now for season 3. Reloaded Portal is not hard to find; it is surprising in Tier 3 in this giant area over on the west side next to the mission.

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Portal, as expected, got super jerky here, but fortunately my game did not crash, so here we go. We first put the imaginary friend Drwing down and ran over to the next one, which was the giraffe toy, followed by the science journal, stop it, don't shoot me, cut it out, and on to our very last one, which is the laptop with stickers.

mwz season 3 reloaded

Once you put those in, just like the other two Rifts that we've already previously opened, here comes the giant portal, and this boss fight is actually pretty challenging. I got lucky because I had my Juggernaut, and I had some random people just pop in and start shooting. I don't know if he had a vr11 or what, but he did crazy damage to them, so this will open up, and then you have yourself a little disciple, which I didn't think much of until the disciple decides to summon a mega Abomination, and then on top of that, a named dog just comes running out real quick.

The dog was really easy to kill. Actually, two of them were easy to kill. Mega was a megaabomination, but the disciple had a ton of health, so if you're using guns like these, keep an eye on your ammo because it could be a problem. I used the Juggernaut and took out the mega-abomination because you can't hurt the disciple until you kill the mega-abomination.

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We ended up having to kill two mega-abominations so that we could damage the disciples and finish them off right here. Boom, now our reward Rift opens up, and we have, of course, the NE sigil for the new dark ether Rift. That is everything you need to do to open the new dark ether Rift in season 3 Reloaded.

new easter egg

It is a pretty long process, no lie, but it's really fun, and it's actually pretty challenging, which just makes me happy. I will have a article out tonight on how to actually run the dark ether and get all the schematics, so keep an eye out for that, but until then, like and subscribe.

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