News - Warzone 2 Tombstone Glitch (dark Aether) Unlock New Schematics. Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

b man

Wesley here, and today I'm going to be showing you not only how you get the new schematics for season 3 Reloaded but also how you can keep your tombstone in the main map when you return making it so that you only risk your sigil when attempting runs. Now, as a token of love for all the support that I've gotten recently as well as the fact that my birthday is this weekend.

I wanted to show some love to you guys by giving away all three schematics to at least 10 subscribers. Now, if it could take like 10 seconds of your time. I just want to quickly show some gratitude to all my subscribers, as well as a couple of people; without them, my articles would not have come out so fast and into today while we're recording this article.

Drop It Like a TOD and his son confused toast—that's the first people who found me in the game—just happened to come across me in this group of friends, and they said that they were already subscribers to me, so that made me feel really, really good, and my birthday is this weekend, so I'm just really happy about that, as well as Smash and Grab Mama Zombie.


Mrs squat shouts out to all of you for helping me set up my Tombstone and really just making it so easy for me to do these things, so again, guys. I'm going to show you exactly how you can get these schematics out of the game and share them with your friends, as well as just simply how you can save your Tombstone while going through the dark ether, so let's get right into this glitch, and I'm going to show you guys exactly how you can do it now.

You can do this solo, but I'm going to show you in a minute how damn hard these new dark ether zombies are now. I can't stress it to you enough. You need to go in fully decked out, so what I mean by that is Pack-A-Punch level three weapons. I highly suggest that you're going to be doing this in a group.

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Let's just I'm just going to presume that right now because you'll see the article clips of me going solo in a second. It's absolutely breathtaking how hard this thing is by yourself. So anyway, I highly suggest that at least one person has a vr11, upgraded, because you'll see later you can actually heal the escort.


When you're on that mission, all right, that's going to be one of the missions that you need to do in this dark ether. We'll go over where they are and what you need to do for them, but this article is all about the new dark ether and how you can do the tombstone duplication glitch through it with yourself or with your team.

So what we're going to be using is a portal that is on the other side of Tier 3; it's in the left Courtyard, so, what you may have noticed is in the past on the dark ether that's on the hill right you used to be able to hold the Ed button, and fire your scorcher up in the air so that you could fly pretty quickly over to the portal now most people kind of gave up on this one cuz it's even further this one's a little bit closer so it's definitely possible but what I found is instead of doing what you used to do in the past you have to hold it down and then right before you finish really halfway through start charging your scorcher.

dark aether

Then, as soon as you finish, look away, fire your scorcher twice, and, obviously, fly through the air pretty quickly. If you need to know how to do this, just simply watch me fly through the air to do it as quickly as possible. If you want to fly really low and find your way over to the portal, it is very, very quick.

duplication glitch

As you can see, I got here with 12 seconds left, which is 1, 000%. Doable; it really all depends on when you get to that portal, so you can do dry runs here. You don't have to waste your signature; you can activate it and then not accept the contract. So what you can do here is essentially activate it and then fly your way over to the portal now there's two different ways that you can do this I'm going to show you how you can do it where only you keep an extra Tombstone, again you're just duplicating your items here so if you don't care about this then this article isn't for you but what I'm saying is you essentially will only be spending an elder sigil, when you go in you will keep every single other thing and you don't have to waste your time so when you go through you can see the portal code on the screen now this is the one that I prefer to use you will fly to the edge of the map accept it and then enter at 6 seconds so you may have noticed I entered at 7 Seconds we will go over that in a minute so to physically, actually do the glitch in case you don't know what the Tombstone glitch is I'm going to take 15 seconds guys just to explain it to the people who have not done this before or forgot.


When you get through the portal you're going to run out of the edge of the map at 6 seconds so you just need your team to accept the contract, whenever you go through the portal it'll take a little bit of coordinating but it is very easy you will get the eliminated symbol before you get the dark ether zombies loading symbol just like the screen just showed you should see that now you may notice I have entered at 7 Seconds, we will go over that in a minute because you need to enter at 6 seconds and you'll see why in a minute but if one person has all of the important spare items right they will both take it into the dark ether and if you survive extract with it as well as have an existing Tombstone on the map being placed as soon as you see that eliminated symbol and then dark ether load right here you know that you have set your Tombstone.

Successfully, so long story short, one player should just hold all the spare items and do this. You could also do it with all four people. Hours, of cool down I'm not kidding if you have Max Essence on you or you get it from someone and you extract successfully like at the end of Dark ether here which I will show you in a second you will literally save 70 hours so let's get into how you get through this and get out all right So here we are in the dark ether, and as you may have noticed before, like I mentioned.

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I entered at 7 seconds. That will cause you to lose your weapons. Yes, I am not joking. This has happened to me in the last dark ether, and it happened to me in this dark ether now. When you enter at 6 seconds, when you do this glitch, it should keep your weapons, but if it doesn't, just to warn you guys, glitches don't always work as intended.


Sometimes people are like, Hey, I lost my weapons with this, and if I don't mention it in the article, then they're like, This is a crappy article or something like that. I'm just telling you now. It could happen. Just enter at 6 seconds if you can. If you lose your weapons, just make sure that someone has a backup.

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