News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Please Don't Use This Gun. The Worst Gun Zombies

So yeah, for Tier 3, this gun's okay, but for Tier 5, I would not recommend it. So let's see if we can actually survive with this gun, all right? So the first contract we're going to do is on the roof of this Ammo Depot building, so the route I like to take is just to climb onto this wall and jump right into the window.

Break the glass here and climb up this ladder, and right here you'll find the Ether extractor contract. Just pick that up. As you can see, there's a mega back there, too, so just jump to this side of the building to avoid it. Then run up the street here. We ended up getting a second Casmir. Nice and beautiful, all right.

mw3 zombies easy schematics

That's going to make this part easier, so right up here you'll have the first extractor. You'll have a bunch of zombies and also one or two Elites, so just throw your Casmir. That's going to take care of all the zombies. It's also going to kill the disciple. And more importantly, it's just going to let you disable the extractor.

Now once you have that one disabled, run in this direction here, and then you'll find this wooden bridge. Cross the bridge, and once you're at this part here, you can throw a Casmir right at that wall, which's going to bounce off and land right at the extractor, killing all the zombies up there for you and also taking out any Elites that might be up here.

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And once again, you can just disable the extractor. Now, once you get that one, run back here. Climb up this ladder right here. Get on this wall now. If you have an extra Casmir, throw it at the extractor that's going to bounce off and take care of all the zombies right here. We don't have that, so we're just going to use our energy mine field upgrade.

mw3 zombies guns

Let's quickly take out that disciple. There we go. Getting a bit of lag here, let's quickly back up a little bit. We got an extra C, so you know what? Let's just Chuck that to take care of these zombies. And let's disable the final extractor. That's that contract complete; super easy. One of the easiest contracts in the Tier 5 Zone.

See what we get and Golden Plates extra self-revive, and of course the schematic and a perk Epic tool too, which we'll leave there. We are getting some serious lag right now, which is odd because there are latencies at 23 milliseconds, which is okay. Nothing crazy, but you know you shouldn't be lagging like this.

Let's pick up that contract. It didn't even let us pick it up. No way there we go picked up the Outlast contract. Now once you get that one, just run into the corner here, get up this ZIP, and make your way through these wooden doors. Take a left at this building and activate the P&D. For this contract, of course, all you do is stay in this room.

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There's really not much to it; keep running in circles. If you have a Wonder Wafa, that's going to help out. Casmir helps out as well, and the energy mine field upgrade helps out because you'll get a bunch of kills with that. But if you don't have anything, then just keep running in circles, kind of like I am right now.

That's going to be your best bet; definitely not the hardest contract to do. Complete and there we go, contracting Elite. Once you complete the contract, most of the zombies are going to end up dying. You might have a couple left alive, and you might also have one or two Elites left alive, but we don't have any right now, which we're kind of lucky about.

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See what we get in the reward Rift if it gives us the damn prompt. Come on, man. I don't want the ammo; I want my reward. Let's see if we can kind of get the prompt here somewhere. Let's actually just pick up some ammo or something. All right, let's throw that. Wait, I had the prompt for a second.

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Come on there. Come on there, we got it, okay? So we got the PhD Flopper off that, and we already have an extra golden plate, which we have, so I'm going to leave that in there, and Deadshot Dair I'll take cuz why not just so the next game when I load in I'll have that in my Tombstone, so yeah man overall I'll have to rate this thing maybe a 7 on 10, it's definitely not the best handgun to use if you want to use a really powerful handgun.

I'd still recommend using the Aikimbo 50g or the dual-wield snake shot TI. The retes are pretty good too, but this one right here I would not recommend. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night, wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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