News - Warzone 2 Zombies: New Map & Schematics Ultimate Guide - Season 3 Reloaded Artifacts Fast / Easy Unlock


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New act 4 mission reward

New act 4 mission reward

As a quick FYI, there is a brand new act for Mission that got added with today's update.

The mission is known as Union, but there is a reward for beating the brand new act, Mission. First off, you get this charm called The Fabulous Flames, and you're also going to get 10, 000. Upon finishing the ACT mission in the reward Rift, make sure you guys pick up the atuned giraffe relic. You're going to need this for going ahead and unlocking the third ether Rift later on in this article.

As you're going to see now, the other three artifacts you have to grab, unlike season 2, are actually in Urzikstan. This is a lot more in line with how the artifacts worked in season 1; you have to find them in the big map and also upgrade them in the big map, so let's go through each of the artifacts you have to go ahead and obtain all right, so for the first relic, which is a laptop.

Laptop with stickers

mw3 dead wire detonators schematic

You want to go ahead, and if you have a friendly dog, in a mer camp we're going to pop a dog bone, as you will see where our dog went. Did he bug out chat? You have to be kidding. But, folks, there's going to be an artifact that requires the use of a friendly dog. Obviously, don't pop it until you make it to a mercenary camp, but you can get a friendly dog by using a dog bone if you want.

You can go ahead and get dog meat by getting zombie kills at an Xville site escort contract. Use Casmir to use the equipment and what you want. is for the friendly dog to go to Ahad and kill the sergeant at a Merc camp, and here's a sergeant; that's exactly what he looks like. Woo, come on, dog, get him, what?

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There we go. Come on you got this, buddy, and there we go. The dog went ahead and took out the sergeant, and there was our laptop with stickers. Again, get a friendly dog however way you want, whether it's through a dog bone that you can pop or whether it's by using meat. I don't think brain rot on a hound would work, but that's worth a try. Go over to any mercenary camp on the map, and you can go ahead and let the dog do his trick all right.

Imaginary friend drawing

Imaginary friend drawing

So for this next relic, you're going to want to use death perception. You don't have to, but it makes the step look a lot cooler if you do. There is, of course, a perk machine for death perception, which will be in a random spot.

In your match of zombies, you can see the icon 4 with an eyeball. I'd probably recommend just going to Wonder Fizz instead, but for the sake of this article, I'm like, You know what? Let's just go to the perk machine so it looks cooler, and now we can go ahead and pick up our next artifact. All right, so you now want to take death perception to the zor ranch here, which is just opposite of the Shahin manor.

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As you could see in this i7 of the map itself, make sure you clear some zombies out before you go and attempt, especially if you're recording a article, because you'll get bombarded with 100 of the undead. As you walk in, you'll see some footsteps leading up the stairs. Let's see where this leads us.

I don't see another footstep yet, and we're looking for a bedroom. There's another footstep, okay? It's a very cool Easter egg. It's not that direct when using death perception, but it kind of leads you in the right direction. So now that we're in a bedroom, check underneath the bed, and you can investigate, Us on the, Page.

The entity just spoke to us, and now we have a reward, Rift, for having done that. Inside, you will find the imaginary friend drawing. So again, if you don't buy that perception, you could still come underneath the bed and grab the artifact or the relic, however you want to describe it. I just showed you guys that perception just so you guys understand the logic of how we found this underneath.

Science journal

Science journal

The bed is all right, but for this next artifact, you want to go into the place where the storm is going to start in a match of zombies, and all you have to do is kill. The zombies within the storm, you don't have to worry about storm caller that crazy disciple boss that you have to kill for the ACT Mission, but you want to just kill the zombies in this zone here, and apparently after killing a good amount, maybe upwards of 50 could be a bit less, you will see a reward rip, so let's kill as many as we can here using our ether bike, and you want to bring a gas mask into this area once you're here because you're obviously in the storm, so you'll know where to go in every match you play.

Just look at where the storm is, but once enough zombies have been killed in the storm, our reward will pop up. Here's the science journal. Now, we have just about all the relics that we need, but we have to acquire three of them that we just grabbed.

Upgrading all relics in tier 3

Upgrading all relics in tier 3

Here's what's going on with this RI to comparison to the previous ones you can actually upgrade these three relics, through the exact same method right the steps in which you upgrade these relics is exactly the same as one another, except there's a slight twist to that so if you go over into the tier three Zone you'll find three different triangles in the map I'm going to show you where all three of them are when you come across one of the triangles, you'll notice that there's a symbol you can shoot at the very edge of each point of the triangle so if you look at the three points of the triangle, each point will be signaling you in a direction where there's a symbol you can shoot them in any order that you want and once you do that you'll notice a bunch of lights not too far from where you're standing and what you want to do is stand exactly where you can actually match up the lines of light to form a triangle.

mw3 golden mask filter schematic

Once you form that triangle an orb will spawn and where you're standing is exactly where it's going to let you sacrifice one of the artifacts that you have so the triangle that I just showed you here in Oldtown, will let you sacrifice the sign scientific journal what's cool is that if your other teammates also have the scientific journal on them it'll sacrifice all of your journals on your squad once you complete this step it's going to go ahead and upgrade all your journals to the gold attuned Rarity so this step is simple you just want to stay in the circle and kill zombies that are glowing purple you want to make sure you're standing in the circle as you kill those zombies so the souls can collect to the big orb that you guys just saw, only the people that had the scientific journal or the item that's specific to this triangle.

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