News - Warzone 2 Zombies: New Map & Schematics Ultimate Guide - Season 2 Reloaded Artifacts Fast / Easy Unlock

mw3 blood burner schematic

Right towards the center of this area up the stairs you'll see an option for each ammo mod that you can go ahead and put on your weapons again don't put on an ammo mod you don't need to use just yet so make sure you kind of if you have teammates, split up the zombies a little bit have one person take some of the regular zombies away while you focus on the elemental ones or just be careful with your blast radius don't shoot the wrong zombies with the wrong ammo mod so obviously if he has fire use napon burst if he has a purple Aura around them use dead wire depending on what zombies you get will determine what ammo mods you need to put on once you kill the Zombies it'll then spawn the upgraded mirror right there on the ground , lastly with the firing range Target my favorite one you want to go near the Shannon Manor where you'll see a bunch of firing range targets right here in the area you want to find this specific Target that you can interact with you'll then see targets you can shoot that are purple.

Upgraded firing range target

Opening the second rift

Opening the second rift

That indicates that is where a dark ether gate is, so what you want to do is head over to that new gate and place these upgraded and golden artifacts on each of the pedestals, respectively. I'll try to show you on screen where each of them goes, and once you do that, it'll spawn in an EMP mimic that we also got a glimpse of in the Act 4 mission.

mw3 mags of holding schematic

If you want to make sure you go ahead and destroy that mimic to fully unlock the rift gate permanently, for you, right, if you were the ones that place the if you the one that placed the artifacts down the rift gate, it is open permanently for you, whereas your teammates will have to place the artifacts. On the respective pedestals, in a separate match to permanently unlock that Rift gate for them but I believe it might let another player Place their artifacts on the same pedestals, it should work like that but yeah go give that a shot if it doesn't work then maybe it's bugged you have to go Ahad and place those artifacts in a separate game but as long as one person went ahead and place those correct artifacts down it'll spawn that mimic and then the rift gate will allow you to spawn back into that dark ether Rift that's in the outside edge shopping center now here's what's really interesting, there's almost no point in going into the regular version of this new dark ether Rift using a normal sigil by killing that EMP mimic he'll give you a Sigil that you can use to go into that new Rift but guess what when you go into that Rift and you complete all the contracts there in xville, you don't get any of the new schematics you only get the brand new schematics through doing the Elder version of the brand new dark ether Rift and guess what you can only get Elder sigils.

Second elder sigil rift explained

Second elder sigil rift explained

By going into a dark ether Rift, whether it's the one from season 1 or whether it's the new one, and completing contracts in those riffs, you have a chance of getting an elder sigil from the reward riffs.

All 3 schematics unlocked

So with that being said, if you guys have backup Elder sigils that you've been saving for the last couple of months, the good thing is you don't have to even go ahead and do the regular version of this dark ether; you can go straight into the Elder version by just walking to the other side of this gate and inputting that Elder sigil.

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And once you're in the Elder version of this dark ether, you have less time while in here, whereas zombies are a little bit harder; they're like tier four or higher zombies. With difficulty, I would say that once inside, you once again have to find three different bunnies, aka Mr. Peaks one is directly inside the warehouse next to where you spawn, and once you go and grab that, it'll initiate a bounty; typically, it spawns an abomination.

mw3 vr11 schematic

In that foggy, creepy Transit-remastered area of the map, the Abomination isn't for the faint of heart. If you guys are low on ammunition or anything else, it's going to be a bit tough. Make sure you guys are decked out before going into this and have good communication. Shoot that Abomination when his eyes open up, and give yourselves plenty of space while moving around as best as you can.

Upon defeating that abomination, you get a reward. Rift boom, that's done. The second bunny is located on the roof, not too far from the warehouse. You'll see Mr. Peaks just chilling right there, as you guys can see, and this Mr. Peaks will give you an Outlast contract, so the contracts are just about the same as the ones from the first dark ether Rift, except instead of an escort one, you're going to be getting a reactor contract, which we'll get to in a second, but this Outlast is honestly pretty simple.

mw3 zombies dark aether contracts season 2

I mean, the more players, the better obviously, but if you guys just kind of sit around with scorchers and just blast at the front door, zombies will really never get inside, and if you have one player kind of shooting them, the other players kind of sit back and watch his back or throw ether blades or decoys.

This isn't that hard of an outlast at all, but obviously on Solo, or if you're playing with people that don't have the best loot, this could get pretty tough; it's kind of a tight space, but again, if you guys are decked out with golden armor plates, ether blades. Wonder Weapons, and Tier 3 weapons.

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I mean, this is going to be an absolute breeze. So lastly, the third bunnies on top of a mall, which will then begin the reactor contract, are all pretty easy to spot, and again, we'll have even more clarity over on detonated, for those that want a visual guide and article instead of watching articles, but I did show you where all the rabbits do end up spawning.

mw3 zombies dark aether rabbit locations

So once you begin this reactor contract, it's just like a typical one where you get to go up and interact with all of them so that you can go ahead and complete the contract. Obviously, you want to throw decoys or have a teammate watch your back while you're in that animation because it may take a while and you can get absolutely instad downed when in that animation with the cell phone, so be very careful going ahead and doing these reactors, but once all three have been interacted with and the rockets are all set off, that will be the end of this third contract, and a reward Rift will end up spawning.

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