News - Warzone 2 Zombies: How To Unlock All Season 1 Schematics



Ladies and gentlemen, as you guys know, with season 1, we got a pretty big zombie update, but one of the biggest things in it is the new schematics. There are essentially six new season 1 schematics that you can go in and earn, and pretty much all of them are done through Easter eggs, so in this article, what I'm going to be giving you is the steps to earn all of the new season 1 schematics, and there's a lot of different steps and essentially.

There are two different ways and two things that you're going to have to do and two Easter eggs that you're going to have to know to get all these now. If you don't know what the schematics are, they include the Flawless ethereum schematic, the dog bone, which allows you to have a Tier Three dog and bring it into the game, and the Ether Blade Plans, which are like a throwing knife that's a boomerang. The scorcher, which is the of course legendary weapon that was put in the game at the beginning now you can use a schematic on it the legendary ether tool which gives your weapon the gold or sorry, orange status on it and then the golden armor plates which allows for your armor to Auto regen in game all of these can be earned they're BAS basically the most powerful schematics in the game and there's a lot of steps to actually get these so that is what I'm going to show you in this article how to get all of them how to earn all of them let me tell you it's not the easiest thing in the world so the first three I'm going to show you how to get include, the dog bone schematic the Golden Plates and The Ether blade so step one of doing this is completing.

Dog bone, golden armor, aether blade schematics

Dog bone, golden armor, aether blade schematics

You're going into essentially a Tier 2 zone. You're going to go in, and you're going to complete the objectives within the dark ether. Eventually, you're going to spawn this giant worm, an ether worm, that you're going to have to fight if you're doing this solo. Watch the article down in the description if you're with a team.

aether blade schematic

Just know that you have to put out a bunch of different damage, use pack-a-punch weapons, use turrets; they work really well, and on top of that, if the worm buries itself underground. You're going to want to shoot some sort of explosive at the ground to get him to pop up because he's when he's Underground he is going to regen Health now, when you actually complete this boss, this is the part of how you get the schematics, you're going to need to go into the rift that it spawns and it is going to give you this journal it's a legendary Journal you're going to want to extract and then put that into your storage alongside everything else that you extract with put it into your storage because there's a couple other steps that we're going to need to do next, that is going to allow us to actually earn the schematic, so there are three other items that you're going to have to obtain and there's a couple of different ways that you have to get them so the first of which is the dog collar for this one you're either going to need a Molotov.

dog bone schematic

Or I believe a thermite works as well but I know guaranteed a Molotov does you're going to go and take that Molotov, and find one of the dog kennels when you get to it you're going to put it into the dog kennel instead of chunks of Flesh this is going to spawn an enemy dog, when you kill that dog it is going to give you the dog collar so the next one is for brain rot and for this one you are going to equip brain rot on whatever weapon you're using you're going to go to an ether Nest or an ether stronghold hold when you're inside you're going to find those glowing yellow spores, when you shoot it with brain rot do not destroy it just shoot it once it is going to turn it green you are then going to be able to interact with that and when you do it is going to give you a pill bottle the final one is for dead wire for this one you want to equip dead wire on your weapon and find a harvester, orb.

Now for this one, there is a little bit of a caveat to it: you need to shoot the Harvester orb with your weapon with dead wire. It is going to turn the orb yellow if you have a teammate, and if they do not have dead wire and they shoot it, it will go back to purple, and I think that breaks it, but what you're going to do is you're going to kill the Harvester orb using a weapon with dead wire, and it is going to drop a surveillance.

golden armor schematic

Camera so after you have all three of these or after you do one of them you're going to find one of those purple Rifts that spawn on the map now when you go through it this time you're going to pull your Chute right away because there's going to be another Rift up in the air, there are three of them I believe a green one a orange one and finally a red one when you go through these they are going to give you immediately, a bounty contract, in its respective zones so the green one's a tier one zone the orange one is a tier 2 Zone and the red one is a tier three Zone each time you complete one of these it's going to make it so that those items that we just got turn legendary so then you're going to have the legendary dog collar legendary pill bottle and legendary surveillance camera and don't forget about your legendary.

how to unlock all season 1 schematics

Notebook that you got within act four so you are then going to take all four of these items and you know that giant tornado, that's in the there you're going to go there you're going to find four pillars there each of them with their own weapon mod on them so you're going to take the chilled notebook and put it on the frost blast pillar you are going to take the pill bottle put it on the brain rot pillar you're going to take the surveillance camera put it on the dead wire pillar, and finally you are going to go to the napom burst and that is where you're going to put the dog collar when you put them all on the correct pillars, it is going to spawn a giant Ether Portal and when you do.

Mega Abomination is going to come out, so this is actually the easiest part of the whole thing, because I'm going to show you a way to cheese it. If you actually just go in the water and swim across it to the other side, none of the zombies, elites, or anything else that spawns in it is going to be able to attack you.

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Even the Mega Abomination is going to have its one attack, which is a ranged attack, but you can avoid it very easily, and you can just unload into the Mega Abomination and kill it from across the way without any problem whatsoever, and believe it or not, we are still not done because when you take out that Mega Abomination, it is going to drop and sigil.

how to unlock all season 1 schematics mw3 zombies

Now, this sigil is kind of a bronzy color, and what you do with it is take it and put it into that portal that we just spawned. When you do, it is going to take you to the dark ether once again, but this time essentially, there are tier four zombies, not tier three, which means there's tier four elites.

MW3 Zombies Season 1 of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies included some insane new schematics in Zombies They Include the dog bone, golden armor, aether blade, the scorcher, legendary aether tool and flawless aetherium crystal. In this video I show you how to unlock all season 1 schematics. I hope you enjoy.
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