News - Warzone 2 Won't Ever Reach Its Potential

Your enjoyment is going to slowly decline over time as you start to recognize that the game's quality is diminishing every single time you play it every single new release. You cannot argue with me that these games, in any way shape or form, resemble their predecessors, resemble the golden heir of Call of Duty, at all, because they don't, they don't; they're such hollow shells; they're such greedy shelves of their former selves.

Sure, it has the moniker of Call of Duty. Sure, it acts to try to be a military simulator, but it doesn't do that; it doesn't follow that identity, and it doesn't follow the overall quality that those games had, like I always said in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2: World at War. Black Ops 1: Black Ops 2: These games all had their problems.

They all had issues. But the good always outweighed the bad, and that's what kept people coming back for more. There was a wealth of content in the game, and there were always reasons to play. I have a tough time finding reasons to play Call of Duty right now. I mean, I can't go on a Prestige grind because I earn nothing for it at level 250.

I don't care. I don't know what value that instills in me. I'd far rather you know Prestige through the ranks; it was something to work towards. My incentive for that is gone. I don't really care about any of the challenges, the camos, or any of those rewards because I can't earn anything of value or significance.

It seems everything that is somewhat okay or worthy of my time is locked behind a pay wall, so there's no value there, and that's what we are with Call of Duty now. Everything that could be cool to earn is just purchasable, and that's the only way to get it: to buy it. Even these event camos that they bring in aren't very good and pale in comparison to what you can buy, and it showcases that they don't really want you spending time on the game; they would rather you just buy things.

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They boasted about those metrics. You know, when the game launched, notice how they're not talking about it now, but they boasted about those metrics, and they were very proud of the fact that Call of Duty was being played more than ever. Is that still the case, because I don't think there's anything in this game that will retain players for the long haul?

It's definitely not the matchmaking, it's definitely not the spawn system, it's definitely not the hit registration, or the servers. It's none of that stuff; the game play has already gotten stagnant, and all of that is because of the lack of innovation that we see here in Modern Warfare 3. Creating a direct sequel to MW2 a year later just showcases the peak laziness that Activision is at right now and that Call of Duty is at right now, but you guys are incentivizing it.

You were the problem, as Call of Duty follows this long, painful death. I think you guys will have to realize at some point that buying these skins and having that instant gratification of playing as a rubber ducky was the downfall of Call of Duty. That's where we're at now, and it stinks to say it, but it's better that I realize it now than later.

I think I'm going to buy Call of Duty: Golf 4. Black Ops Golf 4 or whatever, just because it's a Treyarch game and I normally have more fun in Treyarch games than I do with any other developer, but I don't think I'm buying another Call of Duty after that. I think they have lost me as a customer just because of this consistency.

Negligence, and this consistent decay of their identity and the overall quality of the game, unless something drastic changes, which would be so shocking. I don't see this community getting back to where it used to be, like this community used to be vibrant it used to be full of people that were excited and would understand criticism and not take it so personally but now when you criticize Call of Duty so many people take it as a personal attack it's my favorite game don't attack it no the game is fundamentally bad it is built upon a bad foundation, and its sole purpose is for you to buy microtransactions, that make you look like a rubber duck that's what itsp purpose is now it's not there to be a military shooter it's not even there for you to play it they just want you to spend money they could not care less if you played the game or not so go ahead invest in the skins that are out there cuz I'm sure they'll be available for you to use in two to three years time I'm sure they won't lock those.

Down, making this purchase absolutely worthless, but that's it. That's it for me. Ranting today, I've had enough. I've had enough of this franchise. I've had enough of this game. I honestly cannot wait for X-Defiant. Can it please come out tomorrow? But that's it for today's article. I would love to hear your thoughts.

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A rubber duck skin is coming to Call of Duty which is fine but not as this game still fails to make fundamental improvements. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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