News - Warzone 2 Is Indefensible

black ops 4

What's going on YouTube for I hope you guys are doing well. Call of Duty is indefensible right now; that's the current state of this franchise. A franchise that was once at the peak of all first-person shooters has fallen to indefensibility. Stage, you can't defend the quality of the game you can't defend, the trajectory that the franchise is on.

If you want to take Vanguard into account and think that the franchise is in a healthy state, you're kidding yourself. You're legitimately kidding yourself; you're looking at one metric and one metric only, which is revenue. And that's all that Activision looks at; that's all they seem to care about.

Yes, revenues are up because more and more people like to spend more and more money on their games. It does not mean that their games are getting better; it does not mean that they're doing anything of value for the gaming industry, if anything. They're a representation of everything that is wrong with the current game industry.

You want to know something that I found fascinating about the GTA 6 trailer release? That was when I watched that trailer. I immediately knew one thing: they were going to sell us a complete game. Rockstar Games knew how important GTA 6 was for this community, even though they regurgitated and remastered GTA 5 for three different console generations.


I still knew that GTA 6 was going to be something special, or was going to be something special. I've talked a lot about their lack of identity. I've talked a lot about their absolute disrespect towards their own community, and this is what it leads to, guys. It leads to a game that consistently releases updates that have no quality to them whatsoever and are indefensible in what they break.


I don't know of any other game that consistently breaks its game on every single update. I can understand if it happens once, maybe twice a year. There's a lot that goes into these games. There's a lot of code, there's a lot of backend stuff, and they're updating things on the fly. I get it, mistakes happen, but when it becomes like clockwork, where every single time you release a content update, you know something else on the back end is going to break, that is a quality problem, that is a care problem, that is an effort problem, that is an intention to detail problem, and all of these problems have persisted within the Call of Duty Community within the Call of Duty franchise for the last several years, and nothing's getting better, nothing has been improved.

You can continue to throw money at it, but all we're seeing is a zero return on investment. If you're somebody who invested in Call of Duty, this is what you've been given. And honestly, it's a giant slap in the face, and I know what people are going to say; they're going to come back at me and say, Well, if you don't like it, don't play it, and that's where I'm at.

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I've said this before: I'm not really playing Modern Warfare 3 anymore because Call of Duty has not given me any reason to play it. What a bunch of absolutely modled little children the Call of Duty Community has become. But that's not what this article is about. I could talk about this community and their lack of maturity all day long, but that's not what today's about.

xtz ferocity

No, today is about the indefensible ability of Call of Duty right now and the current state of the game because there was hope and belief back in September and October that Sledgehammer Games would get their act together and that they'd finally deliver us what we deserved. Of course, there is a ton of evidence to showcase that they were rushed with the development of Modern Warfare 3, so some things can be excused.

You've had two months of development since the game's release. What have you done? You released season 1, which broke the game and reset a lot of people's basic stats and all their critic classes, which with this UI is absolutely abhorrent, and now you have a new update that doesn't release rank play.

Granted, I don't think they're the ones controlling rank play, but still, you're the lead developer, rank play is not in the game, and War Zone completely broke again. More of a raven issue than anything else, but this is the problem: you've got too many cooks in the kitchen. Sledgehammer Games is trying to release a cohesive game, but you also have Raven out there, you also have Infinity Ward, and you also have Treyarch doing their thing.

You've got too many people that are trying to execute the same goal; why don't you simplify it? Why don't you bring it down to the core, the premise of what you're trying to do, which is deliver a good and promising user experience, and instead of having everybody get their hands in there and say this is what we want to bring to the game, bring it to the lead developer, and the lead developer will make sure it works and there's some quality control?

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I know the shocking premise, but some quality control is needed to ensure that the update can roll out. Planned, it's still insane to me that we knew for how long this was when season 1 was going to come out. I know that I said there was no hype; there was no hype; there were no announcements; and there was no conversation because they knew ranked play wasn't ready.

They boasted that it would be ready, but it wasn't. Franchise but yeah, to get back to my original point, I guess the franchise is in a state of. Indefensible, there's nothing that Call of Duty can do that you can defend anymore, not with this, not with the quality of what we're getting, not with the level of communication we're getting, not with the attention to detail, not with the gameplay experience, not with the not listening to the community aspect.

You cannot defend this franchise. You can be honest with yourself and say I'm a shill and anything they do I will support, and honestly, you would get some brownie points in my books. I would look at you, and I'd say I don't agree with you, but at least you're honest about it. At least you're honest about the fact that you hope, Daddy.

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Activision sends you a care package every once in a while, not like everybody else who finds every little convoluted way to say, Guys, it's not that bad you're just. I'm not overreacting. I paid $70 for this experience. Actually, sorry scratch. I paid $100 for this experience because I live in Canada and everything's so darn expensive here, so that $1100.

I will tell you this, has equated to an experience far worse than what I had in 2009 for $60. Back then, and then, on top of that, the game at several points this year has been unplayable, and it continues to be unplayable right now, so what am I getting from my money? But I guess the jokes on me are right; I shouldn't have bought the game in the first place.

With Season 1 Reloaded disappointing players there's nothing left to be positive about. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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