News - Warzone 2 Won't Ever Reach Its Potential

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. It's always a tough day when you have to face the truth about your favorite. Franchise the truth is that Call of Duty is officially, done I don't think we'll ever get back to the Quality that the games used to be we'll never get back to the dedication that the developers once used to have we've traded all that in favor of quick cash from a high turnover of a community, a community that was once devoted and dedicated and loyal, and instead now it's all about fast cash and getting as many people to buy as many skins as possible and really do nothing on the back end to retain them, and that's where my frustration lies now with Call of Duty is for so long I thought that if we ralli the community together if we criticize the developers at some point that would warrant some change, but it's clear that change isn't coming it's clear, that Call of Duty is going to continue down this path of, poor.

Quality and microtransactions, and I'm all for the game actually making money. I'm all for the game injecting and microtransactions if the game is good. I've said this from the beginning: I want to support Call of Duty. I want to give money to the developers, but show me that you're willing to commit to the quality of the game.

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That's what I want to see. I want to see commitment to the quality of the game. I just don't see it. I do not see any of that commitment from the developers or the publishers, and honestly, from a lot of you in this community, there's no commitment to actually help make this game better. You guys are more or less complacent with it just being bad, so much so that this tweet resonated so much with me, and it's really sad.


It's a quote tweet from Charlie Intel, and they are quote tweeting Call of Duty fans. I'm going to throw it all up on screen right here. Activision hiring people who worked as developers in Fortnite was the biggest mistake they made. Devotion to revamping the franchise into Call of Duty is actually making me sick, and it's the picture of the rubber duck.

You guys don't have to guess what my opinion on this is. I'm sure you already know, but Charlie Intel makes this point. These non-Sim bundles in Call of Duty are usually the best-selling bundles in the game, so it clearly is what the actual players who are spending money in the game want. There you have it, guys.

That's the truth. Trees, woodland creatures, and now rubber ducks are what the community wants. Those that are spending money are showing Activision that they don't care if you release an update that is completely broken; they're still going to support you; they don't care that nothing fundamentally to the back end of their server, to matchmaking, or to matchmaking, or to the spawns was done during this last update because they want a rubber duck skin; that's what they want because again, it is all about what my player looks like, the player that I can't see.


Mind you, whenever you buy a skin in Call of Duty, you can't physically see your character except in the loading screen when it works, because this game is so bad. It is the only game that I have ever played that consistently needs to restart upon an update. The only one I know of is fact. Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe Apex does it.

Maybe Fortnite does it. I don't really know; I've never encountered it, but that's why we support these inflated file sizes—absolutely nonsensical file sizes—and we say it's okay. You can bloat my computer. You can bloat my system with your terrible game, with your lack of quality control, your lack of vision, and your lack of innovation.

xtz ferocity

Because I want a rubber ducky. And that's the problem right there: this community is more committed to how their character looks than to how the game plays, and because of that, Call of Duty is over. Why would they have any incentive? Why would Activision ever have any incentive? To make the game better, they're making money; they know what the player base cares about; they know that the player base would rather look like trees, animals, and rubber ducks than actually have a functional game with a good matchmaking system and good servers.

And hit registration and spawn; they know what the players want, and they're just. In addition to that, they're catering to these microtransactions. To these kids that aren't technically even allowed to buy the game without Mommy and Daddy, that's fine; that's who they want to cater the game to because heaven forbid sticking to an identity and maybe building a very loyal community out of that.

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I'll tell you this: I don't think the community they have built right now is anywhere near as loyal. As the original Call of Duty Community that came up was playing Cod 4 Modern Warfare 2 Black Ops 1, do you know why? Never be critical of them. Just bye-bye; we're going to continue to put out bad updates after bad updates after bad updates.

They want to see how long this is going to last because it's making them money, it's making them revenue, it's making them a good game, and it's making them a good franchise. But they're making money; they have no incentive to change; that's what makes all of this so so. Sad i would love to see some change.

I'd love to see them address the cheaters. I'd love to see them follow through with some of their conversations, you know, transparency and all, but they don't, and we're incentivizing them by telling them they don't have to accept the fact that people are going to flock to buy this rubber duck. Skin is more than enough evidence to show you everything you need to know.

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When it comes to Call of Duty and its current fan base, they are more concerned about how their character looks than how the game plays. And that's it. We're seeing the downfall of Call of Duty in front of our eyes, and now it's going to be a slow, painful death because of the fact that there are going to be enough people to continue to support it.

I said it in multiple articles. I was expecting them to break something, and they didn't surprise me. Nothing Call of Duty does anymore surprises me. What would surprise me is that I'm actually releasing something of quality—something that's been assured by their developers to actually be innovative.

That would surprise me, not what they've been releasing; the fact that they're putting rubber ducks into the game doesn't surprise me. It's logical next, they're going to see how far they can go to continue. Take money from these morons that want to support this game. That's what you are if you're supporting a game like having fun all you want and spending the money the way you want to spend your money, but you're not helping the game get better; you're not making the game better.

A rubber duck skin is coming to Call of Duty which is fine but not as this game still fails to make fundamental improvements. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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