News - Warzone 2 / Warzone Have A Cheater Problem

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. We recently touched on the disappointing sales numbers for Modern Warfare 3, and in response to this, it seems as if Activision went into Attack Mode, maybe a little bit of a scramble mode, throwing Modern Warfare 3 on sale and releasing a free-to-play weekend. Simultaneously, in hopes of boosting some of those sales numbers right before Christmas right before year end so that they can be happier with the performance of the game I don't really blame them from a business standpoint it makes complete sense right create some demand for the game allow the game to be sold at a lower price point and hope that boosts the numbers to a more reasonable level, and honestly I do believe that Modern Warfare 3 at its core is a better game than Modern Warfare 2 but so many people were burned by that game so many people felt as if it was a massive bait and switch, which really isn't what Modern Warfare 3 is but unfortunately this freedom to play weekend that should be more about welcoming people into the community, it was overshadowed by one of the many issues that is currently plaguing.

Modern Warfare 3, and I'm not talking about servers; I'm not talking about skill-based matchmaking. Surprisingly i'm talking about cheaters, because what I saw over this weekend and what I saw on social media as well was that the cheaters came out to play; they went out of their way to make the experience for so many miserable.

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And yes, I don't think that the cheaters are as many as people claim there are, but there is a cheater problem in Modern Warfare 3. And the free-to-play weekend showcased that in Spades. It doesn't take long to surf Subreddit, surf Twitter, and surf YouTube to find clips and examples of people experiencing the major cheating problem that persists in Modern Warfare 3.


So why is this? Why is there such a problem? Why is it so prevalent? Well, it's because the Ricochet anti-che system stinks; it does nothing to mitigate the problem; it would rather ban you for using a bad word than ban people who are cheating and ruining other people's experiences. They think that using a bad word is worse than people who, while augmenting the game in their favor, are cheating, and it's almost as if Ricochet wants to protect those people.

I don't know why it is. That's because they spend money on the game because normally somebody who hacks the game is also spending money on the battle pass or spending money on cosmetics and giving Activision money. So does Activision really want to cut that artery off? No they'd rather push me out of the algorithm; they'd rather have me have less of an enjoyable time because I'm not going to sit here and support a terrible game.


I'm not going to sit here and support a bad franchise. A bad company a greedy company a company that has traded in good game design in favor of reindeer and other animals being talked about in a war simulation. Game, at least that's what they pretend is right; they like to pretend that Call of Duty is this realistic experience, but they are so happy and horny to throw in the next animal into the game that it blows my mind and is so counterintuitive, it's unbelievable, but the point of this article is to talk more about the cheater problem that persists here.

I've covered it before; I actually made light of it before, but it's only gotten increasingly worse over time, and this is a direct result of Activision being too lenient on cheaters and having a bad anti-che system. an anti-che system that does not help the player out, an anti-che system that goes out of its way.

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To allow a safe space for these cheaters, it seems, and the crazy part is, are the cheat beats right now for Modern Warfare 3 for wall hacks or whatever it is? I don't even know about aimbots, but I'm sure they're cheaper than a regular cosmetic in the shop; they're like averaging about 15 bucks, and I think it's $20 to buy a cosmetic.

xtz ferocity

I don't even know if I would ever waste my money on this, regardless of that. What you're getting is that you're getting people to invest in that because they want that advantage, they want that advantage, they need that advantage, and Call of Duty needs to crack down on it. Simple as that, as bad as a server problem is as bad as skill-based matchmaking, having a rampid cheater problem is bad for your game.

It's pretty embarrassing; if I worked for Ricochet, I'd be embarrassed about the lack of quality my product produces time and time again. But this is Activision we're talking about, and nobody over at Activision seems to have any self-awareness. To look at the projects they're working on and look at the quality of the work they do and have any type of insight on how to improve it, we see it here with the quality control that's happened in Modern Warfare 3 or lack thereof, the same type of quality control we saw in Modern Warfare 2 and the same type of quality control we saw during Call of Duty Vanguard.

They don't care. All they care about is if you want to spend money on the next tree skin that is invisible to so many players, And I'm really sick and tired of it; it's embarrassing. And the fact that other games with smaller player bases can get the anti-che system, right? It's not perfect; there's going to be loopholes, but guess what?

They work hard to close them because they care about the experience above all else, but that's not Call of Duty anymore. Call of Duty couldn't care less if they delivered a good or bad experience. They just want your money. That's what they care about, right? And that's why they used this free-to-play weekend.

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They utilized it to coincide with this sale to get people to spend money. They made the matches maybe a little bit easier because, remember, they have the ability to augment your experience to how they want you to enjoy the game if they want you to have fun, but the second you buy the game, the second you invest in the game, they'll allow you to have fun, but the second you buy the game, the second you invest in the game.

Ah, no, we're going to make sure you don't enjoy it until you buy a skin. Once you buy a skin, we'll make it fun again for a little bit until you buy the next skin. Obviously, that's a little bit more of a conspiracy theory, but I wouldn't put it past them, just like I wouldn't put it past Call of Duty.

Look at this as an opportunity to say, Okay, let's make it really easy on the new players coming in, and let's turn up skill-based matchmaking for everybody else, and so be it. I don't know who I am. I'm just so lost for words at this point in time, and I've invested so much into this franchise to see it in the current state that it's in.

The F2P weekend in MW3 showed us just how many people are cheating in MW3 and Warzone is its own issue. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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