News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Meta Class Setups (warzone 2 Best Class Setups)

But the short- and medium-range engagements that you're actually going to mainly be in are just way too easy, in my opinion; it just doesn't take much effort, so this is something that I would highly recommend. Especially for competitive players, if you guys want to play competitive and you guys want to sweat in multiplayer, it doesn't really matter what you guys do.

This is a go-to class setup, and I think you guys will do a fantastic job. Now I will show you guys one more thing. I did mention that if you guys wanted to use this setup, you could, but if you wanted to take off the Rival assault grip, you could throw on the Bro heavy support grip for gun Ki control aiming out horizontal recoil and firing aim stability, and then this will be the end product right here.

modern warfare 3 best class

It's something that really doesn't move, and in my opinion, it's absolutely ridiculous. Now, like I said. I have stick drift, so long-range engagements no matter what I do are just going to be tough for me, but for someone who doesn't have stick drift, it is going to be very easy, and in my opinion, this does actually do a pretty good job, like The Recoil, which kind of is not there.

It's a completely personal preference. Whatever you guys want to use it for, feel free. I said I wasn't even going to change this class setup, but if you guys want to use this class setup instead of the initial one, feel free, and you're going to have even less recoil. I just think that the one with the Rival Vice, well yeah rival Vice assault grip is just more optimal.

modern warfare 3 best class setup

Next is the best assault rifle in the game, and that is the Hoger 556th on the VT7 Spirit Fire suppressor for being undetectable by radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down tight speed, aim walking stus, and sprint to fire speed dra to 5.56. NATO. High-grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range come at the cost of recoil control, which you will not notice.

40-round mag I mean, this is just as high as it'll go, so this is the best choice, and it doesn't really hurt with the cons of the RB, assault stock for recoil control and gun kick control at the cost of aim-down sight speed, and Mark 3 reflector. Mark 3 reflector is a personal preference, but honestly, this is just so easy to use; it doesn't take much effort, and in my opinion, it's better than the MCW.

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Now I know there's going to be some people that are trying to go to war with me with this, but here's the thing: this weapon got banned in competitive, and the MCW didn't, so which one do you honestly think is better? If you guys want to copy this SC class setup or if you guys want to screenshot it, feel free.

modern warfare 3 best class setups

This is honestly one of the best choices you can make for my snipers out here. The x10 Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint to fire speed, aim down sight speed, vertical recoil, and gun kick control at the cost of hip fire, intact stand spread, and horizontal recoil, which is not a big deal, is 7.62. High grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of some recoil control, which you won't notice, will make it so you don't get as many hit markers, so make sure you guys have this on and a round mag for aim downside speed, sprint to fire speed, aim walking speed, and reload quickness.

You don't need 30 bullets with this gun, but if you guys want to use it, feel free. I just think this is better overall. Choice last but not least: no stock for Sprint to fire speed movement speed a locking speed, and aim down side speed AC cost of recoil control aiming out sway Flinch resistance and hip fire spread—this weapon is genuinely amazing because it doesn't really take much effort to actually use; it's just a very powerful sniper; even quick scoping is all you have to do.

modern warfare 3 best guns

Boom, just like that, So. If you want to give it a try, feel free. Here's the class setup right here. Copy it down and screenshot it, and if you made it this far, comment sniper. The last thing I want to show you guys is the Wasps form; this isn't my favorite SMG overall. I just want to give you guys variety, but this for pubs at least is absolutely phenomenal; start out with the Sonic suppressors for being undetectable.

By radar, bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim walking speed Sprint to fire speed and recoil control on the wasp and Reckless 90-long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming out of way Gun kick control and recoil control, at the cost of aim down sight speed, hit fire attack, spread aim walking speed, and sprint to fire speed, the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming a sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed and vertical recoil 100-round drum.

modern warfare 3 best smg

Now, I know some people are going to want to use the 50. Trust me, you might as well use the 100. The cons are not that bad; the only difference is the reload quickness, so you might as well put on the 100. You might as well have as many bullets as possible to wipe as many people out as possible.

And have a great time. The last thing is the FSS Rampage 7 tactical for aim-down sight speed, aiming out, and firing aim stability. At the cost of aim, walking speed, and movement speed, this thing is absolutely busted and very easy to use. As you guys see, the enemy gets melted very quickly. The only downside is long range; you're just not going to do that well.

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If you only burst fire, you'll probably be all right, but you're most likely going to be dead by the time you spread fire. But the short and medium ranges are just absolutely amazing.

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