News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Meta Class Setups (warzone 2 Best Class Setups)


Real quick comment to me If you actually still play Modern Warfare 3, you're the real ones if you didn't head over to War Zone 3 and just forgot about MW3, so we're going to give you guys the top five best loadouts, best class setups, and best metas. In Modern Warfare 3, we're going to start out with this bad boy right here, the WASP swarm.

This thing is absolutely insane, and one of my subscribers actually kind of put me on to it, so we're going to start out with the Sonic suppressors for being undetectable by radar bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim walking stay. Inus SMI to fire speed and recoil control, then put on the WASP.

Reckless 90-long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming idle sway gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of aim down sight speed, hit fire attack stance spread, aim walking speed, and sprint of fire speed Put on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control, aiming out of way horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down side speed and vertical recoil.

cod modern warfare 3 best class

Put on the 100-round drum now. I know some of you guys are going to be like, wait, trust me. The 100-round drum is the way to go; you don't need anything else other than this. I know it says a reduction of movement speed, side speed, reload quickness, and sprint to fire speed, but I didn't notice the difference between 50 and 100.

The difference is basically negligible. So you might as well put on those 100 The last thing is the FSS, Rampage VII, tactical. I'm guessing that's seven tacticals for aim downside speed, aiming out of sway, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed. This thing is absolutely amazing for short and medium range; it really gets the job done so easily.

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It's actually one of my favorite SMGs in the game right now; in fact, I feel like this build is just as amazing in War Zone, so please try this out if you have not used this SMG yet. It's absolutely busted, and this is the entire class set up. If you guys need to take a screenshot or anything, now's the best time because you're going to be slaying in public matches.

cod mw3

Next, I'm going to give you guys the best assault rifle in Modern Warfare 3, and that is the MCW. So we're going to start out with the 16.5. MCW cyclone long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming out of swing firing aim stability at the cost of attack stance spread, hiti fire spread, and aim walking speed.

Put on the 5.59. NATO High-grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage are the cost of recoil control, which you will not notice. Put on the 60-round drum because between this and 40, it's just not much of a difference, so make sure you have that 60 on there so you get as many bullets off as possible.

Put on the RB claw PSL grip for firing aim stability, gun kick control, and recoil control at the cost of aiming out of sway, which you won't even notice. The last thing I put on there is the Mark I reflector, but if you want to use the Slate the nigher or anything else completely to your preference, this thing is absolutely amazing.

modern warfare 3

Despite any sort of Nerf, they try to do any sort of update, and this thing is just absolutely the best assault rifle overall for no recoil. Very easy to use, very beginner-friendly; like, anybody can pick this gun up and just do an absolutely amazing job, so make sure you guys are using it. You guys will have a fantastic time, and here is the class setup if you guys want to screenshot.

If you made it this far, comment. I made it. Some of you guys are going to be confused when you look at the comment section and don't get this far, so make sure you're there. Number three is a fan favorite, SMG, the striker. Now you guys need to have this class because I think it's personally one of the best SMGs.

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Next to the WASP swarm, start out with the Sonic suppressors for being undetectable by radar bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim walking stain inness. Sprint to fire speed and recoil control put on the striker Recon long barrel for bull of velocity and range and aiming idle sway at the cost of hit fire intact stand spread Sprint to fire speed and aim walking speed are put on the 0–45; auto high-grain rounds for no enemy skulls; bullet velocity; and damage range at the cost of recoil control are put on the 60-round drum.

modern warfare 3 best

If you want to use 48 completely, your choice is just to get a little less of the cons. But I think that 60 is worth it, and it'll get the job done. The last thing is the RB cralis, assault stock for gun kick control, aim down sight speed, and sprint to fire speed. If you want to use no stock completely up until you get more movement, but in my opinion, I think the catalis is a fantastic B-balance of recoil control and movement.

Here's the end product right here. In my opinion, it's just super easy and amazing to use. The only downside is the long range; you might not be able to spray as easily, so that's something you have to really consider. But in the short and medium ranges, it's just fantastic. As you guys see, it just absolutely melts, and I guess if you try to control the recoil a little bit more, that long-range battle will be a little bit easier, so make sure you guys have this class up.

modern warfare 3 best ar

If you haven't already, make sure you screenshot this or copy it down in your game. If you have the game on right now, this thing is absolutely amazing for being a silenced weapon. It's just absolutely shreds. Next, I have to give you guys a crazy meta, and that is the Rival 9. This thing is probably one of the fastest-killing SMGs in the game; in fact, I would compare it to the WASP swarm because of this thing, which possibly kills faster.

Start out with the L4R flash hider for muzzle flash concealment. Reco control and gun kick control at the cost of some aim-down sight speed, which you will not notice. Put on the 9mm high grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range, and at the cost of some recoil control, put on the 40-round mag I don't think 50 is necessary.

modern warfare 3 best assault rifle

It does have a little bit more cons; in fact, I noticed it a little bit more with 50 than I do with 40, so I think 40 is a sweet spot, but if you want to be 50, then be my guest. I just feel like you're going to have more cons. Put on the Rival Vice assault grip for gun kick control firing aim stability and recoil control at the cost of aiming out of sway, and last but not least, put on the MTZ Marauder stock for gun kick control aiming out of s firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed movement speed.

HIIT fire attack stance spread and sprint to fire speed This gun is absolutely amazing; it takes very little effort to use, and the beautiful thing is that it actually has very little recoil too. If I didn't have stick drift, I would show you guys just how amazing it is with the long-range engagements, but basically, as you guys see, this thing does not move.

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