News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Class Setups After Update (warzone 2 Best Class Setups)

Next, put on the 338. Magnum High-Grain rounds for buet velocity and damage range at the cost of some recoil control, which is not a big deal; you won't even notice it put on the five-round magazine. This helps with movement speed, aim-down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, and reload quickness, but you do lose magazine ammo capacity.

modern warfare 3 best class

If you can go without this Pro, then you can just go without it, but trust me. I think you want to have these Pros next on the broadside: the factory grip for Sprint to fire speed, aim downside speed, aim walking speed, and movement speed at the cost of gun kick control and recoil control—not a big deal—and last but not least, the Ivanov, wood stock for aim down sight speed, firing aim stability, movement speed, and Sprint speed at the cost of aiming out way, recoil control, and gun kick control this is absolutely insane it takes very little effort to actually use this weapon like it's absolutely busted and takes very little effort.

So here's the entire class setup. Make sure you guys copy this down and give it a try at least once. Range and it basically one shots from, every distance, next the fan favorite W swarm make sure you guys have a class, for this go on the LR flasher for muzzle flash concealment recoil control and gun kit control at the cost of aim down sight speed next put on the WASP Reckless 90 long rail for bullet velocity and range aiming out s gun kit control and recoil control at the cost of aim down sight speed hit fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and Sprint to fire speed put on the Brun heavy support C for gun kit control aiming out sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil H round drum is controversial.

modern warfare 3 best class setup

I mean, I like using this, but some people could go for the 50 or 40-round mag. It's completely up to you what you want to use, but just be aware of the cons, and last but not least, the FSS Rampage. So this class setup is going to give you an advantage over the enemy: put on the cast as break for horizontal recoil and firing aim stability; at the cost of aim down sight speed; put on the cron and headwind long brow for bullet velocity and range; aiming out SW firing aim stability; at the cost of hit fire inct stand spread aim walking speed; sprint to fire speed; the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control; aiming out way horizontal recoil and firing aim stability; at the cost of aim down sight speed and vertical recoil 40 round mag; I just don't think you need 60 in multiplayer.

I think 40 is more than enough, and last but not least, the HS 3.4 pad for gun kick control, recoil control, sprint speed, and sprint to fire speed—this weapon is ridiculous. It is easy to use in multiplayer, and in my opinion, it will honestly get the job done super quick and super easy, like you saw right there.

modern warfare 3 best class setups

Here's the entire class setup right here, and just please, please give this a try. I don't really see why anyone would try anything else when this is the most dominant. Long-range weapon; actually, it's pretty dominant at all ranges. This is like the most versatile weapon overall, and you could make it an even faster build if you wanted to.

You could probably take off the Cronin headwind, but I just mean, that's completely up to you. You can change it in any way, shape, or form that you want to make it more optimal for speed; you just have to optimize it yourself next for competitiveness. I mean, the Rival 9 is a given. I have to give you guys this class setup, and I mean, this is honestly the best choice for competitive.

modern warfare 3 best guns

On the LR flash hider for muzzle flash concealment recoil control and gun kick control at the cost an aim down sight speed I don't really think there's any better alternative I think it's the best possible Choice 9 mm High grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control now this is the multiplayer, side you can put on a 40 round mag if you're playing multiplayer but if you're not playing multiplayer I do have an alternative for you on the rival Vice assault GP for Gunk control firing aim stability recoil control at the cost of aiming out Sway and last but not least MTZ Marauder stock for Gunk control aiming out Sway and firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed movement speed hit fire attack stand spread and Sprint to fire speed now this is how it's going to feel when you're actually playing multiplayer.

It's actually incredibly good when it comes to, you know, multiplayer. But the downside is that this right here is going to be a little bit more difficult to actually win your long-range engagements, which is why I do have an alternative for you guys if you guys are not playing: multiplayer. The only thing your GNA needs is Brun's heavy support.

modern warfare 3 best smg

Grip, throw this on, and go into the firing. Range absolute laser gets the job done super easily. So this is the competitive mode if you guys want to actually use it. Also, if you guys want less recoil, you can just take off the high-grain rounds, but I think that you should keep them on. I think they're pretty ideal.

Next is absolutely amazing. SMG to use in multiplayer the HRM 9 thowing the l4r Flasher for muzzle flash concealment recoil control and gun kick control at the cost some aim down sight speed th the Thor 90 barrel for fire attack stand spread aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed and Sprint speed at the cost of aiming out Sway and recoil control X10 Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint to fire speed aim down sight speed vertical recoil and Gunk control at the cost of h fire attack stance spread and horizontal recoil, 50 round drum because that's really the only choice that you can put on I don't recommend 20 it's just not worth it and last but not least the folding stock for Reco control gun kick control and firing aim stability at the cost of some aim down sight speed this is honestly one of the easiest SMGs in the game.

modern warfare 3 best weapons

The only downside is that I would say to watch out for that initial kick because that initial kick can get you in trouble. Now here's the entire class setup; make sure you guys copy it down it's such a beautiful weapon it's super easy to use in multiplayer, now you guys know we had to save the best for last the MCW this is still meta and this is still the best class setup that I can possibly give you guys they're on the 16.5 MCW cycle long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming out of Sway and firing aim stability at the cost hit fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and Sprint to fire speed trust me this is the one you want to have on, there.

Modern Warfare 3 Top 5 BEST Class Setups AFTER UPDATE MW3 Best Class Setups.
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