News - Warzone 2: These Are The New Weapons Of Season 2

Tempus torrent marksman rifle (modern warfare 2 season 2 reloaded)

Tempus torrent marksman rifle (modern warfare 2 season 2 reloaded)

Get that crossbow just yet, and, finally, at the mid-season update, we'll see the Tempest Torrents marksman rifle, which unfortunately doesn't have anything to go off of right now. There are no details given for this weapon; in fact, even in the blog post where they detail these weapons, there is no image associated with it.

The only thing that we have to go off of is the actual roadmap image itself, which, if you take a look at that, am I crazy for thinking that kind of looks like the falcon? I don't quite know if it has the basic shape of something, but it also isn't. It's close enough that I want to say definitively that's how it's going to perform, but being that it's a marksman rifle, semi-auto, maybe that's just a dumb, blind guess that I'm throwing out anyways.

We'll see,.

Season 2 weapon platforms for new modern warfare 2 weapons

cod mw2

See how that all plays out. Beyond that, let's talk about weapon platforms. We know two weapons here that do have associated platforms; the others are not specified. The iso Hemlock is going to belong to the iso platform, and the KV Broadside is going to belong to the cast-off platform.

Now, one of those has already been established, the cast-off platform, and that's yours at 762-545-74u, and so on and so forth. So will that and potentially the others, if they do have designated platforms associated with them, be connected together in the future? Based off of season one, my assumption would be no, maybe the castovia, platform, but still, I'd wager no, we ended up seeing that the bass P was the m13b.

cod mwii

Those Bruin Ops weapons, even though they're a part of the Brew and Ops platform, were not connected via the weapon tree; doing so would allow those weapons to be unlockable via progression and completion of other weapons, which kind of defeats the purpose of the battle pass. So, in regards to the KV broadside, if you were to throw that into the cast-off platform and that family tree of weapons, it would make absolute sense to see it there, but functionally, it would require an alteration to either an existing leveling system of weapons or could potentially throw things off entirely. I think it'd be cool to see them connected via the weapon tree, but if it's anything like season one, I'm not quite expecting it, but we'll see.

Season 2 weapon camos & how they can help with orion

Season 2 weapon camos & how they can help with orion

Every single weapon is introduced with four additional camo patterns that come along with it. The way the camo system works this year is that if you complete the challenges associated with those four base camo patterns per weapon, you can use those camo patterns on any weapon in the game, whether it's a secondary primary launcher or an AR SMG.

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You can use that across any of the weapons, but the cool part is that if you end up getting say. Mastery, camos gold, platinum, and polyatomic, those count overall towards your Orion camo grind, so if you don't want to do a melee you don't want to do a launcher, you can use something like the iso Hemlock in place of one of those.

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a rifle that's way more versatile and something you'll probably use and thrive with than having to grind out any launcher challenges. melee, pistol challenges Whatever it is you want to skip, you can do that with these weapons, and so that's one awesome benefit here with new DLC weapons as we go forward and the year goes on.

Are there any more weapons coming in season 2 reloaded?

Are there any more weapons coming in season 2 reloaded?

Just bear that in mind, and finally, the last thing I want to touch on is whether there are going to be more weapons at mid-season, because we only have one weapon with the mid-season update for up front personally. I'm thinking no. I'd love to be pleasantly surprised, and I'd love to see more stuff introduced like a secondary massive content dump with its own sort of road map for a reloaded update because we don't have any multiplayer, maps listed as coming in season four up front, none listed in season, and we have a couple other things that you could make a case for like maybe there's some more stuff coming but airing, on the side of caution usually, we don't see too many weapons hidden in any capacity, and if I'm not mistaken.

I don't know that we've seen that since Modern Warfare 2018 in this roadmap system really began. For that, there are going to be more weapons than just these five, right? Now, I'd say no again and love to be wrong, but that's just where I'm at this point.


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not necessarily too pleased with the weapon set that we have right now; maybe not a melee weapon or maybe not a melee weapon; maybe not a crossbow player. Zone 2, and anything Cod related. Take care and

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