News - Warzone 2: These Are New Weapons Of Season 1 Reloaded

cod modern warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone have season one reloaded this upcoming week, and with it come a handful of impactful changes in content additions, but perhaps the most fundamental in terms of content comes down to functional additions. Weaponry, so today I wanted to briefly run down with you everything we know about these upcoming weapons in Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone's season 1 reloaded update.

We'll do that later. For now, let's dive into Modern Warfare 3's season 1 reloaded weapons.

The new hrm-9 in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

The new hrm-9 in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

So to start, we know we have two additional weapons here upcoming within Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone season 1 reloaded, including the HRM 9 and the tack of volverine. The HRM 9 is an SMG described as a light yet stable 9mm submachine gun for close-quarters combat and putting down enemies quickly, supporting a high rate of fire and excellent handling and mobility.

The HRM 9 is the perfect fit for aggressive run and gun play. Styles aim down sights for precise fire, or enter tack stands and run circles around your enemies. Use gunsmithing to enhance the weapon's mid-range capabilities, improve its close-quarters performance, or any combination of the two.

How to unlock the hrm-9 in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

Now, one thing that was confirmed here with this was that we're going to see this introduced as an armory unlock, so that was something we talked about a couple of times because I had seen it in Game Ear.

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While at Sledgehammer. Studio preseason 1, and doing our capture session there with that for the stuff we brought you earlier in the season, while it was something that we knew how this would come, we didn't have it confirmed up until this point for everybody to see, it was just kind of hey, this is what I saw now while I did not get to play this weapon because it was locked through that armory unlock challenge.

I want to say it was like an eight- or nine-point streak for your unlock. You could be wrong on that one though, but it was just something that we didn't get enough play time to actually unlock it and then rank it up and use, but it sounds like it'll be something that could be a close-range demon weapon, something maybe to rival the Swarm, another weapon that has a high rate of fire and pretty good handling and mobility. But we'll have to see how that all breaks down in time, but that's the HRM 9.

The new taq evolvere in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

The new taq evolvere in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

Attack Evolution, a new lmg that is coming, has been described as an advanced multi-caliber lmg. Capable of firing 762 or 5.56 with minimal adjustments to the weapon. Versatile and exceptionally lethal in the right hands, also described as this all-new light machine gun can take down both infantry and artillery.

Whichever chooses to cross its path, a wide variety of attachments are available via the gunsmith, allowing you to tailor the tack of volv to any play style.

How to unlock the taq evolvere in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

Now the difference here and what is new out of this description is the fact that it's detailed that it'll be a weekly challenge to unlock that base weapon, so similar to how we've seen in recent weeks the sort of aftermarket parts that came along in season 1 for various numbers of weapons, this is now going to be a base unlock.

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Available in those weekly challenges, so it will be something that is available through those five challenges to complete, then you unlock it, but it'll be something that if you do not complete it within that season 1 time frame, it'll just go back into the sort of armory and you can end up using a regular in-game unlock challenge.

As we've seen with every weapon leading up to this point, I suppose that it could be thrown into the mix of the armory unlocks in season 2, but I'm going to say fingers crossed that doesn't happen. I'd still much rather prefer just a simple challenge for an LMG unlock, as we've seen in years prior, but for right now, we know that it will be an unlock for the weekly challenge, but then in the future, it'll be some kind of challenge that won't go away.

Will these new weapons be any good / meta in modern warfare 3?

Will these new weapons be any good / meta in modern warfare 3?

Forever now, the Tav valver is an interesting one in particular because this is one that I think when we talk about where these weapons slot into the meta.

I think the lmg is an option to be a very good weapon no matter what because obviously the lmgs in the last year, especially in the war zone, have been pretty powerful, but having the ability to switch between 762 and 556 is an interesting twist for the evolver. I'm curious to see what those trade-offs will be when you equip 762.

What kind of trade-offs are needed for that extra firepower that is naturally afforded by changing caliber? That will be interesting because if you look at things like the MTZ 762 statistically, which has one of the best ttks, it will top 3 to five depending on the situation in the game because of that caliber and damage output, so when you put it into an lmg, it will have a large number of rounds available per magazine.

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That might be something that does carve its own sort of, not necessarily Niche, but maybe even its own strangle hold on The Meta out here with this, so we'll see how that all works out. The HRM 9 I think has the chance to be a close quarter shredder, depending on that rate of fire. It states that it has an impressive one, but usually with that kind of stuff, it's counterbalanced by recoil, or more than likely with this damage range. I think this could be a contender in theory for maybe like the 5 to 10 meter range, but beyond that, if I'm taking an educated guest, you probably won't get as much out of it, so for me, as we mentioned, probably like.

The new camos (& ability to skip weapons) coming in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

The new camos (& ability to skip weapons) coming in modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

A swarm comparison here with this, but as always with new weapons, probably my favorite thing to come along with this is the camo implications.

One thing that I love about new weapons no matter what's introduced is that not only do they bring along four new camos for each, so eight total within this update, but also the fact that they're transferable via category if you're working on any specific camo grind, so for a running tally, an lmg pre-season or launch with a tack eradicator, that Ram 7 the xrk stalker, and now the HRM 9 and the tavol.

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