News - Warzone 2 Store Bundle Prices Need To Change


That's it it's 1,200 for you because I'd like to see it as not only you playing MW3 multiplayer, but you're kind of getting a membership-like sort of deal thing if you have the copy of MW3. You get a discount next year; you have to if you want discounts on Black Ops 5 or whatever Black Ops you know is called next year.

Again, you have to buy the game for $70, and boom, you get the store bundles for half the price now. Of course, it's going to cost all together, but it's still going to come to quite a lot, like if you actually think about it, you're paying $7 for the game, and then if you buy four, $15. Say they're 15 because you got the discount.

It's still going to come up to well over £150, maybe even reaching 00. Just for one year's worth of Call of Duty content and a couple of store bundles, it's quite expensive. I think a lot of you would agree with that, but I feel like that's a good solution there. You know that's going to continue nowadays.

cod gameplay

Obviously, 12 year olds, 10 year olds, and 8 year olds are playing Call of Duty. You sometimes hear a squeaker on the mic here and there if you're lucky with skill-based matchmaking, of course, but I think store bundles need a change. I think they need to be reduced in some way, and I think they flatten out.

They should be reduced, but at the same time, I think the big problem is if you buy a copy of MW3. Black Ops 5, whatever it may be that Year's Call of Duty, you should get a flat 50% reduction in the cost of that stool bundle, because I think the sto bundles now are just too much again. It won't change why there are so many people in the game.

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You can see that every game you play there's a new skin, and the idea of course is of seeing that skin, which is crazy as well that people buy those skins because you can't actually see the skin yourself. Other people can see those skins, so you're kind of enticing other people to buy the skin because they see how cool that skin is.

cod mw3

The same is true of the weapons; the weap weapons look cool now. That's a cool thing, right? The weapons do look cool, but some come with advantages and disadvantages very slightly. I mean, more so the advantages, of course, like we've seen it last year with DMZ. They did some things, and I think they're going to continue that way this year with zombies, which I'm okay with zombies this year because it's a little bit different with DMZ last year; they messed up okay, giving the advantages that they did in DMC.

It was an issue because, of course, it was PVP as well as PVE, so while you're going around trying to loot that people can kill you, they can have a self-revive, they can do all these crazy things, there were a lot of pay-to-win aspects to those bundles this year. I believe they're going to do the same thing with zombies; they're going to give you a self-revive automatically at the start of the game.

modern warfare

That's fine i'm okay with that because you can't kill your other players in the game. You know, it's just you going in. It's a looter shooter, you know, doing zombies, doing challenges, doing quests. I don't mind that this year I don't mind that pay-to-win aspect; in a way, it's more pay-to-win this year if they do that if they go down that route, which I'm pretty sure has already been confirmed that they are going down that route of adding them sort of cosmetics.

modern warfare 3

And then the other thing I have with the store bundles that I feel brings up the cost, when realistically you don't want those things, is that if you look at store bundles, what do you see? You see a lot of cards and keychains. Stickers, emblems stuff that let's be honest was some sort of jpeg image that possibly might have even been taken off of Google Now obviously it hasn't been taken off of Google but it looks like something someone would have made on Google you know off of like pixler or you know just any sort of like art design app that they could you know build something off of, and you don't really want them do you look at the store bundle and you see how cool that weapon looks or you see how cool that skin looks that's what you really want but then it comes with a key chain now sometimes they're Co you know you do get cool emblems Co calling cards that you might actually want there are some cool ones but a lot of the time they do just Pile in some useless, just a yellow triangle.

That's it they can do they do that sometimes they just to get the little triangular yellow triangle it's a keychain there you go that's what you store bundle that's why this store bundle costs 2, 4 cop points but you're not buying the you're not buying the store bundle for 2, 400 C points just to get the little triangular yellow triangle on a keychain you're actually just wanting the weapon or the skin all the skin and the weapon so a lot of the time you're not even getting the actual true value of what you're wanting you're getting things you don't want.

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In order to get the things that you do want, and I think that's an issue, I think that's also where the store could change a little bit. Why can't you individually buy certain things? Why can't I individually buy the skin? Why can't I individually buy the gun? what if I what if there's two weapons in there but there's only one weapon I actually want to use?

Why can't I just buy that one weapon?

Final thoughts and opinions on cod mw3 store bundle prices

Final thoughts and opinions on cod mw3 store bundle prices

I don't understand that now they do it sometimes I've seen it like around Christmas time they do like discounts and stuff but I don't think it's enough I think right now there's a big problem and I think it will come more of a problem in a few years time when obviously other developers are having their own store bundles and stuff with their free to-play games CU Call of Duty at the moment isn't going to go free to play anytime soon besides if you play war zone of course you technically is free to play to you, but the main game $60 $70 game is not free to play right now the multiplayer the campaign the zombies it's not free to play, so until that changes until card becomes free to play to make these store bundles probably more worth it.

MW3 Store Bundle Prices Need To Change! Hope u enjoyed today's video discussing the price of store bundles in mw3 and call of duty need to change compared to other games on the market that are currently free to play or have their own battle passseason pass. discussing the issue of the current prices of the call of duty store bundles and what we can be done to fix the issue with the current mw3 store bundle prices.
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