News - Warzone 2 Sales Are Not Good

You're still trailing behind them. You used to be number one. You used to want to be number one, but I feel as if now Call of Duty is so content with just being behind Fortnite and better than Apex and Rainbow Six Siege that they're fine not trying to capitalize on all of the potential their franchise has for all of them.

Players, the fans that want a better game, demand a better game; it's almost as if they've mailed it in already; they're done; they're done trying to test this standard to move the standard to make it better; they're just, more or less, happy with where it's at; they're okay making the revenue they're making; they're okay putting in the lackluster effort they're putting in; and they're okay with seeing sales numbers dip; they're okay with seeing player numbers dip; they're okay with what's happening; they're completely content.

With a lackluster midling game, that's what Call of Duty is at this point. It could be so much better, though, and that's why I get so frustrated, and that's why I'm so passionate about this franchise because, as I know, there's more to this franchise than what we're getting, and it would just be nice.

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I see it in the passion within this community. You guys deserve better than what you're getting, and it's so disappointing to see so many people just become complacent. With secondary treatment from this god-awful company, from a company that does not care about releasing quality games, And you can see it with everything we have here with Modern Warfare 3.

It could have been a game that was so much better, but it was distinctly held back from being as good as it could be because Call of Duty doesn't want to put in the effort that the developers over at Activision don't want to put in. I could see Sledgehammer Games potentially wanting to put in the effort, but there's no way Activision will allow them.

But that's it for today's article; that's all I wanted to touch on. I'd love to know what you think about these sales numbers for Modern Warfare 3 and whether or not you believe they would love to hear your thoughts.

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