News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : Using Aydan's Broken Taq-56 Build

Situation that's exactly, what I don't want to happen so we managed to get one there I kind of left my teammate at the top just trusted him to win that gun fight but unfortunately, he did that my other two teammates are going on the hill and now this is a perfect scenario. I'm just trying to distract them as long as possible we get one the stand does Hit Me Maybe could have prone there for slightly longer but you can see right there I do about 10 to 15 seconds just.

By sneaking and allowing our team to get so much time there and now on the rotation once again, this is perfect for retrievance's. Textbook stuff I do manage to get the first Blood I heard him went for the prefer but I do get traded and, now although we had such a good start here this is where things may start to get hectic what I'm gonna do with the front heads because that's cool at the front I'm just gonna watch the reinforcements.

I know they're coming from the old hill we managed to get right. There this is where things start to get bad so, you see right there when my team spawned. Out looking back at that instead of pushing out I should have backed off and right there maybe could have held spawns and go for that gunfight, but you can see that they've watched it on the hill could have back off here it's gonna use my Sentry just to take him out we make him we go for the prefab.

We managed to get that kill now with three down this is our opportunity to pounce up the hill. We should really be breaking this opponent, who goes huge with a two-piece. I'm just going to watch over my teammate now looking at the angles I'm going to try covering it as I mentioned using my equipment just going to Chuck a grenade behind me just to buy myself three or four seconds.

Kind of predicted they're gonna come from the corridor, managed to get one we hit by the second and things are looking really good with, a 30 second leader. Should be game we managed to get the three piece now 15 seconds left it's time for the rotation I. Can already see my teammates going through the rotations there but there's still two people left in our Hill as the lag absolutely, slaps me about and doesn't let me rotate and now it's time for the rest my.

I'm gonna use my sound cues, gonna jump off the angle here see, if I can take him out and just have that we take him out now this is really important, right here if my teammate just opened this right door this. Could be completely different but because he didn't open this door it made it so much harder for me I had to play aggressive.

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I had to push through here and now they know exactly where they're gonna come from I. I started in all, the way down to Diamond when solo queuing I noticed that every teammates. Are safe as the games get closer they get more kind of tight on the setup they get a bit more worried and they start to play really compact onto the hill now sometimes it's a good thing especially when it's maybe a 240, to 240.

And you know you don't want to give any time to your opponents, but sometimes. I really think it kind of costs your setup because you're playing so tight and so close to the objective. Actually don't have much of a setup and the team can collapse and take you out right. Hey I kind of saw a guy's Shadow there so I'm just gonna wait play, my timing, but I do get some bad timing he takes me out he manages to get the second one and I just said that we need one second left but the enemies have got the hill so again I've got 10 seconds to work with I'm not gonna Panic I'm gonna take my time go.

Through here we get the first go; I notice the second guy on the left is going to wait; we beat him and just had that as two down as my teammates go through the left; I'm going to jump through the road to get one more; we're getting one shot, and my team's on the hill. This can be a heavy fight after five, but we managed to get the victory with 250, To 248.

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In this video I am going to show you a new AR Class to help you win more gunfights in Ranked Play.
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