News - The Best Cdl Pro Classes For Ranked Play Warzone 2. Cdl Class Setup & Meta Warzone 2 Multiplayer


It's like Ross here today; we have the best CDL Pro class to be using for the start of ranked play in Modern Warfare 2. Now, with these classes. I'll be sure to get you the whole way from bronze up to the top 250 players, so let's jump right into the classes, The first-class setup that I'm going to be showing you is the target 56.

Taq 56 meta class

Taq 56 meta class

AR, and. It's going to be the assault rifle that you want to be rocking as your main in ranked play, so the first attachment rocket on this attack 56 build is the 17.5-inch Tundra Pro Barrel.

Now, you want to be using this across all your target 6-builds, no matter what sort of other assassins you rock this with, simply because it helps us with that damage range and bit of velocity especially. Within rank play, as you start to move up the ranks, the damage range and the velocity will be extremely important to how quickly you can kill your enemies and how fast your bullets travel.

The second attachment rocking on this package-specific AR build is the x10-ported 290 muzzle. Now, this helps us with that vertical recoil control; it does decrease the imminent site speed, aim, and stability a little bit, but if you're rocking this Azure main AR within rank play, you want to make sure this is as easy to use as possible and has as little recoil as possible.


The third attachment on the tac56 build is the Edge 47, grip. Now again, this takes away the added speed, but it doesn't help us with our recoil stabilization, our aim, or IL stability. I think the immunological ability is extremely important and extremely underrated, and essentially, the immunological ability stops your guns from firing when side to side, especially when you are running and so forth.

You will see these and other fights within rank play, so definitely, where you can increase that immunizability, do so. The fourth attachment on this attack 56 AR build within rank play is the 556 High Velocity rounds. Now, this has helped us with that bill of velocities, as I mentioned before. Um, where you can increase that bill of velocity, it's going to be extremely important in your gunfights within ranked play, especially as you start to move up and lose ranks.

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Essentially, this makes your bullets travel faster and hit your enemy a lot quicker. The fifth and final attachment on this mad attack 56 build is the tactic brute stock, which again helps us with that recoil control and that aim and stability. You want to make sure that this type 56 is as easy to use as possible if you are the main Arn, and especially with that email stability, you want to stop it from saying Swan side to side when you do ads. This is the second tac 56 build that you want to be rocking within rank play; this just has a little bit more mobility and a little bit more movement on it.

Taq 56 mobility class

Taq 56 mobility class

On this build, we're also rocking the Tundra Pro Barrel again, so we just want to be rocking this for that damage range and build velocity.

So this hasn't changed. The second attachment that hasn't changed on this build is the 556 High Velocity Runs, for the exact same reason as that bird of velocity. The first attachment that we have changed on this tactics X build is the FSS Shark Fin 90, so this gives us a little bit more AIM stability now, so, as I said, stop it from swanning side to side on the tactics as your main AR.

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Another attachment that we have swapped out is the stock. We have swapped it from the tactical bridge dock to the TV Axline Pro Stock, which gives us a little bit more mobility and movement on this attack 56 if you are more of a run and gun type of player. As you can see, this helps us with our sprint speed and our aim down sight speed.


The last attachment on this type 56 build is the demo clean shock grip. We actually were rocking a muzzle, but we've taken that off to replace it with this grip, and again, this just helps us with our sprint speed and our down sight speed.

Vanznev 9k

So now we have the meta subclass that you want to be rocking inside rank play, and this is the Bosnav 9K SMG.

This is the SMG that the pro players like a bz and shots here are currently rocking, and definitely ones that you want to be rocking inside a ranked match. The first attachment on this speed of 9 k is the broom pendulum. We just simply use this to help us with vertical and horizontal recoil control, which is very important to keep that gun as steady as possible.

Um, it's very important as always to have your gun not Swan side to side, so we definitely want to be rocking this probably the most important attachment you want to be rocking on this file, and F9K is the true attack grip now. This is because it helps us with that Sprint Fire speed and that Eman Site speed, so whether you're going to be running and getting in the hills and getting them trolls, you definitely want to be rocking this because that Sprint Fire speed is extremely important.

The fourth and final attachment on this forearm, the 9K SMG, is the art-result stock. Now, this just helps us with that am walking speed, but more importantly, that's sprint speed, so we are able to rush, especially for the likes of S and D, so you can get into the enemy spawn as quick as possible, so definitely this ultrasound stock is going to be your go-to now.

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Typically, within the CDL, the pro players rock four attachments on their SMG, but you can actually switch out some of these attachments, so you can switch out the muzzle, and you can actually give yourself the one-millimeter cast barrel. It will just help us with that bit of velocity once more, as mentioned, and the build velocity and how quick the bullets hit the enemies is going to be extremely important in rank play and help you win those gun fights but, also, the damage range that will increase that ttk, so definitely the barrel is an option if you want to rock that.

X12 pistol

X12 pistol

For your secondary, you're going to be rocking that X12 pistol; this is going to be your best choice of the four secondary weapons that are allowed within the CDL Mosh Pit. The first attachment you're rocking on is the barrel, so this helps us with our movement speed and aim downside speed. The second attachment on the X12 that we're going to be rocking is the XRK Lightning Fire Trader action, so this helps us with that fire rate and will help you win those gun fights within ranked play, and the final attachment that you want to be rocking on the X12 is the Cronin Lima 6 rear grip.

So again, this has helped us with that sprint fire speed and aim down sight speed. You can also swap out your pistol for something like a combat knife to increase your mobility and get to the enemy's spawn as quickly as possible. This could be extremely useful in situations like this, indeed, if you want to get to a certain choke point.

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