News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play Is For Dorks

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Yeah, before I go any further, I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the ghost of the number one Call of Duty Elite game and St. Muffin Double Y. There's no scope in that puss. Bush on the rig and know what I'm saying. You're saying that you're a loser. You don't want to be a loser; you want to be a winner, just like me.

What was I saying? I was saying this: What is the point of ranked play in Call of Duty when in public lobbies there's skill-based matchmaking, which is building people's lobbies up based upon their skill level? What is rank play? It's putting people together in lobbies based upon their skill level, except that it's called rank play.

So what is the point of having rank play? And I see a lot of these little Call of Duty out here with little dicks wet, all exal stroking little peeps. We got rank plays here, guy. I can't wait to get my rank-play skin, nothing too. Just before I go any further, I want to put this little rant out there for all you dorks.

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I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it when this old head, this OG Call of Duty Elite game and St. Muffin athlete old enough probably to be these kids dads, and they're running around with their little MLG skins and their rank play skins drop-shotting, jumping the corners, and trying to play their asses off.

cod mw3 ranked review

All I'm doing is just playing normal, not trying to pretend like I'm using a Scuf Gaming controller. I use my 10% discount code. Face swag is balding. Nick MKS is a bidget, and I beat the living [__]. Out of these, try hard. 20-year-olds, 16-year-olds, 2–5, whatever age you are, all I know is I'm smacking that ass, and I love it.

I love it. You guys try so hard, and I just play normal, and I destroy. You try hard, Weebs. I love it. Now back to the main topic of this article: what is the point of having ranked play? When public lobbies are ranked, we have skill-based matchmaking thicker than ma [__] and skill-based matchmaking, like I said, puts people in lobbies based upon their skill level.

modern warfare 3

What is rank play? putting people in lobbies based upon their skill level, and even worse, even worse, yet rank play takes away guns and kill streaks. Waters the game down and takes away the funnest aspects of the actual game, so make that make sense to me. How is that fun playing in a game that has been neutered, and it's just the same as a public lobby except you get to call it rank play and I get to unlock, and on top of that, you get to unlock skins?

The skins in rank play are trash. What the [__] is this piece of [__] they dog water they shisa inden hosen? It just goes to speak volumes about how people try to think Call of Duty is an actual esports game. Listen, I'm pretty negative when it comes to esports and professional gaming, and I'm not really down for that at all.

I think professional gaming is the actual demise of gaming for most of us, and the inclusion of esports into Call of Duty is why we have what we have now with skill-based matchmaking, and they Nerf all the guns because they tried to make this a serious esports game for monetary incentives for corporations, and a bunch of dumbass people just bought into it.


For $10 million, you could buy an MLG franchise and all the other corporate sponsorships that go along with trying to make Call of Duty IR relevant professional esports, which is just crazy. It's not Starcraft, it's not League of Legends, and it's not really a skill-based game. Let's be honest with you, guys.

It has to do with how much Aderall you can mainline up your ass and how quick your reaction time is, and hopefully the hit detection is in your favor. It's like the freaking Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor. That's what Call of Duty is. It's like the odds in my favor today are the skill-based matchmaking going my way, the E going my way, the hit detection going my way, and my connection going my way.

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I can buy a VPN. I can buy a net Duma. I mean, this game has so many peripherals trying to offset all that it has so people can just enjoy it, which I think is just a symptom of the cancer of eSports. When Esports is introduced with Trey Arch and David vontar and his power wagon out in the desert smoking opium and getting high, and IA.

mw3 ranked play

I came to some kind of magical conclusion, like we need to put eSports in Call of Duty. I like it, and that's when it all started going downhill because people started taking this casual game, which should be fun using weapons that are not really the meta, and just running around, which I do, as I just previously mentioned.

I run around like a normal Call of Duty Elite game and athlete, and sh shle over your try hard ner trying to drop shot and jump around corners wearing your favorite MLG fze Clan skin like some kind of adolescent pre-present, dweeb ass who's 25 years old who's got a little peee and low testosterone.

If you want to see a symptom of this disease of playing Call of Duty and gaming that is way too serious, just go to your local Best Buy Future Shop. Boo, in reference to the 80s, there's no such thing as a future shop. You idiot, it's gone, but you go to your local Best Buy, and what do you see has an entire area dedicated to streaming?

mw3 ranked play review

They got things like ring lights and Elgato, stuck up your ass it to basically a pipe dream sold a bunch of people tricking them into thinking that gaming was meant to be taken seriously and an entire economic system rose up from it to basically supplement that idea and to build it up, and then you now have what you have: skill-based matchmaking in regular lobbies, which is what rank play is of skill-based matchmaking.

Come on, someone, make that make sense to your boy here, the ghost of eight. It doesn't make any sense. I'll tell you why, because the whole thing is built on a big pile of [__] cows. Pat, you see, out there when you're riding your four-wheel ATV, UTV, or motorcycle across the deserts of the Sahara, there are no cows in the desert of the Sahara.

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What the hell am I talking about? I'm talking about a [__] article game that's not meant to be taken seriously. Okay, it's a article game, you dumbass kids, and now we got rank play, which is nothing more than just glorified regular casual lobby because skill-based matchmaking is ruined. I'm just joking.

I'm making jokes, as the articles you saw in the beginning are just disclaimers, but I do have to say I don't understand the point of rank play when public lobbies are ranked play with more kill streaks and more weapons. And more fun, in my humble, probably superior opinion, with that being said, I'm the ghost of eight.

I hope you do not. Muffin athlete stable question author to high cracker shape shifters build M Heart Spring Seven 11 was definitely a slurpie job that [__] was inside. I just got to Google the slurpie tower 7 that behem gr wor Al Earth was flat was fake. Al Joneses Bill Hicks, FL, turned the Frog G white man, Bring you,

MW3 Ranked play is a joke. Why would anyone waste their time playing it. It's a joke. In this video I destroy Ranked Play and rant about how bad it is.
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