News - Warzone 2 M4 Flanking Stealth Loadout - Warzone 2 Class Setups

I feel like you're looking for a little novelty and some fun ideas, and I hope this article gave you one or two. Unfortunately, that gimmick doesn't work super well. You are going to be better at shooting down streaks, which is nice, so do help your team with that when you can. Really, what I found to be so fun about the armor-piercing rounds was just entering a room and seeing what looked like an enemy behind a bookshelf or something, and you just don't care about the bookshelf; you just blow right through it.


They're behind it like a concrete pillar; it doesn't matter; just blow right through it. And it's really nice when someone's head is glitching and you can just shoot through it like the brick wall beneath them and take them out. So, really experiment with that. There are walls that you can only seemingly penetrate with armor-piercing rounds, so it does give that gun that extra bit of versatility, and I think we have a very versatile build here.

It doesn't excel at long-range weapons, you know, precision shooting or close-range rapid shooting, but it's really good at being versatile, which is to say it's pretty good at just kind of being there without having you worry too much, so this is my unique stealth flanking class. If you hate the hybrid optic, I'd recommend removing that extra-large stick from your butt.

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