News - The #1 M4 Class Warzone 2 After Update. Best M4 Class Setup - Warzone 2

Best m4 class setup

So here's the M4 build I'll be using in today's article. Instead of hopping into our classes for the first attachment, we're going to the barrel and adding on the high-tower 20-inch barrel. This can help with bull velocity, damage, and at-range recoil. Control and hip-fire accuracy—now this is the best barrel you can run for the M4.

This can help with bullet velocities, whether the bullets are traveling faster and hitting our targets faster, or both are doing more damage at a longer distance, so you don't have to be up close. You can kind of cushion yourself because your bullets are so strong and your weapons are easier to control, and if you do need a hip fire, your weapon has better accuracy, so you want to throw this barrel on now for our next attachment.

We're going to be adding to the sack and treading 40. This can help with vertical and horizontal recoil control. This is the best muzzle you can use for vertical and horizontal recoil control, so when firing your weapon, it's easy to control both vertically and horizontally, helping you get more kills.

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For our third attachment, we're going to the underbelly and adding on the shark fin 90. This is going to help target idle stability at Ammunition type is going to be the high velocity rounds, which is a very useful attachment because your bullets can travel even faster now to our targets, and therefore, for our final attachment, we're going to the rear grip and adding on the Phantom grip for that Sprint to fire speed and aim down size speed to be more aggressive.

Best m4 tunes

Best m4 tunes

Now we're going to tune our attachments, and we're going to the rear grip, and we're going to be maxing out the Sprint to fire speed, and we're not going to change anything on the recoil steadiness or the aimed out size speed. Now, for the ammunition type, we're going to tune this, and we're going to max out almost on the bull velocity at 7.55.

This is the sweet spot, so our bullets are traveling even faster than our targets. For the shark fin 90, we're going to tune this and max out the aimwalky movement speed, so when aiming down sights and walking, we're moving faster, and the aim down side speed is going to be faster as well to be more aggressive up close now.

For the muzzle, we're going to max out the gun kick control and the RICO stability realization at points 80 and 0.35. That's going to make our weapon easy to control, and once you find our weapon, it's going to have you having full control of your weapon; you're not going to be missing any of your shots, and then for our final attachment, we're going to be maxing out the recoil steadiness on the high tower barrel for that recoil steadiness, so when firing our weapon for a longer period of time, it's going to be super steady and you'll hit all your shots.

But, here is the M4 build once again, guys.

M4 gameplay

M4 gameplay

Let's see what we can do with the M4 on shipment I. I will, I'm going to I'm going to say this right now: I'll probably be playing a lot of shipping in my articles. I'm really liking this map. It's a little different just because, you know, you're not able to go to, like, a second story or anything like that.

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It is actually kind of cool that you know it's a different playstyle from different shipments; throw that over there. This M4 is super accurate, which I do like a lot. You know, with this class, you can be really aggressive with it, but it's also really steady with the tuning we have on. All right, we're super close to the deadline.

I mean, not really, but we're getting there. The airspace is too crowded. I just want to throw my mind out, and I don't think he's in here anymore. Hopefully no one's in here okay, but they're not all right. Is everybody here? That's embarrassing i did not think that was a teammate all right. Let's call this the other veto for as long as we can farm beetles.

best m4 class

I think we're going to get a pretty high kill game right here, and that's 762. I'm not; I'm so used to calling it 762, and the 300 is so nasty that I need to make another article on it, though you guys loved it. Push over here, and I knew someone was going to be right there. I must be blind. We're at 95 kilos right now, and we still have like a minute left.

This is actually really good, but I need to get some streaks. I need some more actual streaks here, like, "Let me just join that over there."

the M4 CLASS in MW2 AFTER UPDATE! Best M4 Class Setup - Modern Warfare 2. In today's video i will be covering the Best m4 Class Setup Best m4 setup m4 Best Class Setup Best tuning for the m4 Here in Modern Warfare 2 Season 1! This m4 Class has NO RECOIL and has INSANE DAMAGE.
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