News - Warzone 2 M4 Flanking Stealth Loadout - Warzone 2 Class Setups

I mean, you will, but this is kind of fun. Okay, just play along a little bit now when it comes to my handgun of choice. I have the X12 here; sorry for the tactical Glock look, I really like this. I have a lightning fire trigger on the Cronin Lima 6 or Lima 6, rear grip, which allows you to do the pistol fast draw, which looks amazing, and then you have the Slimline Pro optic when it comes to the laser and muzzle; it's sort of up to you if you want to aim down sight faster or hip fire better again; that's totally up to you.

cod mwii

I really like this sidearm, because it just looks cool to, you know, have a gun where you're toggling between a high and low zoom and then dropping the gun to your chest and then drawing your pistol really quickly with the Quick Draw grip and then It's just really cool, so I definitely recommend you have a lot of fun with that because, again, part of this class is just to look and be a little tactical.

Yeah, just bear with me because it gets a little weirder here. I have a heartbeat sensor and a throwing knife in this class, and I think a lot of you are going to be like, Hey, that's dumb; hear me out on the heartbeat sensor. You're not using it. I know none of you are using it. It's not really even being used against you.

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I'm pretty sure the only thing that counters it is "ghost," so up until people start unlocking their ghost perk, it's actually really good for opening rushes because you can run up to a building, hold up your heartbeat sensor, and then you can know if there are one, two, or three people ahead of you.

That's all you really need to know, because knowing how many people are ahead of you and that you can put it away makes it not that useful. No, it's fun to use occasionally and actually gets some kills because of that, and I recommend you give it a try because don't be such a stick in the mud or we're watching you.

create a class

Clicked on a article where I'm telling you how to make a class, don't get shit with me anyway, then we have a throwing knife, so the throwing knife is great because the throwing knife gives you the option to panic knife, so then we have all of our ranges covered here we have the hip fire ranges, the Red Dot ranges, the scoped ranges, and then they are literally sprinting right into your face and which can happen a lot when you're flanking when you're flanking enemies aren't prepared for you; they're not ready for you.

then you know you don't want to have to try to win a gunfight every time, so in those I'm bumping into you gunfights, turn them into knife fights and you'll win them, so remember the throwing knife allows you to of course silently kill people and then it also has the ability to panic knife, okay, so then our perk package.

m4 class setup mw2

Okay i know a lot of you are not going to be happy with the lack of fast hands or quick fixes, but I think you get I think you're going to get this scavenger, which gives us more knives, so if we do want to actually use our throwing knives, we can replenish our knives faster and more often. Tracker is going to keep us just that one bit more undetectable, and I think tracker is essential for flanking because you don't know where an enemy has been once you have flanked to their side of the map.

With Tracker, which is good, you'll see their little footprints going behind a corner, and you'll go, Hey, you know there's an enemy, and it's going to help you seek out enemies while you're flanking, and then also, you know. Scavenger is going to keep you in the fight and keep giving you ammo as you're running around and trying to win these gunfights and going on streaks.

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Scavenger is going to be good, so we're also trying to stay as invisible as possible. and we're also trying to stay stocked on ammo as you're trying to get the Intel, so the tracker and the heartbeat sensor are for the Intel, and the Is really good for staying in the fight. We have our Quick Draw pistol.

m4 loadout

We have our laser sight hybrid sight M4. You know, we are basically covered on every range here. There's nothing that's going to happen to you that you're not ready for with this build, then, then cold-blooded and ghost, cold-blooded. I wanted to. I just wanted to swap out for spotter so bad because it's a more unique choice, and I thought, hey, it'd be really cool to not have to worry about Claymore as well flanking, but the thing is, people call in V tolls a lot, and you don't want that veto taking you off.

Your flanking cold blood is going to hide you from that; it's going to hide you from stuff like sentry guns and spotter scopes and recon drones and tactical cameras, and also, almost as importantly, there's no point in flanking enemies if they have high alert. We're trying to be invisible, so we don't want to trigger that so cold-blooded and then ghost; I don't have to get into ghost, and you don't want to be on people's UAVs, portable radars, and heartbeat sensors.

m4 loadout mw2

You're essentially invisible, To. Overall, this build is pretty fun, right? Well, now we have a field upgrade. The field upgrade is a little bit up in the air, but I would recommend using Dead Silence and Tactical Version. The reason I say Dead Silence attack insert is because, obviously, you guys know how that works.

You want your footsteps to be silent, and that's great. But keep in mind that melee kills, gun kills, and throwing knife kills will increase the duration, so you're really covered on that front because you're going to be able to get melee kills and throwing knife kills. Then you have attack insertion.

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An attack insert is when, once you've completed your flank and gotten some kills, you want to stay over there. You want to continue to be a thorn in their side. Once you get on their flank and get into a nice, hidden position, you put down an attack insert so that even if they kill you, which they are likely to do, let's be honest, you're flanking in Call of Duty, especially where the stealth builds are this shite.

m4 modern warfare 2

You know, it's really hard to just be completely invisible. So they're going to kill you eventually. So you want to put it down. I've gotten some kill streaks with this class, but you're going to die more often than not if you're pushing a spawn, so attack insert is really not a bad idea. Now the gimmick of this class that I thought was going to be better, and the reason I haven't mentioned it till now, is that I don't care if you've clicked away already; if you've clicked away already, you've probably done yourself a little bit of a favor.

I had this idea of using armor-piercing rounds on the M4 to shoot down uavs, and while the armor-piercing rounds are really great at shooting down cuavs, shooting down uavs with this particular M4 build just sucked it just it just sucked all, seven ways from Sunday, and I really feel bad about it. I wanted that to be like the leading gimmick, like, Hey.

m4 mw2

I know that you still show up on the minimap if they have a UAV even if you're suppressed, and that sucks, and so I was going to say fix that by running armor-piercing around and shooting down the Doesn't work unfortunately like honestly like the larger mag the armor piercing around shooting down uavs This would have been an amazing class in Modern Warfare 2019, but here it's more of a unique and refreshing class to try out for novelty's sake and if you're clicking on articles like this.

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