News - Warzone 2: Huge Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update. Full Meta Explained

modern warfare iii

In a competitive sense it's really not being used in any legitimate way it's more of a gimmick and a niche weapon so no changes there obviously, now the Tempest torrent got a leg and foot multiplier buff so those lower body shots be a bit better but if you want this thing to be good you need to be hitting the upper body so that's not a super significant change there the LMS also got a Mobility buff so again a little bit snappier, but skill Gap rate of fire factored in not going to be as good as some other semi-auto choices now the cat in multiplayer is a slow and heavy sniper so not nearly as you know viable as it is over in war zone and they nerfed the velocity on The Meta build for it for like long range sniping so it's going to be staying in average as a sniper.

I'd much rather be quick-spotting with something like, you know, a longbow, which, quite frankly, I could probably bump up into competitive. Some of the other options, like the stalker and so on, are definitely my choices for snipers instead of inhibitors. As a competitive sniper. I did actually see a Nerf to its damage and range, which is still better than several other semi-auto Marksman-style guns in the game, so I'm going to keep that in competitive mode for now, but one to keep an eye on for sure.

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This, admittedly, is kind of a weird one. The Vicus got a lower torso multiplier, buff if you're sniping and hitting lower torso. It's probably not going well for you to begin with, so that's kind of an irrelevant change. I do like this change, although I still don't really like the weapon that Carrick ended up getting.

modern warfare iii meta

Increase, so it's faster to reenter when you're spamming it; it makes it easier to spam, but it's still an awkward and heavy sniper, not really my jam for multiplayer. When you have more aggressive options that are just better outright towards the end here I promise we have a couple of different pistol updates here initially, the tier ended up seeing some updates where is my tier it's in Niche because it's obviously being used as like a Kimbo snake shots or now as like a marksman style gun with the aftermarket part but it got a near medium damage buff a mid-range Nerf a multiplyer Nerf to various parts of the body and the trigger delay kind of ruins it is I don't know if it's intentional across the board but the various trigger delays, make it super awkward to use but it's not going anywhere out of Niche to begin with so it's staying there it is going to feel very different though after this update and then lastly the 9mm.


Damon from MW2 got a buff to its medium and Max damage so close to mid-range will be better got a Nerf to those ranges, though so kind of just balances it out there and it's still a pistol at the end of the day, but overall. I mean the multiplayer meta, while we saw so many different changes, is still dominated.

By rifles, they are by far the best guns for multiplayer just because they're so versatile. You can build them to be fast and snappy, as the SMG hybrid mid-range and long-range are self-explanatory. There are some good SMGs, though some decent ones, like Marksman and whatnot. You have a lot of variety, obviously in multiplayer, where the meta is a lot more wide open than in War Zone, but that is going to wrap things up for this one.

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The current meta plays out in season 1, reloaded. If you're new to the channel, you want to guarantee that every single day you're up to date with all things going on. Peace,

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