News - Warzone 2: How To Do Much Better 22 Simple Tips

Another thing, in terms of communication, is to have proximity chat on. You'll hear an absurd amount, meaning that players will be within a certain radius of you. That's how you end up hearing them, so you'll be aware of where players could be coming from if you're talking over, say. Discord or something like that, or if you have a party chat going in which you can hear both of those.

Be ready for a fight. always in warzone 2

Of course, that means that they won't be able to hear you, but you'll be able to hear them and know that you have an engagement coming, so you can end up getting your weapon up and getting ready for that gun fight that may be inbound and talking about that, having your gun up and ready if you can't see around a corner, having it in the back of your mind that maybe there's a player there, better safe than sorry, and being ready for that.

warzone 2 best tips

If you're running through like a field or something and no one's in front of you obviously, you're good to sprint across to end up getting some cover, but if you're going through a series of buildings, like in the more densely packed areas like Al Mazar or City Hydroelectrics. Main Street, and other locations, with multiple buildings in a small area with multiple levels to them, you should expect a gunfight even if there may not be one again. Better safe than sorry to be ready for that gunfight and take engagements than to be going down and going to the gulag.

Rotations & flanks keep the game going in warzone 2

Rotations & flanks keep the game going in warzone 2

Now beyond that positioning, kind of part two, we're not talking about power positions here or there but instead rotations and flanks. One thing that I would absolutely recommend against is going straight to the center of a zone, especially if it's something that's smaller, because then you have 360 degrees around you and you have to worry about gunfights.

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I'm coming in from one thing that I love to do—not camping zones or anything like that, but swinging rotations to clear out the edges of zones because so many people will do it. End up moving in with that gas; they won't go to the center of the zone but instead they'll just hang back on that furthest point possible.

When you do that, of course, you have the cover of the gas behind you because the gas actually this year is pretty lethal; you can't stand there too long, and so therefore, you cut down the angles of attack that somebody could take on you by about half, making only about 180 degrees in front of you that you have to worry about.

warzone 2 how to do better

then you can end up picking up kills by people that are maybe not necessarily super confident in their shot—that's why they're not taking gun fights—but you do that and also take advantage of cutting down the attack from an opponent. Now, that's also something that can apply even if you're not swinging on the outside.

If you end up going into a densely populated area, you know somebody's in a second story of something, and one of your teammates could draw fire. But then you could end up sneaking around, getting up on top of that roof, and dropping in from above them to take them out so it really all comes down to situational.

Know when to engage vs when to disengage in warzone 2

Know when to engage vs when to disengage in warzone 2

As this entire section is dubbed, "awareness," making the best of what situation you have here with this, and finally, the last tip here that is a very, very important one that will keep you alive or take you out is knowing when to engage first and then disengage. I, myself, have done it plenty of times when I felt overconfident.

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Are you confident that you can end up securing a down or killing maybe two before you end up having to call back? return Fire will come back at you if you don't take that just yet. Wait for some support from your team, wait for them to pass a little bit, and then take them off one by one. If they're a little bit spread out, there are various ways to take it, but just know the engagements you're going into. If you can handle them out if you can handle them that's a big confidence thing that's subjective, so really I can't give you anything more than that, but that one I think is a very important one to leave on.

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So those are the tips here on how to do better within War Zone 2, and hopefully these can help you out.

War Zone 2, and anything Cod related. We've got so much upcoming here that you won't want to miss it, so I'd love to have you in the community for now.

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