News - Warzone 2: Broken" Damage & Hit-reg Explained. Does Skill Based Damage Exist

Now, just based off of seeing these numbers without a full-on chart or anything obviously, you can see that the velocities of the Warzone 1 guns are a lot higher, especially when you build them out. Just the base guns were better, but even with attachments, they are drastically better than the Warzone 2 options. Let's try to get 2,000 likes on this one.

Average velocity stats between warzone 2 and warzone 1

Average velocity stats between warzone 2 and warzone 1

So I've actually gone through and just noted down all these velocities, right? So we have our two war zone guns over here with the 762 RPK. Tac 56, and Rao, and the average velocity of these four is obviously just adding them all up and dividing by four, which is basic math for you.

It's impressive for me because I hate math, but the average velocity here is 1247. If we were to look at the war zone 1 guns through automaton xm4 grow STG, we've got our four inputs there, and the average velocity of these is 1500, so we're seeing a difference of over 250 velocities on the old war zone 1 guns.

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Also bear in mind that these guns in particular are a whole lot easier to use than the cast-off, which actually has recoil. The RPK actually has a recoil attack, which is pretty easy. Rel actually has recoil, but with these guns, the STG Growl and the XM4 Automaton, there's no recoil laser beam like in The War Zone, where recoil is a joke for all guns.


Just shoot straight. They're not hard to stay on target, but these have a lot more deviation from their starting point and a lot more bounce, so there are two main factors here. First, the difference in velocity is small in the total numbers, like 250 is obviously small in comparison to 1400, 1500, and 1600, but that's still significant enough that these guns are not going to feel as reliable over range as they did in War Zone 1.

Also, because there is a difference in recoil, these bounce a lot more, so you are going to have those stray shots where you might be aiming at their chest or looking at their chest, but when you're shooting between the lesson velocity and the bounce, you could be hitting a limb on the arm or a lower torso, and where you think you might be hitting a neck shot that has a great multiplier or an upper torso shot that has a great multiplier.

warzone 2

So that's going to explain why a lot of fights, especially at mid- and long-range, feel very inconsistent; now, close range is a different beast because the ttk is just so fast in War Zone 2 that if you hit one headshot in the gunfight, that multiplier is going to be enough to put you over the top or an enemy over the top, even if it's like a view kick headshot and you feel like you shot first, and then we all gotta factor in War Zone.

And MW2 right now has terrible servers, the connection is awful, you're constantly getting the flip book, and, you know. PowerPoint presentations skippy, Lobbies The server latencies are not great. The packet loss is not great, so there are a lot of factors going into why gunfights and damage feel so consistent.

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I think a lot of it is to blame on control and what's going on with the lower velocities this year, so hopefully that helps explain things. That being said, that is going to wrap things up for today.

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