News - Use These Tips To Instantly Improve Warzone 3

If you're more of an aggressive player, I recommend Mountaineer, double-time resupply, and high alert. If you're more of a support player, I recommend EOD, double-time resupply, and high alert; if you're more of a passive player, I recommend spotter EOD resupply and high alert. I won't spend too much time on this category, as it's really up to you, but I will say that this resupply is subjectively the best perk in the game.

how to get better

Being able to recharge a lethal and tactical weapon every 50 seconds consistently will keep you in the fight and ready for anything that may come your way. I really do recommend running this perk. The amount of gunfights I've won because I had a recharg lethal is insane. Moving on, let's go ahead and load up for a match.

I think you're ready.



Land in Start looting up, but wait, what are you doing with your crosshairs? Your crosshair is that little plus-looking shape in the middle of your screen. That is, give or take the exact spots that bullets will be flying out of once your gun is up and you're firing your gun. Remember that no one is going to come out of the ground and attack you, so make sure to keep your crosshairs centered on where enemies could be or could come from.

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If you know someone is close, why not preim around Center Mass so that you're ready to take the gunfight before it even starts? There's no reason to put yourself at a disadvantage while running around; in order to be consistent in the war zone, you need to play Consistent centering is one of those things that is often disregarded as a super important skill in this game.

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As I see time and time again, good centering can lead to a significant increase in gunfight wins and will differentiate a below-average player in an intermediate-level play. Next time you hear an audio, be ready with your crosser up and your guns out. Moving on, let's touch.

Slide cancel properly

briefly uneffective movement Modern Warfare 3 introduced a very dynamic movement system to the war zone.

Like Modern Warfare 2, one movement characteristic in particular made its way back from the early war zone days, and that is slide canceling. Slide canceling isn't a must, but when necessary, it will definitely make it harder for your opponent to hit you. It's a super simple setup. Sprint, then slide, then sand up.

The button combination will be run. Crouch and jump to sign on the mouse and keyboard. I clicked shift, then C, then Space. To add to that, there is such a thing as a slide canceling too much. I see a lot of more casual players sliding either too fast or too slowly, which gives very little benefit to your movement and is a super easy fix.


This is what the perfect slide cancel looks like. Make sure to line your timing up similar to this, and it will advance your movement to The Next Step also makes sure to practice this in actual games. Side canceling in the firing range is glitched sometimes, and we'll accurately show you what it looks like in the game. Lastly, now that you have everything down, let's quickly touch on zip lines.



These are all over the map and are very useful. Balloons are also considered zip lines and function exactly the same as the ones that are inside and outside of buildings. There is a very common mistake that I notice, but even up to the intermediate level in the war zone, when you walk up and want to take a zip line up, there is a getting-on animation that almost takes a full second to begin your To avoid this, simply jump and then take the zip line, which will instantly start the going-up process.

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This will eventually save you a ton of time and make you a harder target when getting on or off the zip lines. There's a lot more that you could do with zip lines, but for the sake of this article, we'll keep it to the information that you absolutely need.


I apologize for the inconsistent uploads as of late.

warzone 3

I have really been grinding through streaming, as I'm just in love with the game. Currently, my main goal over the next few months is to change my schedule so that I'm streaming Monday through Friday and working on YouTube on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully, this is the best of both worlds, and we're ensuring you guys get the content that you deserve.

As always, enjoy the rest of your day, and much love to the

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