News - Top 7 Most Op Weapons To Use Season 3 Warzone 2 Zombies

mw zombies tips and tricks

But it might not be able to take down the hold of zombies so much, so you need to sort of balance that out. Are you going to try the MCW because it might do a little bit more damage against the boss zombies? But again, just like the bp50, it's a little bit more damage against the boss zombies, but again, just like the bp50, it's a very, very good gun to use; it's a very well-rounded gun to use, and again, it's just going to make those Tier 3 and Dark Eternal Zones so easy to grind out because it is just one of those guns that is so powerful and very easy to use, and I think you guys are really going to enjoy it if you do go ahead and try it out.

Next up, we're going to be talking about the Brewin, but not just the Brewin in particular; we're talking about the Brewin with the conversion kit again. You can see the class up on screen, so you can see the conversion kit that I'm using and the rest of the class, and this Brewin is my go-to gun at the moment.

This is what I use for just grinding Tier 3 and dark AA zones, especially if I'm off camera, and I'm just trying to get some loot together to be able to record some more articles. This is exactly what I go for and use. I just think it is so fun. I think it's so powerful. Like, this thing just melts through absolutely everything that's put in its way, whether that's a normal zombie or an armored zombie, like Mangler disciples or Mega Abominations.

mw zombies top weapons

It does not matter what you're putting in front of this brewing with the aftermarket part equipped, it is going to absolutely melt through everything in this game it is so fun to use one of my favorite guns like I said it's what I use just to grind off camera when I need some legendary EA tools if I'm going into the game and I try and get some loot.

That is what I just use off camera because it is my go-to gun at the moment. It is a very, very fun gun to use, and just because that's my go-to gun doesn't mean guns aren't good. I do still use them from time to time, but at the moment, the Bruin is just the one that I've got set up ready to go, and I just feel super confident with it.

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I just feel comfortable. I feel I'm going to be able to get through absolutely anything that is thrown in my way with this beer. It is honestly one of the best guns that you guys could use right now, so I definitely recommend you go and try it out, and then finally, guys, we're actually talking about a Modern Warfare 2 gun, which is going to be the Lockwood 300.

mw3 zombies

The double-barrel shotgun, and the double-barrel shotgun isn't that great unless you put mags of holding on it, because if you put mags of holding on it, my goodness, you are going to melt through quite literally everything with this lock with 300. With the mags of holding acquisition on Tier 3 pack-punch legendary, nothing stands a at all nothing stands a chance against this gun if you've got mags of holding on it.

Of course, the problem with this gun before was that you had a maximum of four shots after Pack-a-Punch, and you do get two extra shots. I believe once you pack and punch the gun, but even then, four bullets really isn't a lot in a gun, and you're going to have to reload all the time. The reload speed isn't crazy fast, even with speed cola, but if you put mags of holding on to this, it gives you unlimited ammo and unlimited shots, and you can just see from the gameplay you're probably seeing right now that this thing is going to melt through zombies; it is going to melt through bosses.

mw3 zombies gameplay

Mega Abominations Tier 3 Zone, Dark AA Zone: It does not matter what you're doing with this lock with 300; you are going to literally melt through, absolutely. Everything is an insane gun, so I definitely recommend you guys go try it out if you haven't already. But those are my top seven guns to be using in Modern Warfare 3 zombies as of right now, like I said at the start of the article.

Like I said, if there is one that is good enough, I will make a article of it and give you some credit at the start of the article as well. Turn on you miss any more times that I do upload on the channel. And that is going to support me absolutely insanely. But I appreciate you guys watching all the way to the end.

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I hope you have an amazing rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next one in a bit.

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