News - Top 5 Ranked Resurgence Loadouts Warzone 3. Mtz, Hrm9, More

hrm9 ranked

Precision Blackthorn, Barrel Mouthful. The reason we're using this is because it's going to significantly improve our bullet velocity, allowing us to basically point and shoot without having to worry about leading shots or anything like that, and it's going to help a lot with our damage range dropoff, allowing us to hit as hard as possible from far away.

Look at the bonuses here. The only thing that you really lose with this is ADS movement speed and a little bit of sprint-to-fire speed, both of which you probably will never notice anyway. The main con you get by adding this attachment is that it allows us to get these crazy damage range and bullet velocity bonuses, hip-fire accuracy, and tax-sand spread, both of which anybody with a brain will literally never use, especially in a rank setting, and then for our fifth attachment, we're going to be using a muzzle again.

mtz 762

I don't recommend using the Jack BFB. So kind of similar to the Ram, we're actually going to be switching over to the Cassis breake muzzle. This doesn't slow down our ad speed by that much, and we're going to remove all of our horizontal recoil with this gun by using this one attachment. Now. I don't play keyboard and mouse, so bear with me here for a little bit, but as you can see, the gun has a very fast ad speed, has very low recoil, and it's incredibly easy to use; it hits like an absolute truck.

I think the MTZ 762 is the best primary to use right now, and I think everybody should be using it. I will touch on some of the variants really quickly. I don't want to waste too much of you guys' time beating this gun to death, but the iron sight is probably the most common variant of this class set.

mtz 762 class

You'll see some people opt to use an underbarrel. I've seen some people use the brew and the heavy, and I've seen some people use the cura. That's kind of the variant with the under barrel and then there's also a variant some people like to use with the rear grip the reason people use the rear grip is because this doesn't slow down your ads speed at all whereas the under barrels do slow down your ads speed so while you may not get as much recoil, by using a rear grip you're also going to have a much faster aiming and gun I think the iron sights are very hard to use doesn't have the worst iron sight in the world but in some of those longer range gunfights it does make the gun very hard to use I will say though very important thing I don't know what it is about guns in this game but when you use iron sights it does feel like you get more a.

So that's just something for my controller players, on keyboard and mouse. I don't know what to tell you, which sounds really stupid, but it's 100% a thing. That's pretty much everything you need to know at the MTZ. I'm going to talk about one more gun, the Pulam Yach. Now some of you guys might be saying to yourself, KP.

Pulemyot 762 loadout

Pulemyot 762 loadout

Why the pulam yach it's slow , this gun is still very usable and like I said with the ram 7 it's like a kilo now it has that fast fire rate and it's just really easy to use and so people will always like it in that exact same fashion the Pula, is still very good it's the only way that you're going to have that sort of a feel on a gun while being able to use 100 rounds the class setup is pretty much the same as it's always been we're going to be using the conversion kit the Jack Annihilator, we're going to be using the Commando reduction stock for the extra recoil control we're going to be using the Coro eagley sight Jack Annihilator long barrel the only Barrel we can actually use on this for the extra blow velocity and range and then for the muzzo we're not going to using the Jack BB.

mtz 762 mw3

Absolutely, tanks the bull velocity now we're going to be using the spe fire suppressor this gun is very low recoil very easy to use it's basically the same class as 2 months ago some people are still liking it some of the lower ranks but you will lose gun to that MTZ. I figured it was just an honorable mention because I know that a lot of people still really love using this gun.

That's literally everything you guys need to know about ranked resistance. Hopefully, these classes helped you guys out. I put a lot of time and effort into these articles, and I think we're on like an 80s-something-day upload streak now on YouTube, which is crazy. If you guys want to stay up-to-date and not miss anything, please hit that sub.

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