News - Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns Warzone 2. Best Class Setup" Warzone 2 Gameplay

best mcw ranked class

Suppressed barrel, this is going to give you sprint to fire SP; it's going to give you ads and aim walking movement speed, or aim walking speed. I should say, and this is really nice because you're actually undetectable by the radar as well, and you just lose a little bit of bullet velocity. And range but everything else goes up I recommend throwing this on we're not using the SVA for long distance right now it which by the way it is a really good gun for long distance too but this class is a close-range, class and then after that we're going to go to the under Barrel now I would always recommend running the dr6 hand stop because you get ads speed you get Sprint to fire speed but we already put on such a smaller Barrel that it's kind of hard to control The Recoil a little bit so instead what we're going to do for this one right here is we're going to go ahead, and throw on the bruan sink shot grip not the Bruin sink shot grip it looks like it looks like it the brewing and heavy support grip I read that I was like no that's not it this one gives you gun kick control aiming idle sway.

best ranked play class

Horizontal recoil and firing aim stability, so definitely throw that on these two kinds of pairs together nicely, and you get such nice recoil control with this one right here. It doesn't look like it because you see where the vertical goes; it's worse by four, but it's just nice. Trust me, it's nice to run after that, and we're going to go to the optic.

And for the optics, you can run whatever you want. I like the slate reflector on the SBA, to be quite honest with you guys, and I'm going to run that for this case. And then for the rear grip, we're actually not going to run any okay, so you can run the N if you want; this is an optional attachment.


I'm not going to run it though, all right. I'm going to go to the stock, and what I'm going to throw on is the main V6 for recoil control and gun kit control. This is kind of needed because this is a close-range class. The recoil control is kind of hard to control, so we're going to throw that on, and like I said, for the rear grip, you could go ahead and throw it on here, but instead we're going to go to the magazine and throw on the 45-round mags.

class setup

Okay, I prefer having more ammo. Like I said, this is a close-range class. You guys are going to go into the firing range, and you're going to see it. It's not really built for that distance right there, so having more ammo in the close-range gunfights Where you're going to encounter a lot more people, is a lot better in my opinion then having just a little bit more ads the ads is fast look at the Sprint to fire as well the Sprint to fire is pretty quick as well everything's nice but when you get to this distance here, it's a little easy to hit I made it look a little easy to hit at least but it does bounce up a lot okay so that's why I use it for mid-range and that's why I use this class for close range if you want to use this class for long range as well then what I would recommend is instead of this Barrel, you might want to go ahead and I think it's this one right no it's not it's not this one right here yeah it is this one right here the Precision Barrel this is going to give you that bullet velocity and range and all that gun kick and recoil control that you need but like I said I like this class to be for close range so that's what we did right there let's move on to class number four now here's a class if you guys want one for long range okay we got the bp50.

Right here, this class is actually insane for every range. This is probably one of the most unfair class classes in the game, and it's one of those classes where I recommend running a lot. So we're going to run the VT7 Spirit Fire. There's a little bit of pattern going on here. You can even run the Broadhead on this one.


It's actually not that bad. I like the BT7. Spirit Fire i don't know what it is. I just like it all right. There aren't too many cons, and it's actually really nice. You get a lot of recoil control, range, and all that stuff. Then we're going to go to the under barrel, and we're going to throw on the exact same under barrel that we just had on the SBA, and that's the brew and heavy support grip, because they're kind of going to be needed on this gun to make it an absolute laser.

You guys are going to see that this gun's going to have absolutely no recoil. However, when we actually go and shoot people, then we're going to go to the barrel and we're going to throw on the lore 9 heavy, and this is going to give us bullet velocity, range gun kick control, and recoil control as well.

cod mw3

Look at that right there; that's insane. You're not losing any ads with this, so you might as well go ahead and throw it in the magazine, which is going to be the 45. There it is right there the first one because yeah you don't want to run out of bullets again I wish there was 60 I'd probably throw it on cuz we already made this class pretty heavy anyways so I would probably throw on 60 to begin with and then for the final attachment we're going to go to the comb and we're going to throw on the Reliant I, which I think one of you guys told me is nine so the Reliant N9 comb and this gives you more ammo in the reserve which is great so you don't have to throw down the munition boxes and stuff but you also get Sprint of fire and ads, which is somewhat needed on this class right you're not getting a lot of ads you're getting two but you're getting 13 Sprint of fire which I would recommend cuz it's pretty needed now if you look at this gun.

cod mw3 best class

It has absolutely no recoil. I jump-shot it; I didn't mean to, but it has absolutely no recoil. Whatever, I'm going to wait for that to come back up. I'm going to shoot this gun, and you guys are going to see like it is so easy to hit every single shot at every single range probably one of the easiest guns in the game for all those ranges now I made a class that has even less recoil control in this but I forgot I forgot when I think it was like a month ago if you guys want to go look at a bp50, class from a month or two ago you guys will see a class has even more recoil control but this one right here I like it cuz you also get some sort of ads.

And a sprint of fire along with it. Let's move on to the last weapon, guys. This is probably one of my favorite weapons in the game, and this is the Hogar 556. I didn't use this gun for probably the longest time; I didn't use it for a long time, and then I recently started using it, and it is really damn nice, so we're going to use the BT7 Spirit Fire once again because it is nice, and I just like it, man.


I don't know what to say about it. Now we're going to skip the underbarrel for a moment, and we're going to go to the ammunition, and we're going to throw on the 5.56. I think I'm saying that right for recoil control and gun kick control as well (91414), which is really nice, and if I go into the fire range with this gun, you guys are going to see just how nice it actually is, so right here you're going to have a little more recoil than what you guys are used to with other guns and stuff, but that's because the hold G just bounces a lot more; it's a lot of visual recoil as well, so I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Anyway, those's the top five guns. If you guys could drop a like on this article sub to CH with this notification turned on, I'll catch you guys in the next

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