News - How Youtubers Always Have Easy Lobbies. Warzone 2 No Sbmm


So you pop open the game, you start playing, and you get completely decimated. Well, guys, I can tell you there's something they're using that you're not, and that's why they're popping off. Easy, skill-based matchmaking every single year just gets worse and worse and worse, and if I'm being completely honest with you guys, last year during MW2.

I solo queued most of the time, like every single day, day in and day out. I had to solo queue because none of my friends wanted to join up on those lobbies. Those lobbies were just crazy; they were annoying for them, and it just wasn't fun overall. Every game felt like a sweatfest, and it was just crazy.

Recently, I was playing the game, and every single match, I got hit with a bad connection. At the beginning of the game, all you would see was a packet burst on the top corner, and I would lag and freeze and freeze every single frame. Every single frame, I would freeze for like 10 frames, and then I would play for like 2 seconds, and it would freeze again.

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I'm tired of playing on this horrible connection; these servers are pretty bad and stuff, and there's just no way to beat it, so I tried it out, and I was in shock. Not only does it beat skill-based matchmaking, but it actually makes the games fun. Yes, some games are going to be against bots and stuff like that, but most of the time it's actually fun.

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The lobbies are more competitive. While being less. Unbalanced, so you would play a game without a VPN and you would be on a team and you would get 70 kills and all your teammates would have 20 kills each and then you would lose and it just wouldn't be fun because the enemy team has like 100 kills 80 kills third place might have 70 kills they're as good as you but your team is just full of bots, this way when I played with this and when my friends played and stuff we all did great the enemies actually all did great as well and it was just fun overall we got games that were pretty close and I'll show you guys some scoreboards here in a second just so you can see what I'm talking about now you guys already know me all right I'm the type of player, last year during Modern Warfare 2 and ranked came out I only played ranked for 2 weeks but I got all the way to Diamond one solo queuing I didn't go to iridescent or Crimson or anything like that I could have I was like I think two wins away from hitting crimson and stuff like that but I just I got bored of playing ranked so I stopped I'm a naturally.

Above average player when it comes to this game, so for me, using this type of service isn't because I actually want to play better or get better game plays; I could get those on my own; I don't have to go ahead and use this service for me; I'm using it because, well, once my friends get to play with me again, it's actually good; it's easier for them; it's easier for everyone; we're not winning every single game; it's not like we're dominating every single lobby; it's just overall.

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Only got two kills that one, but you could see the imbalance in the teams: the other team has 11, second place has 10, us were 7 four, two two, another four, it's really imbalanced all right, so it's horrible, join the late some could say whatever. It is what it is—this game, right here. Again, I got only two kills.

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This is the meat we played, and we joined again the last few rounds. It's not good at all, but you can see the imbalance. The top player on our team had three; he was there all game. I think he had, like, I don't know, seven deaths, six deaths, or something. He was there the whole game—only three kills.

The enemies were 8 7 5 4 3. Literally everyone on the enemy team has more kills than anybody on our team even their worst player did as good as our best player so we're just getting the worst team teams alive we're spawning in we're getting horrible teams, all that kind of stuff there's this one right here this one right here kind of frustrated me we were in the game the whole entire game I didn't join in late I only got five kills granted I was sniping I'm not the world's best sniper or anything, but you could just see the imbalance the other team has a guy who W 16 kills our top guy went seven their second guy went 11 our top our second went five so it's really imbalanced and then we got another one here another loss.

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I had six kills; I had the most kills on our team, and I was tied with their second-place player because our first-place player had eight already, so you can just see that it's super imbalanced. I'm getting teammates that are just not good and just really imbalanced and stuff, and then we went ahead.

And we went on to, well, we got off Search and Destroy. We went on to an actual game of respawn. We're playing Kill confirmed here on Meet. I got 15 kills, and my buddy got 19. The top guy on our team got 10, but he must have gotten a lot of confirmations or something because he's at the top of the team; their team was 23, 19, 17, 15, a little more balanced than usual but still unbalanced and stuff, and then we turned on the VPN just to kind of try it out just to kind of give it a test, and we did win.

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That doesn't matter; we finally have a win. I guess that does matter a little bit, but the teams are just a lot more balanced; it's not just a bunch of noobs playing and stuff; it's really balanced; it's really fun, so I have 79 kills, my buddy who came in second has 66, our top player has 81; that's a lot of kills there, but then you look at the other team and there are 86 kills, and that top player had more kills than anybody on our team.

5348, it's just very balanced; it's a lot more fun, and the game, in all honesty, was very close. It was 15 minutes long, and we were all jumping on points and stuff. It ended 250 to 247, a tight game we were about to lose. At the end, it was just such a fun match to play, and it felt like you were playing back in the olden days of Cod, like Black Ops 2 and stuff like that.

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It was just so much more fun. We went ahead and joined another game, and as you guys can see on this one right here, we joined in late, and I got 12 kills. Not the best, all right, definitely not the best. 12 kills isn't nothing to brag about. I joined in late, so I'm kind of happy about it, but the teams are just balanced again.

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